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Created April 10, 2022 01:36
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Option Explicit
'Inflate (Deflate decompression) according
' pReadBits: MORE TESTING NEEDED!!! 1. last byte full read?, 2. pReadBit vs bit by bit, 3...
' check unused variables
' test fixed codes
' test uncompressed block
' normalize error codes
' separate static and dynamic block processing
' convert all two power to zArrays
Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "Kernel32" (trg As Any, src As Any, ByVal Size As Long)
'z* names for performance improvement
Private zBitsMask(0 To 30) As Long '(&H01, &H03, &H07, &H0F, &H1F, &H3F, &H7F, &HFF, ...
Private z1BitMask(0 To 30) As Long '(&H01, &H02, &H04, &H08, &H10, &H20, &H40, &H80, ...
Private zhZero(1 To 15) '((0), (0,0), (0,0,0,0), ...)
Private hlCLen_map(0 To 18) As Long, aLit_Bits(257 To 285) As Long, aLit_Add(257 To 285) As Long, aDist_Bits(0 To 29) As Long, aDist_Add(0 To 29) As Long
'Fixed alphabet
Private hcLitF, hcDistF
Private Const BUFFER_GROW_SIZE = 1048576 '1MB
'Returns decompressed buffer from Deflate compressed data
' - Buffer: compressed byte buffer
' - Position: buffer starting index (zero if not specified)
' returns position after compressed data
Function Inflate(buffer() As Byte, Optional ByRef position As Long) As Byte()
'Input/output buffer control
Dim pBit As Long, oBuf() As Byte, oSize As Long, oByte As Long
Dim hcLit(), hcDist(), hcCLen()
'Alphabets upper bounds and counts
Dim ubLen As Long, cLen As Long
'Auxiliar variables
Dim bFinal As Long, bType As Long, i As Long, lit As Long, dist As Long, length As Long, lens() As Integer
bFinal = pReadBits(buffer, position, pBit, 1)
bType = pReadBits(buffer, position, pBit, 2)
If bType = 0 Then
'no compression
'skip any remaining bits in current partially processed byte
position = position - (pBit > 0)
pBit = 0
'read LEN
length = buffer(position) + buffer(position + 1) * &H100&
'check NLEN
If (buffer(position + 2) + buffer(position + 3) * &H100& Xor &HFFFF&) <> length Then Err.Raise 57002, "Inflate", "Bad block data!"
position = position + 4
'Check input buffer
If UBound(buffer) < position + length - 1 Then Err.Raise 57003, "Deflate.Inflate", "Not enough data!"
If length Then 'Avoid unnecessary processing
If oSize - oByte < length Then oSize = oByte + BUFFER_GROW_SIZE: ReDim Preserve oBuf(0 To oSize - 1)
RtlMoveMemory oBuf(oByte), buffer(position), length
position = position + length
oByte = oByte + length
End If
ElseIf bType = 3 Then
Err.Raise 57001, "Deflate.Inflate", "Invalid block!"
Else 'BType=1 or BType=2
If bType = 1 Then
'compressed with fixed Huffman codes
hcLit = hcLitF
hcDist = hcDistF
ElseIf bType = 2 Then
'compressed with dynamic Huffman codes
cLen = pReadBits(buffer, position, pBit, 5) + 257 'count HLIT
ubLen = pReadBits(buffer, position, pBit, 5) + cLen 'upper bound HLIT+HDIST
length = pReadBits(buffer, position, pBit, 4) + 3 'upper bound HCLEN
ReDim lens(0 To 18)
For i = 0 To length
lens(hlCLen_map(i)) = pReadBits(buffer, position, pBit, 3)
hcCLen = pHTBuild(lens, 18, 7)
ReDim lens(0 To ubLen)
length = 0
i = 0
Do While i <= ubLen
lit = pHTDecode(buffer, position, pBit, hcCLen)
If lit <= 15 Then
lens(i) = lit
If lens(i) > length Then length = lens(i)
i = i + 1
ElseIf lit = 16 Then
For i = i To i + pReadBits(buffer, position, pBit, 2) + 2
lens(i) = lens(i - 1)
i = i + pReadBits(buffer, position, pBit, 3 - 4 * (lit = 18)) + 3 - 8 * (lit = 18)
End If
hcLit = pHTBuild(lens, cLen - 1, length)
hcDist = pHTBuild(lens, ubLen - cLen, length, cLen)
End If
lit = pHTDecode(buffer, position, pBit, hcLit)
If lit < 256& Then
If oByte >= oSize Then oSize = oSize + BUFFER_GROW_SIZE: ReDim Preserve oBuf(0 To oSize)
oBuf(oByte) = lit
oByte = oByte + 1
ElseIf lit > 256& Then
length = aLit_Add(lit)
If aLit_Bits(lit) Then length = length + pReadBits(buffer, position, pBit, aLit_Bits(lit))
dist = pHTDecode(buffer, position, pBit, hcDist)
If aDist_Bits(dist) Then
dist = aDist_Add(dist) + pReadBits(buffer, position, pBit, aDist_Bits(dist))
dist = aDist_Add(dist)
End If
If oByte + length > oSize Then oSize = oSize + BUFFER_GROW_SIZE: ReDim Preserve oBuf(0 To oSize)
For oByte = oByte To oByte + length - 1
oBuf(oByte) = oBuf(oByte - dist)
End If
Loop Until lit = 256&
End If
Loop Until bFinal
position = position - (pBit > 0) 'Skip remaining bits
If oByte Then ReDim Preserve oBuf(0 To oByte - 1) 'Trim output buffer
Inflate = oBuf
End Function
Private Function pHTDecode(buffer, pByte As Long, pBit As Long, htCodes) As Integer
Dim code As Long, l As Long
For l = 1 To 15 'Max len possible
code = code * 2 - ((buffer(pByte) And z1BitMask(pBit)) <> 0)
pBit = (pBit + 1) And 7
If pBit = 0 Then pByte = pByte + 1
If htCodes(l)(code) Then pHTDecode = htCodes(l)(code) - 1: Exit Function
Err.Raise 57004, "Deflate.Inflate", "Invalid data!"
End Function
Private Function pHTBuild(htLen, ByVal max_code As Long, ByVal max_len As Long, Optional ByVal Index As Long)
Dim htCode(), bl_count(0 To 15) As Long, code As Long, next_code(0 To 15) As Long, i As Long
For i = 0 To max_code
bl_count(htLen(i + Index)) = bl_count(htLen(i + Index)) + 1
bl_count(0) = 0
For i = 1 To max_len
code = (code + bl_count(i - 1)) * 2
next_code(i) = code
htCode = zhZero
For i = 0 To max_code
If htLen(i + Index) Then
htCode(htLen(i + Index))(next_code(htLen(i + Index))) = i + 1
next_code(htLen(i + Index)) = next_code(htLen(i + Index)) + 1
End If
pHTBuild = htCode
End Function
'Max bits read at once: 13 (Dist extra bits). Huffman decoding uses inline reading!
Private Function pReadBits(buffer, pByte As Long, pBit As Long, ByVal Size As Long) As Long
Dim ret As Long
'Read first byte:
ret = buffer(pByte) \ z1BitMask(pBit)
pBit = pBit + Size
If pBit < 8 Then pReadBits = ret And zBitsMask(Size): Exit Function
'Not enough, read second byte:
Dim bw As Long 'bits written
bw = 8 - pBit + Size
pBit = Size - bw
ret = (zBitsMask(pBit) And buffer(pByte + 1)) * z1BitMask(bw) + ret
If pBit < 8 Then pByte = pByte + 1: pReadBits = ret: Exit Function
'Not enough, read third and last byte:
bw = bw + 8
pBit = pBit - 8
pByte = pByte + 2
pReadBits = (zBitsMask(pBit) And buffer(pByte)) * z1BitMask(bw) + ret
End Function
Private Sub pInit()
Dim i As Long, a_b() As String, a_a() As String, a16() As Integer
If hlCLen_map(0) = 16 Then Exit Sub 'Still init'd
'Literal/Length alphabet extra bits
a_b = Split("0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 0")
a_a = Split("3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 17 19 23 27 31 35 43 51 59 67 83 99 115 131 163 195 227 258")
For i = 257 To 285
aLit_Bits(i) = a_b(i - 257)
aLit_Add(i) = a_a(i - 257)
'Distance alphabet extra bits
a_b = Split("0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13")
a_a = Split("1 2 3 4 5 7 9 13 17 25 33 49 65 97 129 193 257 385 513 769 1025 1537 2049 3073 4097 6145 8193 12289 16385 24577")
For i = 0 To 29
aDist_Bits(i) = a_b(i)
aDist_Add(i) = a_a(i)
'Code length read order
a_a = Split("16 17 18 0 8 7 9 6 10 5 11 4 12 3 13 2 14 1 15")
For i = 0 To 18
hlCLen_map(i) = a_a(i)
'Empty Huffman tree
For i = 1 To 15
ReDim a16(0 To 2 ^ i - 1)
zhZero(i) = a16
'Static Huffman tree
hcLitF = zhZero
hcDistF = zhZero
For i = 0 To 143: hcLitF(8)(48 + i) = i + 1: Next
For i = 144 To 255: hcLitF(9)(400 + i - 144) = i + 1: Next
For i = 256 To 279: hcLitF(7)(i - 256) = i + 1: Next
For i = 280 To 287: hcLitF(8)(192 + i - 280) = i + 1: Next
For i = 0 To 29: hcDistF(5)(i) = i + 1: Next
'Bit masks
For i = 0 To 30
z1BitMask(i) = 2 ^ i
zBitsMask(i) = 2 ^ i - 1
End Sub
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