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Last active May 16, 2023 01:13
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Configuration
echo "----------------------------------------------"
echo "Loading autoexec.cfg..."
// Valuable resources
// Inspired from:
// Launch options: -novid -language colormod -tickrate 128
// CSGO list of cvars:
// Updated CSGO tips, configs and more:
// CS:GO mods:
// Content
// 1. Main Settings
// 2. Crosshair
// 3. HUD
// 4. Radar
// 5. Mouse
// 6. Viewmodel
// 7. Rates
// 8. Net
// 9. Video
// 10. Music (and volumes)
// 11. Sound
// 12. Misc
// 13. Scripts
// 14. Binds
// 1. Main Settings
// #######################
con_enable 1 // def. 0 - Enable developer console (bind `toggleconsole` to toggle or use `openconsole` and `closeconsole`).
gameinstructor_enable 0 // def. 1 - Ingame Instructions ON/OFF.
cl_showhelp 0 // def. 1 - Set to 0 to not show on-screen help dialogues.
cl_autohelp 0 // def. 1 - Disables "Switched to Burst Firemode" (and similar) Hints if set to 0.
cl_disablefreezecam 1 // def. 0 - Disable Freezecam after You get killed.
cl_disablehtmlmotd 1 // def. 0 - Disable HTML motd (MessageOfTheDay) welcome Screen on server join.
cl_autowepswitch 0 // def. 1 - Automatically switch to picked up weapons if better.
cl_join_advertise 2 // def. 1 - Advertise joinable game in progress to Steam friends.
spec_replay_autostart 0 // def. 1 - Auto-start Killer Replay when available.
// 2. Crosshair
// #######################
// See this picture for basic crosshair adjustments:
// Use this map to customize your own:
cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.300000"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.500000"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7"
cl_crosshair_friendly_warning "1"
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1.000000"
cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy "0"
cl_crosshair_sniper_width "1"
cl_crosshair_t "0"
cl_crosshairalpha "255"
cl_crosshaircolor "4"
cl_crosshaircolor_b "255"
cl_crosshaircolor_g "0"
cl_crosshaircolor_r "255"
cl_crosshairdot "1"
cl_crosshairgap "-2.000000"
cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0"
cl_crosshairsize "1.000000"
cl_crosshairstyle "5"
cl_crosshairthickness "0.000000"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
cl_fixedcrosshairgap "-9.000000"
// 3. HUD
// #######################
mp_playerid_delay 0.4 // def 0.4 - min. 0,max. 1 client replicated - Number of seconds to delay showing information in the status bar
hud_scaling 0.95 // def. 0.85 - min. 0.5, max. 0.95 - Lower values=smaller HUD (Chat, Radar, Killfeed, etc).
hud_showtargetid 1 // def. 1 - 0 Disables enemy player Names shown under the Crosshair (for all crosshairstyles 0/1/2/3/4/5).
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar 1 // def. 1 - Show C4 symbol below radar, additional to your inventory.
cl_hud_color 4 // def. 0 - 0=Default, 1=White, 2=Blue, 3=Dark Blue, 4=Purple, 5=Red, 6=Orange, 7=Yellow, 8=Green, 9=Aqua Green, 10=Pink
cl_hud_playercount_showcount 1 // def. 0 - 0 = show player avatars, 1 = just show alive playercount number (no avatars)
cl_hud_playercount_pos 1 // def. 0 - Position of Playercount, 0=Top 1=Bottom
cl_hud_healthammo_style 0 // def. 0 - 1 activates a different (simple) style to show ammunition left.
cl_hud_background_alpha 0.4 // def. 0.5 - min. 0, max. 1 - Visibility of the HUD background.
cl_showloadout 0 // def. 1 - Display current loadout permanently.
safezonex 0.8 // def. 1 - min. 0.85, max. 1 - HUD horizontal adjustment.
safezoney 0.8 // def. 1 - min. 0.85, max. 1 - HUD vertical adjustment
cl_show_clan_in_death_notice 0 // If set, the clan name will be shown next to player names in the death notices.
// 4. Radar
// #######################
cl_teammate_colors_show 1 // def. 1 - Show teammates as separate colors in competitive MatchMaking: 0 = No, 1 = Color, 2 = Color and Letter
cl_hud_radar_scale 1 // def. 1 - min. 0.8, max. 1.3 - On screen radar size (higher = bigger).
cl_radar_scale 0.4 // def. 0.7 - min. 0.25, max. 1.00 - Sets the radar/map picture scale inside the radar.
cl_radar_always_centered 0 // def. 1 - Player is centered on radar. 0=Map picture is centered on radar.
cl_radar_icon_scale_min 1 // def. 0.6 min. 0.40 max. 1.25 - Sets the minimum icon scale on radar.
cl_radar_rotate 1 // def. 1 - Radar rotate as you rotate. 0=Prevent the radar from rotating as your character model rotates.
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard 1 // def. 1 - Make the radar shape change to a square when you open the scoreboard. 0=Keep the radar a circle whenever you open the scoreboard.
// 5. Mouse
// #######################
sensitivity 1.5 // def. 2.5 - min. 0.000100, max. 1000.000000 - Mouse Sensitivity ingame.
m_rawinput 1 // def. 0 - If set to 1, CS:GO ignores any Windows Mouse Settings like "Enhanced pointer precision" and "Pointer Speed".
m_mouseaccel2 0 // def. 0 - Windows mouse acceleration secondary threshold (4x movement).
m_mouseaccel1 0 // def. 0 - Windows mouse acceleration initial threshold (2x movement).
m_customaccel 0 // def. 0 - Custom mouse acceleration: 0 = custom acceleration disabled 3 = mouse_acceleration.
m_mousespeed 0 // def. 1 - min. 0, max. 2 - Windows mouse acceleration: 0 to disable, 1 to enable.
zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 1 // def. 1 - Factor of zoomed in Mouse Sensitivity (try 0.818933 to make it similar to sensitivity).
// 6. Viewmodel
// #######################
cl_righthand 1 // def. 1 - 1=Use right hand, 0=Use left hand
viewmodel_offset_x 1 // def. 0 - min. -2, max. 2.5 - Higher values = further away from the screen center
viewmodel_offset_y 2 // def. 0 - min. -2, max. 2 - Higher values = further away from player, Lower values=closer
viewmodel_offset_z -2 // def. 0 - min. -2, max. 2 - Higher values = higher weapon holding position
viewmodel_fov 68 // def. 54 - min. 54, max. 68 - Viewmodel rendering FieldOfView - This is NOT your games FOV!
viewmodel_recoil 0 // def. 1.00 - min. 0.00, max. 1 - Amount of weapon recoil/aimpunch to display on viewmodel
cl_bob_lower_amt 5 // def. 21 - min. 5, max. 30 - The amount the viewmodel lowers when running.
cl_bobamt_lat 0.1 // def. 0.33 - min. 0.1, max. 2 - Amount the viewmodel moves side to side when running (also affects the scope "wobbling").
cl_bobamt_vert 0.1 // def. 0.14 - min. 0.1, max. 2 - Amount the viewmodel moves up and down when running (also affects the scope "wobbling").
cl_bobcycle 0.98 // def. 0.98 - min. 0.1, max. 2 - Frequency at which the viewmodel bobs. (IMPORTANT: `sv_competitive_minspec 1` forces `cl_bobcycle` to `.98`)
cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 0.5 // def. 1.5 - min. 0.5, max. 2 - The amount the viewmodel shifts to the left when shooting accuracy increases.
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.25 // def. 0.75 - min. 0.25, max. 2 - The amount the viewmodel shifts to the right when shooting accuracy increases.
// 7. Rates
// #######################
rate 786432 // def. 196608 - min. 20480, max. 786432 - Maximum Download Bandwidth in bytes per second.
cl_cmdrate 128 // def. 64 - min. 10, max. 128 - Maximum Command Packets per second, sending to the Server.
cl_updaterate 128 // def. 64 - Maximum number of Update Packets per second, received from the Server. Gets adjusted by the Servers TickRate if Server TR < cl_updaterate. Also bound to cl_cmdrate via sv_client_cmdrate_difference 0.
cl_interp 0 // def. 0.03125 - min. 0, max. 0.5 - Changes and sets your interpolation amount. This command cant be altered while playing, meaning you must be on the main menu or spectating a match.
cl_interp_ratio 1 // def. 2 - min. 1, max. 5 - Ratio of interpolation Time (values from 1 to 2 are enforced by almost all servers via the setting `sv_competitive_minspec 1`).
cl_lagcompensation 1 // def. 1 - (client notconnected user) Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.
cl_predict 1 // def. 1 - (client notconnected user) Perform client side prediction.
cl_predictweapons 1 // def. 1 - (client notconnected user) Perform client side prediction of weapon effects.
// 8. Net
// #######################
net_graph 1 // def. 0 - Enables the network statistics overlay.
net_graphheight 90 // def. 64 - Position in pixel from the bottom of your screen.
net_graphmsecs 400 // def. 400 - The latency graph represents this many milliseconds.
net_graphpos 1 // def. 1 - 1=right, 2=center, 3=left - 0 and every value above 3 sets the distance from the left border of Your screen (depending on resolution).
net_graphproportionalfont 0 // def. 1 - 0=small font, 1=normal font (scales with resolution).
net_maxroutable 1200 // def. 1200 - min. 576, max. 1200 - Requested max packet size before packets are 'split'.
// 9. Video
// #######################
fps_max 0 // def. 300 - min. 59 - 0=unlimited - fps limiter. Frames Per Second will be capped at this value.
fps_max_menu 0 // def. 120 - min. 1 - 0=unlimited - fps limiter limiter, main menu (when not connected to a server).
mat_monitorgamma 1.6 // def. 2.2 - 1.6=Brightest, 2.6=Darkest
mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled 0 // 1=TV (color range 16-235), 2=PC (color range 0-255)
mat_powersavingsmode 0 // Disables power saving mode.
mat_queue_mode -1 // Multicore rendering (thread queuing).
r_dynamic 0 // def. 1 - Dynamic lighting effect from muzzle (when firing weapons) or when a grenade explodes.
r_drawtracers_firstperson 0 // def. 1 - Toggle visibility of.
// 10. Music (and volumes)
// #######################
volume 1 // min. 0, max. 1 - Overall Game volume.
voice_enable 1 // def. 1, 1=Enable voice, 0=Disable voice
voice_scale 0.6 // min. 0, max. 1 - Volume of incoming Voice from other players.
snd_deathcamera_volume 0 // min. 0, max. 1 - Relative volume of the death camera music.
snd_dzmusic_volume 0 // min. 0, max. 1 - Relative volume of DangerZone end game music.
snd_mapobjective_volume 0 // min. 0, max. 1 - Relative volume of map objective music.
snd_menumusic_volume 0 // min. 0, max. 1 - Relative volume of main menu music.
snd_music_selection 2 // def. 1 - Tracking rotating music for players with no music packs equipped.
snd_musicvolume_multiplier_inoverlay 0 // min. 0, max. 1 - Music volume multiplier when Steam Overlay is active.
snd_mute_mvp_music_live_players 0 // min. 0, max. 1 - If set, MVP music is muted if players from both teams are still alive.
snd_mvp_volume 0.05 // min. 0, max. 1 - Relative volume of round end MVP music.
snd_roundend_volume 0 // min. 0, max. 1 - Relative volume of round end music.
snd_roundstart_volume 0 // min. 0, max. 1 - Relative volume of round start music.
snd_tensecondwarning_volume 0.05 // min. 0, max. 1 - Relative volume of ten second warning music.
// 11. Sound
// #######################
// Toggle Sound Settings by Nanashi (with 5 different Presets):
// Configure Optimal Audio Settings (with HRTF):
snd_surround_speakers 0 // def. -1 - 1=Automatic, 0=Headset/Headphones, 2=StereoSpeakers, 4=QuadSurroundSound, 5=5.1SurroundSound.
snd_hwcompat 0 // def. 0 - 0=Advanced 3D Audio Processing Enabled, 1=Advanced 3D Audio Processing disabled for compatibility with audio hardware.
snd_hrtf_distance_behind 100 // def. 100 - HRTF calculations will calculate the player as being this far behind the camera.
dsp_enhance_stereo 0 // def. 0 - Enhanced (Software 3D) Stereo Sound.
snd_mixahead 0.025 // def. 0.025 - Soundbuffer size/length (raise value if sound is "crackling").
snd_mix_async 1 // def. 1 - Sets sound to get mixed asynchronously on a different thread.
snd_front_headphone_position 53.2 // def. 90 - Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual front left/right headphones. Try 43.2 for 5:3, 45.0 for 4:3, 50.2 16:10, and 53.2 for 16:9
snd_rear_headphone_position 90 // def. 90 - Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual rear left/right headphones.
snd_headphone_pan_exponent 1.2 // def. 1 - Specifies the exponent for the pan xfade from phone to phone if the "exp" pan law is being used.
snd_headphone_pan_radial_weight 0.5 // def. 1 - Apply cos(angle) * weight before pan law
// 12. Misc
// #######################
closeonbuy 0 // def. 0 - Buying an item does not close the buy menu. 1 - Buying an item automatically closes the buy menu.
cl_use_opens_buy_menu 0 // def. 1 - Pressing the "+use" key (default "E") will open the buy menu if in a buy zone.
mm_dedicated_search_maxping 50 // def. 150 min. 25 max. 350 - Highest preferred ping to dedicated servers for games.
func_break_max_pieces 0 // def. 1 - Less clutter from breaking things
cl_downloadfilter nosound // Filter out downloads from community servers.
option_duck_method 0 // def. 0 - DuckMode 0=hold, 1=toggle
option_speed_method 0 // def. 0 - WalkMode 0=hold, 1=toggle
// 13. Scripts
// #######################
alias +showscores_cleardecals "+showscores; r_cleardecals"
alias -showscores_cleardecals "-showscores"
alias +lookatweapon_cleardecals "+lookatweapon; r_cleardecals"
alias -lookatweapon_cleardecals "-lookatweapon"
alias +walk_cleardecals "+speed; r_cleardecals"
alias -walk_cleardecals "-speed"
alias slot5_slot12 "slot5; slot12"
alias +jumpthrow "+jump;-attack;-attack2"
alias -jumpthrow "-jump"
alias +LJ "+duck; +jump; -forward; +klook"
alias -LJ "-duck; -jump; -klook"
alias _prac_sv_cmds "sv_cheats 1; sv_infinite_ammo 2; sv_grenade_trajectory 1; sv_regeneration_force_on 1; sv_showimpacts 1; sv_grenade_trajectory 1; sv_grenade_trajectory_dash 1; sv_grenade_trajectory_thickness 1; sv_grenade_trajectory_time 10; cl_grenadepreview 1"
alias _prac_mp_cmds "mp_buy_anywhere 1; mp_roundtime 60; mp_roundtime_defuse 60; mp_startmoney 100000; mp_maxmoney 100000; mp_buytime 900000; mp_freezetime 0; mp_roundtime_hostage 60; mp_autoteambalance 0; mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1; mp_respawn_on_death_t 1; mp_warmup_end; mp_warmup_end; mp_weapons_allow_typecount -1; mp_restartgame 1"
alias _prac_bot_cmds "bot_kick"
alias _prac_misc_cmds "ammo_grenade_limit_total 6;"
alias _prac_sound "playvol common\warning 1"
alias _prac_echo "echo # Asyncs practice module loaded."
alias practice "_prac_sv_cmds; _prac_mp_cmds; _prac_bot_cmds; _prac_misc_cmds; _prac_sound; _prac_echo"
alias prac "practice"
alias displaydamage "displaydamage_on"
alias displaydamage_on "con_filter_text Damage Given To; con_filter_text_out Player:; con_filter_enable 2; developer 1; playvol buttons\\\\blip1 0.5; alias displaydamage "displaydamage_off""
alias displaydamage_off "con_filter_enable 0; developer 0; playvol buttons\\\\blip2 0.5; alias displaydamage "displaydamage_on""
alias clutch "clutchon"
alias clutchon "voice_enable 0; r_cleardecals; playvol buttons\blip2 0.5; alias clutch clutchoff; say_team **GOING INTO CLUTCH MODE** VOICE DISABLED."
alias clutchoff "voice_enable 1; gameinstructor_enable 0; playvol buttons\blip1 0.5; alias clutch clutchon; say_team **GOING OUT OF CLUTCH MODE** VOICE ENABLED."
// 14. Binds
// #######################
bind rCTRL +jumpthrow
bind F1 +jumpthrow
bind 1 slot1
bind 2 slot2
bind 3 slot3
bind 4 slot4
bind 5 slot5_slot12 // C4/Breaches / Health Shot
bind a +moveleft
bind b buymenu
bind c slot7 // Flashbang
bind d +moveright
bind e +use
bind f +lookatweapon_cleardecals
bind g drop
bind m teammenu
bind q lastinv
bind r +reload
bind s +back
bind t +spray_menu
bind u messagemode2
bind v slot10 // Molotov / Incendiary Grenade
bind w +forward
bind x slot8 // Smoke Grenade
bind y messagemode
bind z radio
bind TAB +showscores_cleardecals
bind SPACE +jump
bind SHIFT +walk_cleardecals
bind CTRL +duck
bind MOUSE1 +attack
bind MOUSE3 player_ping
bind MOUSE2 +attack2
bind MOUSE5 +voicerecord
bind MWHEELDOWN +jump
bind . toggleconsole
bind , displaydamage
bind - "say (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ READY UP ♥ 【準備する】; say .ready"
bind = clutch
bind F2 sv_rethrow_last_grenade
bind F3 noclip
bind F4 getout
bind F5 "say *puffs electronic-cigarette*"
bind F6 "say Player jef left the game (Disconnected)"
bind F7 "say ✌️"
bind F8 "say ✌️(。•́︿•̀。)"
bind F9 "say ﷽﷽ ﷽﷽﷽ ﷽﷽﷽ ﷽ ﷽﷽ ﷽﷽﷽ ﷽﷽﷽ ﷽ ﷽﷽ ﷽﷽ ﷽﷽﷽ ﷽﷽﷽ ﷽ ﷽﷽ ﷽﷽﷽ ﷽﷽"
echo "autoexec.cfg loaded"
echo "----------------------------------------------"
echo "----------------------------------------------"
echo "Loading surf.cfg..."
sensitivity "3.0"
bind "MOUSE4" "+left"
bind "MOUSE5" "+right"
unbind "MWHEELUP"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump"
bind "z" "say !s"
bind "x" "say !r"
bind "p" "say !p"
bind "c" "+voicerecord"
bind "r" "say !saveloc"
bind "f" "say !loadloc"
bind "F1" "say !noclip"
unbind "-"
unbind "="
alias +strafeleft "+moveleft;+forward"
alias -strafeleft "-moveleft;-forward"
alias +straferight "+moveright;+back"
alias -straferight "-moveright;-back"
alias hsw "bind a +strafeleft;bind d +straferight"
alias normal "bind a +moveleft;bind d +moveright"
bind "9" "hsw"
bind "0" "normal"
echo "surf.cfg loaded"
echo "----------------------------------------------"
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