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Created March 23, 2016 06:09
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Shell script to update Nix r-modules
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Messy but hopefully working script to maintain r-modules. Call it with a git
# ref (I usually use `master` or `HEAD`) and it will test build all packages
# added upstream since that commit. It will also prompt you to remove anything
# that's been archived upstream so the attribute set continues to evaluate.
# Usage: ./ [<git ref>]
# Some details and tips:
# - If you omit the ref it will try to build all ~10000 R packages.
# - This edits the .nix files, so you want to make sure they're clean before
# starting and skim the diffs afterward. It also leaves a lot of log files
# in build/, which you can delete or search for clues.
# - Packages with existing log files will be skipped, so you can kill the
# script and resume where you left off.
# - The generated "depends on..." comments aren't 100% reliable.
# TODO: fix infinite loops! canceR, euroMix, ... all using tcltk2?
# TODO: is_newly_broken to allow skipping reverse dependencies
# run R script to update metadata
update_package_list() {
prefix="$1"; path="${prefix}-packages.nix"
echo "Downloading updates to ${path}"
Rscript update-r-packages.R ${prefix} >new && mv new ${path}
return $?
list_prefixes() {
ls *-packages.nix | sed 's/\(.*\)-packages.nix/\1/p' | sort | uniq
update_package_lists() {
list_prefixes | while read prefix; do
update_package_list "$prefix"
# prompt to remove archived packages
list_attr_names() {
expr="builtins.attrNames (import ./../../.. {}).rPackages"
nix-instantiate --eval --expr "$expr" | sed 's/\ /\n/g' |
cut -d'"' -f2 | sort | uniq | tail -n+3 | grep -v override
list_grep_names() {
grep '= derive' *-packages.nix |
cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq
list_removed() {
echo "Looking for removed packages"
archived=$(comm -23 <(list_attr_names) <(list_grep_names))
[[ -z "$archived" ]] && return 0
echo "These packages have been removed upstream:"
echo "$archived" | while read l; do echo " $l"; done
echo "They should be removed from default.nix so rPackages will evaluate."
exit 1
test_rpackages() {
echo "Testing that rPackages evaluates properly"
nix-env -f "./../../.." -qaP -A rPackages &> /dev/null
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "Warning! rPackages fails to evaluate. Something went wrong. :("
# test builds and update broken list
list_depends() {
[[ -z "$1" ]] && return
grep -E "^$1 =" *-packages.nix |
cut -d'[' -f2 | cut -d']' -f1 | sed "s/\ /\\n/g"
list_depends_rec() {
list_depends "$1" | while read pkg; do
echo "$pkg"
list_depends_rec "$pkg"
done | sort | uniq
mark_fixed() {
[[ -z "$1" ]] && return
is_marked_broken "$1" || return
sed -i "/\"$1\" # broken build/d" default.nix
sed -i "/\"$1\" # build is broken/d" default.nix
sed -i "/\"$1\" # Build Is Broken/d" default.nix
sed -i "/\"$1\" # depends on broken package/d" default.nix
sed -i "/# depends on broken package $1/d" default.nix
echo " marked $1 fixed"
mark_fixed_rec() {
mark_fixed "$1"
list_depends_rec "$1" | while read pkg; do
mark_fixed "$pkg"
list_rdepends() {
grep -E "depends=.*"[\ \[]$1[\ \[]"" *-packages.nix |
cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq
list_rdepends_rec() {
list_rdepends "$1" | while read pkg; do
echo "$pkg"
list_rdepends_rec "$pkg"
update_rdepends_rec() {
list_rdepends "$1" | while read pkg; do
update_package "$pkg"
add_to_list() {
name="$1"; item="$2"
sed -i "/$name = \\[$/a \ \ \ \ $item" default.nix
is_marked_broken() {
grep -E "\"$1\" # broken build" default.nix &>/dev/null && return 0
grep -E "\"$1\" # build is broken" default.nix &>/dev/null && return 0
grep -E "\"$1\" # Build Is Broken" default.nix &>/dev/null && return 0
grep -E "\"$1\" # depends on broken package" default.nix &>/dev/null && return 0
return 1
first_broken_dependency() {
pkg="$1"; logfile="build/${pkg}.log"
grep 'dependencies couldn' "$logfile" |
cut -c74- | cut -d'-' -f1 | head -n1 |
sed 's/\./_/g'
mark_broken() {
pkg="$1"; logfile="build/${pkg}.log"; reason="broken build"
if grep 'dependencies couldn' $logfile &> /dev/null; then
broken="$(first_broken_dependency "${pkg}")"
[[ "$broken" == "$pkg" ]] && break
mark_broken_rec "$broken"
msg="\"$pkg\" # $reason"
add_to_list "brokenPackages" "$msg"
echo " marked ${pkg} broken (${reason})"
mark_broken_dep() {
pkg="$1"; dep="$2"
if is_marked_broken "$pkg"; then
echo " $pkg already marked broken"
msg="\"$pkg\" # depends on broken package $dep"
add_to_list "brokenPackages" "$msg"
echo " marked ${pkg} broken (depends on $dep)"
mark_broken_rec() {
if is_marked_broken "$1"; then
echo " $1 already marked broken"
mark_broken "$1"
list_rdepends_rec "$1" | while read pkg; do
mark_broken_dep "$pkg" "$1"
test_build() {
pkg="$1"; logfile="build/${pkg}.log"
[[ -d build ]] || mkdir build
[[ -a "$logfile" ]] && echo " skipping $1" && return 255
cleanup() { rm -f "$logfile"; echo "Removed $logfile"; }
trap cleanup EXIT
echo -n " building ${pkg}..."
nix-build '<nixpkgs>' \
--arg config '{ allowBroken = true; allowUnfree = true; }' \
-A "rPackages.${pkg}" 2>&1 &> $logfile
[[ $code == 0 ]] && echo " ok" || echo " fail"
return $code
update_package() {
test_build "$1"
[[ $code -eq 255 ]] && return # skipped
[[ $code -eq 0 ]] && mark_fixed_rec "$1" && update_rdepends_rec "$1"
[[ $code -gt 0 ]] && mark_broken_rec "$1"
list_updated_packages() {
git diff $ref *-packages.nix | grep -E '^\+' | cut -d'+' -f2- |
grep '= derive' | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq
test_all_builds() {
[[ -z "$ref" ]] && fn='list_grep_names' || fn='list_updated_packages'
echo "Updating default.nix broken list. This may take a while!"
$fn "$ref" | while read pkg; do
update_package "$pkg"
# print a summary
worst_broken_packages() {
echo "These 10 have the most dependencies:"
grep -E '\s*".*" #.*[Bb]roken' default.nix |
less | grep -Eo 'package (.*)' | cut -d' ' -f2- |
sort | uniq -c | sort -rh | head
diff_summary() {
difffixed=$(git diff "$1" default.nix | grep -E '^-\s' | wc -l)
diffbroken=$(git diff "$1" default.nix | grep -E '^\+\s' | wc -l)
totbroken=$(grep -E '[Bb]roken' default.nix | wc -l)
echo "Packages fixed since '${1}': $difffixed"
echo "Packages broken since '${1}': $diffbroken"
echo "Total broken packages: $totbroken"
print_summary() {
diff_summary "$1"
# main
main() {
test_all_builds "$1"
print_summary "$1"
main $@
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