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Last active March 1, 2022 14:03
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Istio Debug


istio/istio#17176 istio/istio#15086



  • Check proxy config
istioctl pc listener istio-ingressgateway-xxxx-yyyy.istio-system -o json
  • Need istio injection for RequestAuthentication and AuthorizationPolicy to work

  • Host in Gateway and sni in EnvoyFilter should match for listener config

  • Check envoy version included in istio

kubectl exec -it -c istio-proxy -n pilot-agent request GET server_info

  • DENY policy is checked first

  • local_reply_config to customize 403 output is supported only from envoy v1.15+

  • No customization available for upstream errors

  • Need a route for / is needed in VirtualService for EnvoyFilter to work if there is a separate route for context path

  • Analyze

istioctl analyze -n <ns>

  • Describe

istioctl x describe service <ns>.<service>

  • Install manifest

istioctl manifest install --set values.pilot.enableProtocolSniffingForOutbound=false

  • Set envoy log level
Method 1:

istioctl dashboard envoy <pod>.<ns> --address ""
curl -X POST http://localhost:15000/logging?level=info
kubectl -n <ns> logs -f <pod> istio-proxy

Method 2:

istioctl dashboard controlz $(kubectl -n istio-system get pods -l app=istiod -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}').istio-system --port 15000 --address ""
kubectl -n <ns> exec <pod> -c istio-proxy -- pilot-agent request POST 'logging?connection=info'
kubectl -n <ns> exec <pod> -c istio-proxy -- pilot-agent request POST 'logging?level=info'
kubectl -n <ns> exec <pod> -c istio-proxy -- pilot-agent request POST 'logging?rbac=debug'

  • Authorization debug

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