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Last active November 6, 2022 16:59
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  • Save jeffbass/ebf877e964c9a0b84272 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jeffbass/ebf877e964c9a0b84272 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. -- classes to send, receive and display OpenCV images from a headless computer to a display computer using cv2.imshow()
# -- classes to send, receive and display cv2 images via zmq
# based on serialization in pyzmq docs and pyzmq/examples/serialization
These classes allow a headless (no display) computer running OpenCV code
to display OpenCV images on another computer with a display.
For example, a headless Raspberry Pi with no display can run OpenCV code
and can display OpenCV images on a Mac with a display.
First, start this "display server" program on the computer with a display:
import zmqimage
zmq = zmqimage.zmqImageShowServer()
print "Starting zmqImageShow Server..."
print " press Ctrl-C to stop"
while True: # Until Ctrl-C is pressed, will repeatedly
zmq.imshow() # display images sent from the headless computer
Run the above program by:
Leave the above program running in its own terminal window.
Then, run a program like the one below on the headless computer.
In most cases, it will be run using ssh into the headless computer
from another terminal window on the computer with a display.
The python lines below represent a program fragment as an example.
Use zmq.imshow("Image Display Name", image) instead of
cv2.imshow("Image Display Name", image) and the images will
display on the computer running the program above:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import zmqimage
print "Connecting to zmqShowImage Server ... "
zmq = zmqimage.zmqConnect()
image = np.zeros((500, 500), dtype="uint8")
zmq.imshow("Zero Image 500 x 500", image)
# build a rectangular mask & display it
mask = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype="uint8")
cv2.rectangle(mask, (0, 90), (300, 450), 255, -1)
zmq.imshow("Rectangular Mask", mask)
There is no error checking and only Ctrl-C stops the display server.
While zmq.imshow() works like cv2.imshow(), no other
cv2 display functions are implemented.
Uses tcp style sockets; sockets and tcp addresses have
defaults in the classes but may be overridden.
Jeff Bass,,
import zmq
import numpy as np
import cv2
class SerializingSocket(zmq.Socket):
"""A class with some extra serialization methods
send_array sends numpy arrays with metadata necessary
for reconstructing the array on the other side (dtype,shape).
Also sends array name for display with
recv_array receives dict(arrayname,dtype,shape) and an array
and reconstructs the array with the correct shape and array name.
def send_array(self, A, arrayname="NoName",flags=0, copy=True, track=False):
"""send a numpy array with metadata and array name"""
md = dict(
arrayname = arrayname,
dtype = str(A.dtype),
shape = A.shape,
self.send_json(md, flags|zmq.SNDMORE)
return self.send(A, flags, copy=copy, track=track)
def recv_array(self, flags=0, copy=True, track=False):
"""recv a numpy array, including arrayname, dtype and shape"""
md = self.recv_json(flags=flags)
msg = self.recv(flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track)
A = np.frombuffer(msg, dtype=md['dtype'])
return (md['arrayname'], A.reshape(md['shape']))
class SerializingContext(zmq.Context):
_socket_class = SerializingSocket
class zmqConnect():
'''A class that opens a zmq REQ socket on the headless computer
def __init__(self, connect_to="tcp://jeff-mac:5555"):
'''initialize zmq socket for sending images to display on remote computer'''
'''connect_to is the tcp address:port of the display computer'''
self.zmq_context = SerializingContext()
self.zmq_socket = self.zmq_context.socket(zmq.REQ)
def imshow(self, arrayname, array):
'''send image to display on remote server'''
if array.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
# if array is already contiguous in memory just send it
self.zmq_socket.send_array(array, arrayname, copy=False)
# else make it contiguous before sending
array = np.ascontiguousarray(array)
self.zmq_socket.send_array(array, arrayname, copy=False)
message = self.zmq_socket.recv()
class zmqImageShowServer():
'''A class that opens a zmq REP socket on the display computer to receive images
def __init__(self, open_port="tcp://*:5555"):
'''initialize zmq socket on viewing computer that will display images'''
self.zmq_context = SerializingContext()
self.zmq_socket = self.zmq_context.socket(zmq.REP)
def imshow(self, copy=False):
'''receive and show image on viewing computer display'''
arrayname, image = self.zmq_socket.recv_array(copy=False)
# print "Received Array Named: ", arrayname
# print "Array size: ", image.shape
cv2.imshow(arrayname, image)
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