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Created April 6, 2017 22:26
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My linux rsync time machine script
Karl's unix/rsync time-machine script.
Maintains daily and monthly snapshots of a directory tree, hard linked to save
space when files don't change.
Inspired by, but using
more robust coding practices.
* The script fails if it's currently already running
* Each snapshot is created as a temp dir and then renamed only upon success
* Daily and monthly parameters can be easily changed
* Errors will not pass silently
* The entire script is crash safe; just re-run it to retry an error
This script runs SNAP_RSYNC_CMD to incrementally mirror a directory (e.g.
your home directory) to SNAP_DEST_DIR. Ideally, SNAP_DEST_DIR is on a
different drive for durability. Then daily and monthly snapshots are created
in SNAP_DEST_DIR. The maximum we keep are SNAP_MAX_DAILY and
SNAP_MAX_MONTHLY, respectively; all others are automatically deleted.
1) Configure the variables below
2) Run this script without any args (preferably daily via cron as your user id)
import fcntl
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
SNAP_DEST_DIR = "/mnt/raid3tb/karlsnap"
SNAP_DAILY_PREFIX = "snapshot_day_"
SNAP_MONTHLY_PREFIX = "snapshot_month_"
SNAP_TMP = os.path.join(SNAP_DEST_DIR, "snapshot_tmp")
SNAP_MIRROR = os.path.join(SNAP_DEST_DIR, "mirror")
"-rlptgo", # Recursive, symlinks, perms, times, group, owner
"-v", # Verbose
"--exclude", ".thumbnails",
"--exclude", ".cache",
"--exclude", ".gvfs",
"/home/karl/", # Trailing slash *required* to select contents
def _get_snapshots(prefix):
Return list of snapshot dir paths,
sorted as newest first, oldest last.
@prefix: filter only snapshot dirs that start with this string
ret = []
for name in os.listdir(SNAP_DEST_DIR):
if name.startswith(prefix):
path = os.path.join(SNAP_DEST_DIR, name)
return ret
def _print(msg):
Write to stdout and flush it, so our output isn't mixed with subprocesses
sys.stdout.write(msg + "\n")
def _delete_old_snapshots(prefix, nr_keep):
Delete all but @nr_keep newest snapshots,
with their prefix matching @prefix
snapshots = _get_snapshots(prefix)
snapshots_keep = snapshots[0:nr_keep]
snapshots_delete = snapshots[nr_keep:]
for snap in snapshots_keep:
_print("keeping snapshot %s" % snap)
for snap in snapshots_delete:
_print("deleting old snapshot %s" % snap)
def _delete_directory(path):
Blow away a directory.
Don't fail if there are read-only subdirectories.
(Read-only files aren't a problem for rmtree)
# Fix potential permission problems.
DIR_PERMS = 0755
for (a,b,c) in os.walk(path):
os.chmod(a, DIR_PERMS)
The snapshot dir names are ascii-sortable.
Year, month, and day are fixed length fields.
This is crash-safe and easier than trying to
shuffle .1, .2, .3 dirs on every rotation.
def _get_daily_snapshot_name():
#dt = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S", time.localtime())
dt = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime())
return os.path.join(SNAP_DEST_DIR, name)
def _get_monthly_snapshot_name():
dt = time.strftime("%Y-%m", time.localtime())
return os.path.join(SNAP_DEST_DIR, name)
def _update_mirror():
Create or update the SNAP_MIRROR dir using rsync
_print("Updating base archive: %s" % SNAP_MIRROR)
_print("Running %s" % args)
p = subprocess.Popen(args)
rc = p.wait()
if rc != 0:
raise Exception("rsync failed")
def _create_snapshot(snap):
cp -al SNAP_MIRROR to a new snapshot
snap: full path name of snapshot
Do nothing if @snap already exists
Use a tmp dir (SNAP_TMP) and rename it when successful, for failure safety
# Clean up any previous failure
if os.path.exists(SNAP_TMP):
if os.path.exists(snap):
_print("snapshot %s already exists" % snap)
_print("Linking new snapshot: %s" % snap)
args = ["cp", "-al", SNAP_MIRROR, SNAP_TMP]
p = subprocess.Popen(args)
rc = p.wait()
if rc != 0:
raise Exception("cp failed")
# Success: atomically rename it to an official snapshot
os.rename(SNAP_TMP, snap)
def _lock_file_exclusively(path):
Open @path and lock it exlusively.
Return: file object, which you must maintain a reference to
(if it is closed, the lock is released).
Raises: IOError on failure
_print("Locking file %s" % path)
lock_file = open(path)
fcntl.flock(lock_file.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
return lock_file
def main():
# Ensure this script is not running concurrently.
# This is a safety feature if cron is calling it too quickly.
lock_file = _lock_file_exclusively(sys.argv[0])
_delete_old_snapshots(SNAP_DAILY_PREFIX, SNAP_MAX_DAILY)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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