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Last active June 20, 2023 16:43
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Takes a large image as the input, outputs map tiles at the appropriate size and file structure for use in frameworks like leaflet.js, MapBox, etc.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import argparse, magic, re, os, math, glob, shutil
Jeff Thompson | 2016 |
@danizen has an updated version for Python 3:
Takes a large image as the input, outputs map tiles
at the appropriate size and file structure for use
in frameworks like leaflet.js, MapBox, etc.
input_file large image file to split (JPG, PNG, or TIFF)
zoom_level zoom level(s) to generate (0 to 18); either
integer or range (ex: 2-6)
output_folder folder name to write tiles to (will be created
if does not exist)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-w --resize_width dimension in pixels for outputted tiles (default 256px)
-q, --quiet suppress all output from program (useful for
integrating into larger projects)
Resulting tiles are 256px square, regardless of the
size of the source image. The number of tiles wide/
high is determined by the "zoom level", which is
2^zoom. In other words, a zoom level of 3 = 8 tiles,
each resized to 256 pixels square.
Way more info here:
ImageMagick and Python bindings for splitting
images, resizing tiles, etc
Slippy maps require tiles to be stored in a specific
file structure:
This is the standard arrangement (some frameworks let
you specify others), and should be noted in your Javascript.
For example, if using leaflet.js, you would use:
Want to add more levels? Just run this script again; it
will append the new zoom level to the same location.
If combining many smaller images, the easiest method
is to use ImageMagick's 'montage' command.
Your images should be the same size, or at least the
same height. You can do this using ImageMagick as well:
mogrify -geometry x400 *.jpg
x400 height to set images to
*.jpg gets all jpg images from a folder
Then combine into a single image:
montage *.jpg -gravity center -tile NxN -geometry +0+0 output.jpg
*.jpg gets all jpg images from a folder
-gravity centers rows/columns
-tile how many images per row/column in final image
-geometry no extra space between images (or +N+N for padding)
-background none or "rgb(255,255,255)"
output.jpg output filename and format
When working with extra big images, ImageMagick makes
some suggestions where RAM may run out:
# ==============
def power_of(num, base):
''' checks if a number is a power another '''
while(num % base == 0):
num = num / base
return num == 1
def generate(input_file, output_folder, zoom_level, resize_width, quiet):
''' generates slippy map tiles from large image '''
# how many tiles will that be?
num_tiles = pow(2, zoom_level)
if not quiet: print 'Zoom level ' + str(zoom_level) + ' = ' + str(num_tiles) + ' tiles'
# get image dims (without loading into memory)
# via:
if not quiet: print 'Getting source image dimensions...'
t = magic.from_file(input_file)
if input_file.endswith('.jpg') or input_file.endswith('.jpeg'):
dims =', (\d+)x(\d+)', t)
width = int(
height = int(
elif input_file.endswith('.tif') or input_file.endswith('.tiff'):
width = int('width=(\d+)', t).group(1))
height = int('height=(\d+),', t).group(1))
elif input_file.endswith('.png'):
dims =', (\d+) x (\d+)', t)
width = int(
height = int(
if not quiet: print 'ERROR: Unknown source image type; JPG, TIFF, or PNG only! Quitting...'
if not quiet: print 'ERROR: Could not parse source image dims! Quitting...'
if not quiet: print '- ' + str(width) + ' x ' + str(height) + ' pixels'
# errors and warnings
if not power_of(int(width), 2):
if not quiet: print 'WARNING: Source image dims should be power of 2! Continuing anyway...'
if width != height:
if not quiet: print 'ERROR: Source image should be square! Quitting...'
# get details for ImageMagick
if not quiet: print 'Splitting to...'
tile_width = int(math.ceil(width / num_tiles))
if not quiet: print '- ' + str(tile_width) + ' x ' + str(tile_width) + ' px tiles'
pad = len(str(num_tiles * num_tiles))
# split using ImageMagic, then resize to the expected tile size
# use filename padding so glob gets them in the right order
if not os.path.exists(output_folder):
cmd = 'convert ' + input_file + ' -quiet -crop ' + str(tile_width) + 'x' + str(tile_width) + ' -resize ' + str(resize_width) + 'x' + str(resize_width) + ' ' + output_folder + '/%0' + str(pad) + 'd.png'
if not quiet: print '- done!'
# rename/move images into tile server format
if not quiet: print 'Moving files into column folders...'
# 1. make cols
for x in range(0, num_tiles):
folder = output_folder + '/' + str(zoom_level) + '/' + str(x)
if not os.path.exists(folder):
# 2. move tiles into their column folders
tiles = glob.glob(output_folder + '/*.png')
for i, tile in enumerate(tiles):
col = i % num_tiles
f = i / num_tiles
dst = output_folder + '/' + str(zoom_level) + '/' + str(col) + '/' + str(f) + '.png'
shutil.move(tile, dst)
if not quiet: print '- done!'
# ==============
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Takes a large image as the input, outputs map tiles at the appropriate size and file structure for use in frameworks like leaflet.js, MapBox, etc. Much more info in the source code.', usage='python input_file zoom_level output_folder [options]')
p.add_argument('input_file', help='large image file to split (JPG, PNG, or TIFF)')
p.add_argument('zoom_level', help='zoom level(s) to generate (0 to 18); either integer or range (ex: 2-6)')
p.add_argument('output_folder', help='folder name to write tiles to (will be created if does not exist)')
p.add_argument('-w', '--resize_width', help='dimension in pixels for outputted tiles (default 256px)', metavar='', type=int, default=256)
p.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', help='suppress all output from program (useful for integrating into larger projects)', action='store_true')
args = p.parse_args()
input_file = args.input_file
zoom_level = args.zoom_level
output_folder = args.output_folder
resize_width = args.resize_width
quiet = args.quiet
if not quiet: print 'GENERATING SLIPPY-MAP TILES'
if not quiet: print ('- ' * 14)
# if multiple zoom levels, run them all
# otherwise, run just once
if '-' in zoom_level:
match ='([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)', zoom_level)
zoom_min = int(
zoom_max = int(
if not quiet: print "ERROR: Couldn't parse zoom levels; should be int or 'min-max'! Quitting..."
for z in range(zoom_min, zoom_max+1):
generate(input_file, output_folder, z, resize_width, quiet)
if not quiet: print ('- ' * 14)
generate(input_file, output_folder, int(zoom_level), resize_width, quiet)
if not quiet: print ('- ' * 14)
# that's it!
if not quiet: print 'FINISHED!'
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@MikitaBelikau – hmm I think so? You could certainly try it and see if it works

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@jeffThompson , maybe i didn't make it clear, so I will rephrase it: I see from the code, that script will terminate if image is not square.
So, my question was: do you know some hint which I can apply to non-squared image to make it possible for script to process it?

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@MikitaBelikau – bah sorry! You were clear, I'm still not fully awake :)

I think this would take some work throughout, sadly. The code assumes square input so things like tile size are also square and are based on the width of the image. You could try it by commenting out lines 134–136 so it will run anyway, but not sure if it will look nice or break.

Hope that helps!

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I have used other scripts to generate tile from non-square images. If you want to use this one, maybe preprocess the image onto a square canvas using ImageMagic first.

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