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Last active July 18, 2016 22:36
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  • Save jeffbcross/aef6562cfb27be5ccdc57c943499025a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Script to add a label to all cards in a trello board
* Step 1: Create a named label
* Step 2: Open board
* Step 3: Open devtools console
* Step 4: Copy and paste this whole gist into console
* Step 5: Create an array of all cards to be renamed. For all cards: var allCards ='.list-card'))
* Step 6: call addLabelToCards with the list of nodes as first argument, label name as 2nd argument: addLabelToCards(allCards, 'work')
function addLabelToCards(cards, labelName) {
'use strict';
// Should be a real array of nodes.
let next = cards.shift();
if (!next) return;
clickAndWait(next, '.js-edit-labels')
.then(_ => clickAndWait('.js-edit-labels', '.edit-labels-pop-over'))
.then(_ => {
// Get just the label that matches passed in name
let label =, (el) => {
return el.textContent === labelName;
if(!label) {
// This card probably already has the label applied
return clickAndWait(label, `[data-idlabel="${label.attributes['data-idlabel'].nodeValue}"].active`);
.then(_ => clickAndWait('.dialog-close-button', '!.card-detail-window'))
.then(_ => addLabelToCards(cards, labelName));
function clickAndWait (clickerSelectorOrEl, elSelector) {
let clicker = typeof clickerSelectorOrEl == 'string' ? document.querySelector(clickerSelectorOrEl) : clickerSelectorOrEl;
let shouldGoAway = elSelector.indexOf('!') === 0;
elSelector = elSelector.replace(/^!/, '');
return new Promise((res) => {;
let interval = setInterval(() => {
if (!!shouldGoAway !== !!document.querySelector(elSelector)) {
}, 10);
function getAvailableLabels() {
return document.querySelectorAll('.edit-labels-pop-over .card-label:not(.active)');
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