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Created March 25, 2016 15:59
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(** **** SNU 4190.310, 2016 Spring *)
(** Assignment 03 *)
(** Due: 2016/04/03 23:59 *)
(* Important:
- Do NOT import other files.
- You are NOT allowed to use the [admit] tactic.
- You are NOT allowed to use the following tactics.
[tauto], [intuition], [firstorder], [omega].
- Just leave [exact GIVEUP] for those problems that you fail to prove.
Require Export Basics.
Definition GIVEUP {T: Type} : T. Admitted.
See the chapter "Lists" for explanations of the following.
Inductive natlist : Type :=
| nil : natlist
| cons : nat -> natlist -> natlist.
Notation "x :: l" := (cons x l) (at level 60, right associativity).
Notation "[ ]" := nil.
Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..).
Fixpoint app (l1 l2 : natlist) : natlist :=
match l1 with
| nil => l2
| h :: t => h :: (app t l2)
Notation "x ++ y" := (app x y)
(right associativity, at level 60).
Definition hd (default:nat) (l:natlist) : nat :=
match l with
| nil => default
| h :: t => h
Theorem app_assoc : forall l1 l2 l3 : natlist,
(l1 ++ l2) ++ l3 = l1 ++ (l2 ++ l3).
intros l1 l2 l3. induction l1 as [| n l1'].
- reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite -> IHl1'. reflexivity.
Fixpoint snoc (l:natlist) (v:nat) : natlist :=
match l with
| nil => [v]
| h :: t => h :: (snoc t v)
Fixpoint rev (l:natlist) : natlist :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| h :: t => snoc (rev t) h
Inductive natoption : Type :=
| Some : nat -> natoption
| None : natoption.
Definition option_elim (d : nat) (o : natoption) : nat :=
match o with
| Some n' => n'
| None => d
(*=========== 3141592 ===========*)
(** **** Problem #1 : 2 stars (list_funs) *)
(** Complete the definitions of [nonzeros], [oddmembers] and
[countoddmembers] below. Have a look at the tests to understand
what these functions should do. *)
Fixpoint nonzeros (l:natlist) : natlist :=
Example test_nonzeros: nonzeros [0;1;0;2;3;0;0] = [1;2;3].
Proof. exact GIVEUP. Qed.
(*-- Check --*)
Check test_nonzeros: nonzeros [0;1;0;2;3;0;0] = [1;2;3].
(*=========== 3141592 ===========*)
(** **** Problem #2 : 3 stars, advanced (alternate) *)
(** Complete the definition of [alternate], which "zips up" two lists
into one, alternating between elements taken from the first list
and elements from the second. See the tests below for more
specific examples.
Note: one natural and elegant way of writing [alternate] will fail
to satisfy Coq's requirement that all [Fixpoint] definitions be
"obviously terminating." If you find yourself in this rut, look
for a slightly more verbose solution that considers elements of
both lists at the same time. (One possible solution requires
defining a new kind of pairs, but this is not the only way.) *)
Fixpoint alternate (l1 l2 : natlist) : natlist :=
Example test_alternate1: alternate [1;2;3] [4;5;6] = [1;4;2;5;3;6].
Proof. exact GIVEUP. Qed.
Example test_alternate2: alternate [1] [4;5;6] = [1;4;5;6].
Proof. exact GIVEUP. Qed.
Example test_alternate3: alternate [1;2;3] [4] = [1;4;2;3].
Proof. exact GIVEUP. Qed.
Example test_alternate4: alternate [] [20;30] = [20;30].
Proof. exact GIVEUP. Qed.
(*-- Check --*)
(conj test_alternate1
(conj test_alternate2
(conj test_alternate3
alternate [1;2;3] [4;5;6] = [1;4;2;5;3;6] /\
alternate [1] [4;5;6] = [1;4;5;6] /\
alternate [1;2;3] [4] = [1;4;2;3] /\
alternate [] [20;30] = [20;30].
(*=========== 3141592 ===========*)
(** **** Problem #3 : 3 stars (list_exercises) *)
(** More practice with lists. *)
Theorem app_nil_end : forall l : natlist,
l ++ [] = l.
exact GIVEUP.
(*-- Check --*)
Check app_nil_end : forall l : natlist,
l ++ [] = l.
(*=========== 3141592 ===========*)
(** Hint: You may need to first state and prove some lemma about snoc and rev. *)
Theorem rev_involutive : forall l : natlist,
rev (rev l) = l.
exact GIVEUP.
(*-- Check --*)
Check rev_involutive : forall l : natlist,
rev (rev l) = l.
(*=========== 3141592 ===========*)
(** There is a short solution to the next exercise. If you find
yourself getting tangled up, step back and try to look for a
simpler way. *)
Theorem app_assoc4 : forall l1 l2 l3 l4 : natlist,
l1 ++ (l2 ++ (l3 ++ l4)) = ((l1 ++ l2) ++ l3) ++ l4.
exact GIVEUP.
(*-- Check --*)
Check app_assoc4 : forall l1 l2 l3 l4 : natlist,
l1 ++ (l2 ++ (l3 ++ l4)) = ((l1 ++ l2) ++ l3) ++ l4.
(*=========== 3141592 ===========*)
Theorem snoc_append : forall (l:natlist) (n:nat),
snoc l n = l ++ [n].
exact GIVEUP.
(*-- Check --*)
Check snoc_append : forall (l:natlist) (n:nat),
snoc l n = l ++ [n].
(*=========== 3141592 ===========*)
Theorem distr_rev : forall l1 l2 : natlist,
rev (l1 ++ l2) = (rev l2) ++ (rev l1).
exact GIVEUP.
(*-- Check --*)
Check distr_rev : forall l1 l2 : natlist,
rev (l1 ++ l2) = (rev l2) ++ (rev l1).
(*=========== 3141592 ===========*)
(** An exercise about your implementation of [nonzeros]: *)
Theorem nonzeros_app : forall l1 l2 : natlist,
nonzeros (l1 ++ l2) = (nonzeros l1) ++ (nonzeros l2).
exact GIVEUP.
(*-- Check --*)
Check nonzeros_app : forall l1 l2 : natlist,
nonzeros (l1 ++ l2) = (nonzeros l1) ++ (nonzeros l2).
(*=========== 3141592 ===========*)
(** **** Problem #4 : 2 stars (beq_natlist) *)
(** Fill in the definition of [beq_natlist], which compares
lists of numbers for equality. Prove that [beq_natlist l l]
yields [true] for every list [l].
You can use [beq_nat] from Basics.v
Check beq_nat.
Fixpoint beq_natlist (l1 l2 : natlist) : bool :=
Example test_beq_natlist1 : beq_natlist nil nil = true.
Proof. exact GIVEUP. Qed.
Example test_beq_natlist2 : beq_natlist [1;2;3] [1;2;3] = true.
Proof. exact GIVEUP. Qed.
Example test_beq_natlist3 : beq_natlist [1;2;3] [1;2;4] = false.
Proof. exact GIVEUP. Qed.
(** Hint: You may need to first prove a lemma about reflexivity of beq_nat. *)
Theorem beq_natlist_refl : forall l:natlist,
beq_natlist l l = true.
exact GIVEUP.
(** [] *)
(*-- Check --*)
(conj test_beq_natlist1
(conj test_beq_natlist2
beq_natlist nil nil = true /\
beq_natlist [1;2;3] [1;2;3] = true /\
beq_natlist [1;2;3] [1;2;4] = false.
(*-- Check --*)
Check beq_natlist_refl : forall l:natlist,
beq_natlist l l = true.
(*=========== 3141592 ===========*)
(** **** Problem #5 : 4 stars, advanced (rev_injective) *)
(** Hint: You can use the lemma [rev_involutive]. *)
Theorem rev_injective: forall l1 l2 : natlist,
rev l1 = rev l2 -> l1 = l2.
exact GIVEUP.
(*-- Check --*)
Check rev_injective: forall l1 l2 : natlist,
rev l1 = rev l2 -> l1 = l2.
(*=========== 3141592 ===========*)
(** **** Problem #6 : 2 stars (hd_opt) *)
(** Using the same idea, fix the [hd] function from earlier so we don't
have to pass a default element for the [nil] case. *)
Definition hd_opt (l : natlist) : natoption :=
Example test_hd_opt1 : hd_opt [] = None.
Proof. exact GIVEUP. Qed.
Example test_hd_opt2 : hd_opt [1] = Some 1.
Proof. exact GIVEUP. Qed.
Example test_hd_opt3 : hd_opt [5;6] = Some 5.
Proof. exact GIVEUP. Qed.
(** This exercise relates your new [hd_opt] to the old [hd]. *)
Theorem option_elim_hd : forall (l:natlist) (default:nat),
hd default l = option_elim default (hd_opt l).
exact GIVEUP.
(*-- Check --*)
(conj test_hd_opt1
(conj test_hd_opt2
hd_opt [] = None /\
hd_opt [1] = Some 1 /\
hd_opt [5;6] = Some 5.
(*-- Check --*)
Check option_elim_hd : forall (l:natlist) (default:nat),
hd default l = option_elim default (hd_opt l).
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