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Created June 25, 2021 14:19
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""" Plugins list
" Vundle required settings
set nocompatible
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
""" Functionality
" Unicode menu
Plugin 'chrisbra/unicode.vim'
" Editorconfig file support
Plugin 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim'
" Plugin manager
Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'
" Vertical alignment
Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular'
" Lightline
Plugin 'itchyny/lightline.vim'
" Fuzzy finding with buffers
Plugin 'junegunn/fzf'
Plugin 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
" Distraction-free writing
Plugin 'junegunn/goyo.vim'
" Comment/uncomment with g-c
Plugin 'tpope/vim-commentary'
" Asynchronously run linters
Plugin 'w0rp/ale'
" Display git status on the side
Plugin 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
" Use git within vim
Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
" GitHub extensions for fugitive
Plugin 'tpope/vim-rhubarb'
" Have access to some Kubernetes commands from Vim
Plugin 'andrewstuart/vim-kubernetes'
" Better handling for fancy chars
Plugin 'tpope/vim-characterize'
" Strip whitespace on end of changed lines only
" Plugin 'axelf4/vim-strip-trailing-whitespace'
" Change case style automatically
Plugin 'icatalina/vim-case-change'
" NginX hbetter handling
Plugin 'chr4/nginx'
" Autoformat command for non-covered usecases
Plugin 'Chiel92/vim-autoformat'
" Context sticks to the top of the frame on scroll
Plugin 'wellle/context.vim'
""" Syntax highlighting
" Good chunk of syntax highlighters loaded on demand
Plugin 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'
" Stuff that I'd prefer the official version of rather than Polyglot's
Plugin 'rust-lang/rust.vim'
Plugin 'pearofducks/ansible-vim'
Plugin 'towolf/vim-helm'
" Stuff that's not included in polyglot
Plugin 'Glench/Vim-Jinja2-Syntax'
Plugin 'markcornick/vim-vagrant'
Plugin 'vim-scripts/ferm.vim'
Plugin 'maxmellon/vim-jsx-pretty'
Plugin 'saltstack/salt-vim'
""" Visual
" Sublime text colorscheme
Plugin 'tomasr/molokai'
" Gruvbox colorscheme
Plugin 'morhetz/gruvbox'
" Purple synthwave colorscheme
Plugin 'yassinebridi/vim-purpura'
call vundle#end()
filetype plugin indent on
""" Soft tabs
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
set expandtab
""" FZF
" use ripgrep
let $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND = 'rg --files'
let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 1, 'height': 0.4, 'yoffset': 1, 'border': 'horizontal' } }
""au FileType javascript setl tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab et
au FileType terraform setl tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab et
au FileType typescript setl tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab et
au FileType ansible set filetype=yaml.ansible
au FileType Jenkinsfile set autoindent
"au FileType terraform setl tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab et
""" Autoformat
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1
let g:ale_fixers = {}
let g:ale_fixers['*'] = ['remove_trailing_lines']
let g:ale_fixers['hcl'] = ['terraform']
" let g:ale_fixers['html'] = ['prettier']
let g:ale_fixers['javascript'] = ['eslint']
let g:ale_fixers['json'] = ['jq']
let g:ale_fixers['python'] = ['isort', 'black'] ", 'reorder-python-imports']
let g:ale_fixers['rust'] = ['rustfmt']
let g:ale_fixers['scss'] = ['prettier']
let g:ale_fixers['sh'] = ['shfmt']
let g:ale_fixers['terraform'] = ['terraform']
let g:ale_fixers['terragrunt'] = ['terragrunt']
let g:ale_fixers['typescript'] = ['prettier']
let g:ale_fixers['yaml'] = ['prettier']
let g:ale_javascript_prettier_options = '--tab-width 2 --print-width 120 --single-quote'
" let g:ale_json_jq_options = '-S'
let g:ale_linters = {'rust': ['rls', 'cargo']}
let g:ale_python_black_options = '--line-length 120'
let g:ale_python_reorder_python_imports_options = '--py3-plus'
let g:ale_python_pylint_options = '--max-line-length 120'
""" Visual configuration
" 256-color support
set t_Co=256
set t_ut=
" Syntax highlighting on
syntax on
" Colorscheme settings
if v:version >= 800
set termguicolors
set background=dark
let g:gruvbox_bold = 1
let g:gruvbox_italic = 1
let g:gruvbox_underline = 1
let g:gruvbox_undercurl = 1
colorscheme gruvbox
" colorscheme purpura
" Line number on current line only; relative on others
set number
set relativenumber
" Highlight search results
set showmatch
" lightline on
set laststatus=2
" Highlight JSX within all JS files
let g:jsx_ext_required = 0
" Ansible YAML config
let g:ansible_unindent_after_newline = 1
let g:ansible_attribute_highlight = 'ab'
let g:ansible_name_highlight = 'd'
let g:ansible_extra_keywords_highlight = 1
""" UTF-8
if has("multi_byte")
if &termencoding == ""
let &termencoding = &encoding
set encoding=utf-8
setglobal fileencoding=utf-8
"setglobal bomb
set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin1
""" Optimization
set lazyredraw
""" Backspace in insert mode
set backspace=2
""" Persistent undo
set undofile
" Be sure to create this directory
set undodir=$HOME/.vim/undo
""" Read all kinds of shit with Pandoc
autocmd BufReadPre *.doc,*.docx,*.rtf,*.odp,*.odt silent set ro
autocmd BufReadPost *.doc,*.docx,*.rtf,*.odp,*.odt silent %!pandoc "%" -tplain -o /dev/stdout
""" Read PDFs with pdfminer/pdf2txt
autocmd BufReadPre *.pdf silent set ro
autocmd BufReadPost *.pdf silent %!pdf2txt "%"
""" Distraction free writing
function! ProseMode()
call goyo#execute(0, [])
set spell noci nosi noai nolist noshowmode noshowcmd
set complete+=s
set bg=light
command! ProseMode call ProseMode()
""" Lightline config
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'one',
\ 'active': {
\ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ],
\ [ 'gitbranch', 'readonly', 'filename', 'modified' ] ],
\ 'right': [ [ 'lineinfo' ],
\ [ 'percent' ],
\ [ 'linter_warnings', 'linter_errors', 'linter_ok' ],
\ [ 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'filetype' ] ]
\ },
\ 'component_expand': {
\ 'linter_warnings': 'LightlineLinterWarnings',
\ 'linter_errors': 'LightlineLinterErrors',
\ 'linter_ok': 'LightlineLinterOK'
\ },
\ 'component_type': {
\ 'linter_warnings': 'warning',
\ 'linter_errors': 'error',
\ 'linter_ok': 'ok'
\ },
\ 'component_function': {
\ 'gitbranch': 'fugitive#head'
\ },
\ }
autocmd User ALELint call s:conditional_update_lightline()
function! s:conditional_update_lightline()
if exists("#lightline")
call lightline#update()
function! LightlineLinterWarnings() abort
let l:counts = ale#statusline#Count(bufnr(''))
let l:all_errors = l:counts.error + l:counts.style_error
let l:all_non_errors = - l:all_errors
return == 0 ? '' : printf('%d --', all_non_errors)
function! LightlineLinterErrors() abort
let l:counts = ale#statusline#Count(bufnr(''))
let l:all_errors = l:counts.error + l:counts.style_error
let l:all_non_errors = - l:all_errors
return == 0 ? '' : printf('%d >>', all_errors)
function! LightlineLinterOK() abort
let l:counts = ale#statusline#Count(bufnr(''))
let l:all_errors = l:counts.error + l:counts.style_error
let l:all_non_errors = - l:all_errors
return == 0 ? '✓' : ''
""" Shortcuts
" Force write
cmap w!! w !sudo tee % >/dev/null
" Vert align
cmap t= Tabularize /^[^=]*\zs=
cmap t' Tabularize /^[^']*\zs'
" Fuzzy find
nmap ; :Buffers<CR>
nmap <c-p> :Files<CR>
" Turn on distraction-free writing mode
nmap \p :ProseMode<CR>
" ctrl-j and k to move between ALE errors
nmap <silent> <C-k> <Plug>(ale_previous_wrap)
nmap <silent> <C-j> <Plug>(ale_next_wrap)
" Disable ALE autoformat
cmap setnoform let g:ale_fix_on_save=0
cmap setform let g:ale_fix_on_save=1
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