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Last active December 4, 2017 00:01
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  • Save jedypod/c5f4a775478c6bf48c1a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jedypod/c5f4a775478c6bf48c1a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Depth Slice is a simple gizmo to create a near, far, or centered slice with width and falloff controls.
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
push $cut_paste_input
Group {
name DepthSlice
tile_color 0xcc804eff
addUserKnob {20 DepthSlice}
addUserKnob {41 depth t "Choose the depth channel to use for slicing." T CHAN_SEL.Zchan}
addUserKnob {41 channel t "Channel to output depth." -STARTLINE T OUTPUT_LAYER.out}
addUserKnob {26 "" +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {4 method t "choose the type of output: slice, near slice, or far slice." M {slice near far}}
addUserKnob {41 slice_center T CalculateSlice.slice_center}
addUserKnob {41 slice_width T CalculateSlice.slice_width}
addUserKnob {41 feather T CalculateSlice.feather}
addUserKnob {4 interpolation t "Choose the interpolation type for the feather." M {linear smooth0 smooth1 smooth cubic quadratic ""}}
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode1
tile_color 0x4c4c4c01
label "<left><font size=6><b>DepthSlice</b></font>\nblackpoint_OUT = 1/(1-blackpoint)*<INPUT>-1/(1-blackpoint)*blackpoint\nwhitepoint_OUT = 1/whitepoint*<INPUT>)\n\nFirst we get 1/depth near and far for specified center:\nnear = 1/(max((slice_center-a), 0)+1)\nfar = 1/(max((a-slice_center), 0)+1)\n\nThe we calculate a depth slice, and near slice and a far slice with the specified center, slice width, and feather.\n\nCenter is the distance from camera to center the slice. \nSlice width is the width in input units of the slice. \nFeather is what percentage of that width to feather off to the center. 1 = feather from center to center +/- slice_width / 2."
note_font_size 24
note_font_color 0x1e1e1eff
xpos -1491
ypos -880
bdwidth 1226
bdheight 759
ZBlur {
inputs 0
channels rgba
shape 1
xpos -1380
ypos -690
Input {
inputs 0
name Input
xpos -442
ypos -930
AddChannels {
channels rgba
channels2 depth
name AddChannels1
xpos -442
ypos -850
Dot {
name Dot1
label " "
note_font "Helvetica Bold Bold"
note_font_size 24
note_font_color 1
xpos -408
ypos -726
set Naab2a90 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot2
label " "
note_font "Helvetica Bold Bold"
note_font_size 24
note_font_color 1
xpos -1212
ypos -726
set N32d42210 [stack 0]
push $N32d42210
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 {{{CHAN_SEL.Zchan}}}
to0 rgba.alpha
xpos -1246
ypos -697
Expression {
temp_name0 near
temp_expr0 "1/(max((slice_center-a), 0)+1)"
temp_name1 far
temp_expr1 "1/(max((a-slice_center), 0)+1)"
expr0 "clamp(1/feather*((1-1/min(near, far)/(slice_width+1))))"
expr1 clamp(1/feather*((1-1/far/(slice_width+1))))
expr2 clamp(1/feather*((1-1/near/(slice_width+1))))
channel3 none
name CalculateSlice
xpos -1246
ypos -641
addUserKnob {20 Params}
addUserKnob {7 slice_center t "The Center to take the depth slice from" R 1 500}
slice_center 100
addUserKnob {7 slice_width t "The slice width - falloff is extra" R 1 100}
slice_width 25
addUserKnob {7 feather t "The amount of falloff"}
feather 1
Expression {
channel0 rgba
expr0 "parent.method == 2 ? b : parent.method == 1 ? g : r"
xpos -1246
ypos -599
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {7 output_method}
Dot {
name Dot8
label " "
note_font "Helvetica Bold Bold Bold Bold"
note_font_size 24
note_font_color 0xff000000
xpos -1212
ypos -526
set N36531250 [stack 0]
Expression {
channel3 rgba
expr3 clamp((a**3),0,1)
name Cubic
xpos -576
ypos -490
push $N36531250
Expression {
channel3 rgba
expr3 clamp(pow2(a),0,1)
name Quadratic
xpos -710
ypos -490
push $N36531250
Expression {
channel3 rgba
expr3 smoothstep(0,1,a)
name Smooth
xpos -844
ypos -490
push $N36531250
ColorLookup {
lut {master {curve C 0 k 1 s0}
red {}
green {}
blue {}
alpha {}}
name Smooth1_
xpos -978
ypos -490
push $N36531250
ColorLookup {
lut {master {curve C k 0 s0 L 1}
red {}
green {}
blue {}
alpha {}}
name Smooth0_1
xpos -1112
ypos -490
push $N36531250
Switch {
inputs 6
which {{parent.interpolation}}
xpos -1246
ypos -370
Dot {
name Dot3
label " "
note_font "Helvetica Bold Bold"
note_font_size 24
note_font_color 1
xpos -1212
ypos -246
push $Naab2a90
ShuffleCopy {
inputs 2
red red
green green
blue blue
out alpha
xpos -442
ypos -250
Output {
name Output
xpos -442
ypos -90
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jedypod commented Nov 14, 2015

Depth Slice is a very simple and fast gizmo that creates a slice from a depth channel. It has 3 modes of operation.

  • Slice mode creates a slice in depth centered at the specified depth. You can adjust slice width and feather.
  • Near mode creates a slice in depth from the camera to the specified center, with a feather adjustment.
  • Far mode creates a slice in depth from the slice center to infinity, with a feather adjustment.

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