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Forked from jakewilson/json.hs
Created January 27, 2022 18:29
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json parser
import System.Environment
import Control.Applicative((<|>))
import Data.Char
( isAscii
, isDigit
import Data.Map
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
data JsonValue =
JsonNumber Double
| JsonString String
| JsonBool Bool
| JsonNull
| JsonArray [JsonValue]
| JsonObject (Map String JsonValue)
deriving Show
jsonNumber :: ReadP JsonValue
jsonNumber = jsonDouble <|> jsonInteger
jsonDouble :: ReadP JsonValue
jsonDouble = do
num <- many1 (satisfy isDigit)
dot <- char '.'
num1 <- many1 (satisfy isDigit)
return $ JsonNumber (read (num ++ [dot] ++ num1))
jsonInteger :: ReadP JsonValue
jsonInteger = do
num <- many1 (satisfy isDigit)
return $ JsonNumber (read num)
jsonNull :: ReadP JsonValue
jsonNull = do
string "null"
return JsonNull
jsonString :: ReadP JsonValue
jsonString = do
char '"'
key <- many $ satisfy (\c -> c /= '"')
char '"'
return $ JsonString key
jsonTrue :: ReadP JsonValue
jsonTrue = do
string "true"
return $ JsonBool True
jsonFalse :: ReadP JsonValue
jsonFalse = do
string "false"
return $ JsonBool False
jsonBool :: ReadP JsonValue
jsonBool = jsonTrue <|> jsonFalse
jsonArray :: ReadP JsonValue
jsonArray = do
char '['
values <- sepBy jsonValue (skipSpaces *> char ',' <* skipSpaces)
char ']'
return $ JsonArray values
jsonValue :: ReadP JsonValue
jsonValue =
skipSpaces *>
jsonNumber <|> jsonString <|> jsonNull <|> jsonObject <|> jsonBool <|> jsonArray
<* skipSpaces
jsonPair :: ReadP (String, JsonValue)
jsonPair = do
(JsonString key) <- jsonString
char ':'
value <- jsonValue
return (key, value)
jsonObject :: ReadP JsonValue
jsonObject = do
char '{'
pairs <- sepBy jsonPair (skipSpaces *> char ',' <* skipSpaces)
char '}'
return $ JsonObject $ fromList pairs
parse :: String -> Maybe JsonValue
parse xs = if Prelude.null result
then Nothing
else resultOrFail result
result = readP_to_S (jsonObject <* skipSpaces) xs
resultOrFail :: [(JsonValue,String)] -> Maybe JsonValue
resultOrFail result = if Prelude.null $ snd $ last result
then Just $ fst $ last result
else Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = do
(file:_) <- getArgs
contents <- readFile file
putStr contents
case parse contents of
(Just json) -> print json
Nothing -> putStrLn "invalid json"
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