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function getTagFromHtmlText(html, tagFind, attrFind, attrValueFind, returnResult, all){
html = html || '',
reg = '';
if(all === undefined){
all = false;
html = html.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, ''); // remove comments
if(attrFind === undefined || attrFind === false){
reg = new RegExp('<'+tagFind+'\\b[^>]*(\\1)([^>]*/>|[^>]*>((?:(?:(?!<'+tagFind+'[^>]*>|<\/'+tagFind+'>)[\\s\\S])+|<'+tagFind+'[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\/'+tagFind+'>)*)<\/'+tagFind+'>)','gi');
reg = new RegExp('<'+tagFind+'\\b[^>]*'+attrFind+'=([\\\'"])?.*'+attrValueFind+'.*(\\1)([^>]*/>|[^>]*>((?:(?:(?!<'+tagFind+'[^>]*>|<\/'+tagFind+'>)[\\s\\S])+|<'+tagFind+'[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\/'+tagFind+'>)*)<\/'+tagFind+'>)','gi');
var matches = html.match(reg);
if(matches === null){
return false;
if(returnResult === true){
return matches;
return matches[0];
return true;
return false;
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