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Created May 1, 2012 10:43
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CLI - thor file
require 'databasedotcom'
class Utils < Thor
desc "query SOQL", "runs a soql query and displays the value of each record's 'name' field"
method_option :config_file, :type => :string, :default => "databasedotcom.yml",
:aliases => "-c", :desc => "The name of the file containing the connection parameters."
def query(soql)
client = authenticate(options[:config_file])
# execute the soql and iterate over the results to output the name
client.query("#{soql}").each do |r|
puts r.Name
desc "export SOQL FIELDS FILE", "runs a soql query and exports the specified
comma separated list of fields to a comma separated file"
method_option :config_file, :type => :string, :default => "databasedotcom.yml",
:aliases => "-c", :desc => "The name of the file containing the connection parameters."
def export(soql, fields, file)
client = authenticate(options[:config_file])
# query for records
records = client.query("#{soql}")
# open the file to write (probably local directory), 'w') do |f|
# interate over the records
records.each do |r|
# create a single line with all field values specified
line = ''
fields.split(',').each do |field|
line += "#{eval("r.#{field}")},"
# write each line to the csv file
f.puts "#{line}\n"
desc "describe OBJECT", "displays the describe info for a particular object"
method_option :config_file, :type => :string, :default => "databasedotcom.yml",
:aliases => "-c", :desc => "The name of the file containing the connection parameters."
def describe(object)
client = authenticate(options[:config_file])
# call describe on the object by name
sobject = client.describe_sobject(object)
# output the results -- not very useful (frowny face)
puts sobject
desc "get_token", "retreives an access token"
method_option :config_file, :type => :string, :default => "databasedotcom.yml",
:aliases => "-c", :desc => "The name of the file containing the connection parameters."
def get_token
client = authenticate(options[:config_file]).oauth_token
puts "Access token: #{client}"
desc "show_config", "display the salesforce connection properties"
method_option :config_file, :type => :string, :default => "databasedotcom.yml",
:aliases => "-c", :desc => "The name of the file containing the connection parameters."
def show_config
config = YAML.load_file(options[:config_file])
puts config
def authenticate(file_name)
# load the configuration file with connection parameters
config = YAML.load_file(file_name)
# init the databasedotcom gem with the specified yml config file
client =
# pass the credentials to authenticate
client.authenticate :username => config['username'], :password => config['password']
return client
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