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Last active May 25, 2022 14:12
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$(document).ajaxStart(function () {
$(document).ajaxStop(function () {
function ShowBusy() {
function HideBusy() {
function ScrollToTop() {
try {
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow');
} catch (e) { }
$(document).ready(function () {
root: '/', script: JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/FolderContent', folderEvent: 'click', expandSpeed: 50,
collapseSpeed: 50, multiFolder: true
function (args, url) {
var nodeType = args.split(':')[0];
$('[id^=portalBody]').css('display', 'none');
switch (nodeType) {
case 'folder':
case 'file':
AjaxRequest('POST', url, '#portalBody', nodeType, null, null, false);
case 'layout':
LoadLayoutView(args, nodeType);
case 'shelf-templates':
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/GetTemplateList?type=shelfTemplate&IsSub=1", '#portalBody', nodeType, null, null, false);
case 'sub-templates':
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/GetTemplateList?type=viewTemplate&IsSub=1", '#portalBody', nodeType, null, null, false);
case 'templates':
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/GetTemplateList?type=viewTemplate&IsSub=0", '#portalBody', nodeType, null, null, false);
case 'template':
LoadTemplateView(args, nodeType);
case 'shelf-template':
LoadShelfTemplateView(args, nodeType)
case 'script':
LoadScriptView(args, nodeType);
case 'addScript':
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('GET', argsLine[1].replace(/\/$/, ''), '#portalBody', nodeType);
case 'addTemplate':
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('POST', argsLine[1].replace(/\/$/, ''), '#portalBody', nodeType);
case 'addShelfTemplate':
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('POST', argsLine[1].replace(/\/$/, ''), '#portalBody', nodeType);
case 'url-mapping':
argsLine = args.split(':');
url = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetUrlMappingList/?siteId=' + argsLine[1].replace(/\/$/, '');
AjaxRequest('POST', url, '#portalBody', nodeType);
case 'custom-view-part':
argsLine = args.split(':');
url = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetCustomPartList/?siteId=' + argsLine[1].replace(/\/$/, '');
AjaxRequest('POST', url, '#portalBody', nodeType);
case 'addUrlMapping':
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('POST', argsLine[1].replace(/\/$/, ''), '#portalBody', nodeType);
case 'file-manager-node':
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('POST', argsLine[1].replace(/\/$/, ''), '#portalBody', nodeType);
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LoadWebSiteView(args, nodeType);
case 'sites':
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/GetWebSiteList", '#portalBody', nodeType, null, null, false);
case 'dictionary':
LoadWebSiteDictionary(args, nodeType);
case 'file-manager':
case 'scripts':
case 'cluster':
argsLine = args.split(':');
url = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/ClusterAdd/?idColecao=' + argsLine[1].replace(/\/$/, '');
AjaxRequest('POST', url, '#portalBody', nodeType, loadClusterStart);
case 'clusterSub-add':
argsLine = args.split(':');
url = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/ClusterSubAdd/?clusterId=' + argsLine[1].replace(/\/$/, '') + '&clusterSubId=' + argsLine[2].replace(/\/$/, '');
AjaxRequest('POST', url, '#portalBody', nodeType, loadClusterSubStart);
case 'installment':
argsLine = args.split(':');
url = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/InstallmentAdd/?installmentId=' + argsLine[1].replace(/\/$/, '');
AjaxRequest('POST', url, '#portalBody', nodeType, loadInstallmentStart);
case 'installmentsku':
argsLine = args.split(':');
url = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/InstallmentSkuAdd/?installmentSkuId=' + argsLine[1].replace(/\/$/, '');
AjaxRequest('POST', url, '#portalBody', nodeType, loadInstallmentStart);
//$("#lnkNewDictionaryEntry").live('click', function () { AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/DictionaryAdd?SiteId=" + $("#hdnWebSiteId").val(), '#portalBody', null); } );
//$("#utm_source").live('change', function () { AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/TemplateContent?templateId=" + $("#templateId").val() + "&utm_source=" + $("#utm_source").val(), '#portalBody', null, BindTemplateFunctions); });
function GetFormConfirmLayoutClone(url, target) {
type: 'POST',
url: JsNewAppFolder + url,
//data: null,
cache: false,
//async: async,
success: function (data) {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
function LoadWebSiteTestView(args, nodeType) {
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/WebSiteTest/WebSiteTestContent?websiteId=' + argsLine[1] + '&websiteTestId=' + argsLine[2], '#portalBody', nodeType, BindSiteManagerNodeFunctions);
function WebSiteTestCreate_Sucess(obj) {
if (!HasApplicationException(obj.get_data())) {
ShowMessage('Teste gravado com sucesso!');
function LoadWebSiteAlternativeView(args, nodeType) {
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/WebSiteTestVariantContent?websiteTestId=' + argsLine[1] + '&websiteId=' + argsLine[2], '#portalBody', nodeType, BindSiteManagerNodeFunctions);
//Fim para WebSiteTest
function doEditDictionaryEntry(ItemId, SiteId) {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/AddDictionaryItem?ItemId=" + ItemId + "&SiteId=" + SiteId, '#portalBody', null);
function doSaveDictionaryItem(ItemId) {
var dataToPost = {
WebSiteId: $("#WebSiteId").val(),
WebSiteDictionaryItem: $("#WebSiteDictionaryItem").val(),
websiteDictionaryKey: $("#websiteDictionaryKey").val(),
websiteDictionaryValue: $("#websiteDictionaryValue").val(),
BindingHost: $("#BindingHost").val()
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/SaveDictionaryItem?ItemId=" + ItemId, '#portalBody', null, null, dataToPost);
function doSaveWebsiteBinding(Host, CSSFilePath, SiteId, utm_source, ActionType) {
var dataToPost = {
Host: Host,
CSSFilePath: CSSFilePath,
SiteId: SiteId,
utm_source: utm_source,
ActionType: ActionType
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/WebsiteBindingSave", '#portalBody', null, BindSiteManagerNodeFunctions, dataToPost);
function doEditWebSiteBinding(Host, websiteId) {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/WebsiteBindingAdd?Host=" + Host + "&SiteId=" + websiteId, '#portalBody', null, BindHostAddEddit, null);
function doDeleteWebSiteBinding(Host, websiteId) {
if (Host.includes("*"))
ShowAlertMessage("Não é possível remover o binding padrão.");
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/WebsiteBindingDelete?Host=" + Host + "&SiteId=" + websiteId, '#portalBody', null, BindSiteManagerNodeFunctions, null);
function InitDragNDrop() {
// $(".draggable").draggable();
// $(".droppable").droppable({
// greedy: true,
// drop: function (event, ui) {
// ui.draggable.find("a").unbind("click");
// doMoveLayout(ui.draggable.find("a").attr("rel"), $(this).find("a").attr("rel"));
// }
// });
return true;
function doMoveLayout(relLayout, relFolderTo) {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/LayoutMove?layoutData=' + relLayout + "&folderData=" + relFolderTo, '', 'folder', function () { ReloadFileTree(relFolderTo, relLayout); setTimeout(ReloadFileTree, 500, relFolderTo, relLayout); }, null, false);
function AddControlToPlaceHolder(form) {
if (form.controlClientName.value == '') form.controlClientName.value = form.controlType.value;
$('#' + $(form.placeHolderId.value).val()).append(MakeControlDivWithName($(form.placeHolderId.value).val(), form.controlType.value, form.controlId.value, form.controlClientName.value));
function RenameControlOnPlaceHolder(form) {
var itemToEdit = $('#' + form.controlId.value);
$(itemToEdit).attr('name', form.controlClientName.value);
function RenameControlOnPlaceHolderWithAttributes(form, viewPartInstanceId) {
//Edson.Costa - Walmart - 26/10/2011
//Seleciona o controle a ser Editado Pelo ID da ViewPartInstance
//Estava Ococrrendo que ao carregar pela Forma Normal Onde pega viewPartID + TimeStamp, em alguns casos havia duplicidade
//Ao Selecionar pelo viewPartInstaceId, somente o Controle clicado eh selecionado.
var itemToEdit = $("[instanceId=" + viewPartInstanceId + "]");
$(itemToEdit).attr('name', form.controlClientName.value);
function MakeControlDivWithName(conteinerId, controlName, controlId, controlClientName) {
var name = controlName;
var hrefToEditName = '';
var hrefToRemove = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="RemoveControl(\'' + controlId + '\',\'' + conteinerId + '\');"><img align="middle" border="0" src="' + JsNewAppFolder + '/Content/img/DeleteContact.png"></a>';
if (controlClientName != '') {
hrefToEditName = ' <a title="edit" id="name" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="OpenFormToTypeControlName(\'' + controlName + '\',\'' + controlId + '\',\'#placeHolderId\',\'' + controlClientName + '\');">' + controlClientName + '</a>';
return '<div id="' + controlId + '" class="fieldSelected" name="' + controlClientName + '"> ' + name + hrefToRemove + hrefToEditName + '</div>';
function OpenFormToTypeControlName(controlType, controlId, placeHolderId, control) {
OpenFormToTypeControlName(controlType, controlId, placeHolderId, control, "");
//Sobrecarreguei este método para não inteferir em outras chamadas
//Internamente há um tratamento para verificar se a variável esta preenchida.
function OpenFormToTypeControlName(controlType, controlId, placeHolderId, control, viewPartInstanceId) {
var form = document.getElementById('form-dialog-control-name');
form.controlClientName.value = '';
form.controlType.value = '';
form.controlId.value = '';
form.controlType.value = controlType;
form.controlId.value = controlId;
form.instanceId.value = viewPartInstanceId;
form.placeHolderId.value = placeHolderId;
if (control != null) {
form.controlClientName.value = $(control).text();
if (form.instanceId.value != "") {
form.submitButton.onclick = function () { RenameControlOnPlaceHolderWithAttributes(this.form, form.instanceId.value) }
form.submitButton.onclick = function () { RenameControlOnPlaceHolder(this.form) }
form.submitButton.value = 'Rename';
} else {
form.submitButton.value = 'Add';
form.submitButton.onclick = function () { AddControlToPlaceHolder(this.form); };
function LoadLayoutView(args, nodeType) {
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/LayoutContent?layoutId=' + argsLine[1], '#portalBody', nodeType);
function LoadShelfTemplateView(args, nodeType) {
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/ShelfTemplateContent?shelfTemplateId=' + argsLine[1], '#portalBody', nodeType);
function LoadTemplateView(args, nodeType) {
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/TemplateContent?templateId=' + argsLine[1], '#portalBody', nodeType);
function LoadWebSiteDictionary(args, nodeType) {
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/DictionaryContentBody?SiteId=' + argsLine[1], '#portalBody', nodeType, BindDictionaryFunction);
function LoadClusterInfo(args, nodeType) {
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/ClusterBody?ClusterId=' + argsLine[1], '#portalBody', nodeType, BindDictionaryFunction);
function LoadWebSiteView(args, nodeType) {
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/WebSiteContent?WebSiteId=' + argsLine[1], '#portalBody', nodeType, BindSiteManagerNodeFunctions);
function LoadScriptView(args, nodeType) {
argsLine = args.split(':');
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/ScriptContent?scriptId=' + argsLine[1], '#portalBody', nodeType);
function AjaxRequest(method, url, target, nodeType, callback, postData) {
AjaxRequest(method, url, target, nodeType, callback, postData, true);
function AjaxRequest(method, url, target, nodeType, callback, postData, async) {
type: method,
url: url,
data: postData,
cache: false,
async: async,
success: function (data) {
if (nodeType == 'file-del') { HasApplicationException(data); }
if (target != '') {
$(target).css('display', 'block');
switch (nodeType) {
case 'layout':
case 'folder': { BindLayoutFunctions(); break; }
case 'url-mapping':
case 'addUrlMapping': { BindUrlMappingFunctions(); break; }
case 'custom-view-part': { BindCustomViewPartFunctions(); break; }
case 'file-manager-node': { BindFileManagerNodeFunctions(); break; }
case 'site': { BindSiteManagerNodeFunctions(); break; }
case 'file': { BindFolderFunctions(); break; }
case 'file-del': { ReloadGrid(); break; }
case 'template':
case 'shelf-template':
case 'addShelfTemplate':
case 'addTemplate': { BindTemplateFunctions('add'); break; }
case 'cluster': { BindClusterFunctions(); break; }
case 'cluster-node': { BindClusterFunctions(); break; }
if (callback != null && callback != '')
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
function BindDictionaryFunction() {
function BindHostAddEddit() {
function BindFileManagerNodeFunctions() {
function BindBindingFunction(obj) {
if (!HasApplicationException(obj.get_data())) {
ShowMessage('The operation was successfully');
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/WebSiteContent?WebSiteId=' + argsLine[1], '#portalBody', 'site', BindSiteManagerNodeFunctions);
function BindSiteManagerNodeFunctions(obj) {
function BindUrlMappingFunctions() {
function BindCustomViewPartFunctions() {
function BindTemplateFunctions(action) {
if (action == 'view') $('#tabs').tabs('select', [1]);
else {
$('#tabs').tabs('select', [0]);
$("#tabs").tabs('disable', [1]);
function BindClusterFunctions(action) {
if (action == 'view') $('#tabs').tabs('select', [1]);
else {
$('#tabs').tabs('select', [0]);
$("#tabs").tabs('disable', [1]);
//adição de controles no place holder
function AddControl(containerId) {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetSiteControls', '#controls', '');
CssFixConfigShelf('controls', '90px');
//editando um controle adicionado e salvo dentro de um place holder
function EditControl(viewInstanceId, configURL) {
$('#configShelf').html('loading . . . . . .');
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/" + configURL + '?viewInstanceId=' + viewInstanceId, '#configShelf', '');
$('.ui-widget-overlay').css('z-index', '5000');
CssFixConfigShelf('configShelf', '90px');
function RemoveContentRow(div) {
$("#totalRows").val($("#totalBannerContentRows").val() - 1);
function RemoveContentRowByName(divName) {
$('#' + divName).remove();
$("#totalRows").val($("#totalBannerContentRows").val() - 1);
function BindContentDatePicker() {
var pathImage = JsNewAppFolder + '/Content/themes/base/images/calendar.gif';
$('#dateFromPicker').datepicker({ showOn: 'button', buttonImage: pathImage, buttonImageOnly: true, dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy' });
//remoção de controles do place holder
function RemoveControl(controlId, conteinerId) {
$('#' + conteinerId).children('#' + controlId).remove();
//reconstruindo o value do hidden
function MakeControlHidden(source) {
var values = '';
for (i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
if (values != '') values = values + '-||-';
values = values + source[i];
return values;
//prepara o array de controles antes do submit, retirando marcadore de UI
function HandleControlListToSubmit() {
placeHolders = $('.placeHolderClass');
var arrayPlaceHolderControls = $('#coltrolIdSelectedList').val().split('-||-');
return true;
function MakeControlInputHidden(placeHolders) {
var stringPlaceHolder = '';
var stringReturn = '';
for (i = 0; i < placeHolders.length; i++) {
stringPlaceHolder = placeHolders[i].id
pControls = $(placeHolders[i]).children('div');
if (stringReturn != '') stringReturn += '-||-';
stringReturn += stringPlaceHolder + '[:][:][:]';
for (j = 0; j < pControls.length; j++) {
if (stringReturn != '') stringReturn += '-||-';
stringReturn += stringPlaceHolder + '[:]' + $(pControls[j]).attr('id') + '[:]' + ($(pControls[j]).attr('instanceId') == null ? '' : $(pControls[j]).attr('instanceId')) + '[:]' + $(pControls[j]).attr('name');
return stringReturn;
//remove o time stamp inserido no id do controle
function RemoveTimeStamp(source) {
var aux;
var controlIdWithTimeStamp;
var conteinerId;
var controlId;
for (i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
if (source[i] != "") {
aux = source[i].split('[:]');
conteinerId = aux[0];
controlIdWithTimeStamp = aux[1];
controlId = controlIdWithTimeStamp.split('TSC')[0];
source[i] = conteinerId + '[:]' + controlId + '[:]' + aux[2] + '[:]' + aux[3];
function BindLayoutFunctions() {
// OnChange "default Layout" check box state
$("#layoutDefault").click(function () {
var isChecked = $(this).attr("checked");
if (isChecked) {
// Limpa os demais campos de complemento
$("#startDate").attr("value", "");
$("#startTime").attr("value", "");
$("#endDate").attr("value", "");
$("#endTime").attr("value", "");
// Limpa Box de Categorias
var categoryLength = $("#categoryListBox")[0].options.length;
for (k = 0; k < categoryLength; k++) {
// Limpa Box de Produtos
var productLength = $("#productListBox")[0].options.length;
for (k = 0; k < productLength; k++) {
else {
$("#complement").css("display", "block");
if (!$("#layoutDefault").attr("checked")) {
$("#complement").css("display", "block");
//templateid, on change na drop de templates, guardar o templateid,
//para uso na recocolsulta apoós salvar.
$('#templates').change(function () {
var _originalTemplateId = $('#originalTemplate').val();
var _templateId = $('#templates').val();
if (_originalTemplateId != '' && _templateId != _originalTemplateId) {
var postData = { templateId: _templateId, originalTemplateId: _originalTemplateId };
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetFormConfirmTemplateChange', '#dialog-confirm', '', '', postData);
if ($("#layoutId").attr("value") != '') {
$('#tabs-layout').data('disabled.tabs', []);
$("#tabs-layout").tabs('enable', [1]);
$("#tabs-layout").tabs('enable', [2]);
// ui: Category Picker Dialog
bgiframe: true,
autoOpen: false,
height: 300,
zIndex: 5002,
modal: true,
buttons: {
Adicionar: function () {
var flag = false;
var selectedCategoryId = $("#categoryIdSelected").attr("value");
var categoryItems = $("#categoryListBox option");
for (categoryIndex = 0; categoryIndex < categoryItems.length; categoryIndex++) {
var category = categoryItems[categoryIndex];
if (category.value == selectedCategoryId)
flag = true;
if (flag) {
ShowMessage("A categoria " + document.getElementById('categoryNameSelected').value + " já foi adicionada!");
} else {
// adiciona o nome na lista
option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = document.getElementById('categoryIdSelected').value;
option.text = document.getElementById('categoryNameSelected').value;
option.selected = true;
$('#openCategory').click(function () {
root: '/',
script: JsNewAppFolder + '/CatalogSystem/CategoryContent',
folderEvent: 'click',
expandSpeed: 50,
collapseSpeed: 50,
multiFolder: false
function (args, url) {
bgiframe: true,
autoOpen: false,
zIndex: 5002,
width: 1200,
title: 'Edit Visual Control',
modal: true,
open: function (event, ui) { },
close: function (event, ui) { }
bgiframe: true,
autoOpen: false,
width: 1000,
height: 700,
zIndex: 5003,
title: 'Content',
modal: true,
open: function (event, ui) { $('#configContent').html('loading. . . . . . .'); },
close: function (event, ui) { }
//control dialog
bgiframe: true,
autoOpen: false,
width: 600,
zIndex: 5002,
modal: true,
open: function (event, ui) { ClearCheckBox(); },
Adicionar: function () {
var checks = document.getElementsByName('controlCheck');
for (var i = 0; i < checks.length; i++) {
if (checks[i].checked) {
var valueName = checks[i].value.split('::');
var controlId = valueName[0] + MakeTimeStamp();
var controlName = valueName[1];
OpenFormToTypeControlName(controlName, controlId, '#placeHolderId', null);
//control dialog
bgiframe: true,
autoOpen: false,
width: 460,
zIndex: 5003,
modal: true,
open: function (event, ui) { }
//limpa os checks box do dialog de adição de controles
function ClearCheckBox() {
var checks = document.getElementsByName('controlCheck');
for (var i = 0; i < checks.length; i++) {
checks[i].checked = false;
//cria um selo para identificar exclusivamente cada controle
function MakeTimeStamp() {
var currentTime = new Date();
return 'TSC' + currentTime.getHours() + currentTime.getMinutes() + currentTime.getSeconds() + currentTime.getMilliseconds();
function MakeControlDiv(conteinerId, controlName, controlId) {
return '<div id="' + controlId + '" class="fieldSelected"> ' + controlName + ' <a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="RemoveControl(\'' + controlId + '\',\'' + conteinerId + '\');"><img align="middle" border="0" src="' + JsNewAppFolder + '/Content/img/DeleteContact.png"></a></div>';
$(function () {
$('.placeHolderClass').sortable({ revert: true, scroll: false });
bgiframe: true,
autoOpen: false,
width: 560,
Zindex: 5002,
modal: true,
Adicionar: function () {
var flag = false;
var productItems = $("#productListBox")[0].options;
var selectedProductIds = document.getElementsByName("productCheck");
var ProdutosRepetidos = new Array();
for (selectedProductIndex = 0; selectedProductIndex < selectedProductIds.length; selectedProductIndex++) {
flag = true;
if (selectedProductIds[selectedProductIndex].checked) {
for (productIndex = 0; productIndex < productItems.length; productIndex++) {
var product = productItems[productIndex];
if (product.value == selectedProductIds[selectedProductIndex].value.split("{|}")[0]) {
flag = false;
ProdutosRepetidos[ProdutosRepetidos.length] = selectedProductIds[selectedProductIndex].value.split("{|}")[1];
if (flag) {
option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = selectedProductIds[selectedProductIndex].value.split("{|}")[0];
option.text = selectedProductIds[selectedProductIndex].value.split("{|}")[1];
option.selected = true;
if (ProdutosRepetidos.length == 0) {
//if (selectedProductIds.length == 1)
//ShowMessage("O Produto foi adicionado com sucesso!");
//ShowMessage("Os Produtos foram adicionados com sucesso!");
else {
if (selectedProductIds.length - ProdutosRepetidos.length == 0)
ShowMessage("O(s) Produto(s) selecionado(s) já havia(m) sido adicionado(s)!");
ShowMessage("O(s) produto(s) " + ProdutosRepetidos.join(", ").replace(/\,\s+(.+)$/, " e $1") + " já havia(m) sido adicionado(s). Os demais foram adicionados com sucesso.");
$('#openProduct').click(function () {
$('.vtex-button-save').click(function () {
bgiframe: true,
autoOpen: false,
width: 560,
Zindex: 5002,
modal: true,
Adicionar: function () {
var flag = false;
var Items = $("#brandListBox")[0].options;
var selectedIds = $("input[name='brandCheck']").length > 1 ? $("input[name='brandCheck']") : $("input[name='brandRadio']");
var ProdutosRepetidos = new Array();
function () {
if ($(this).attr("checked")) {
var itemId = $(this).val().split("{|}")[0];
var itemVal = $(this).val().split("{|}")[1];
if ($("#brandListBox>option[value='" + itemId + "']").length == 0)
$("#brandListBox").append("<option value='" + itemId + "'>" + itemVal + "</option>");
ProdutosRepetidos[ProdutosRepetidos.length] = itemVal;
if (ProdutosRepetidos.length != 0)
ShowMessage("A marca [" + ProdutosRepetidos.join(", ").replace(/\,\s+(.+)$/, " e $1") + "] já havia sido adicionada.");
bgiframe: true,
autoOpen: false,
width: 560,
Zindex: 5002,
modal: true,
Adicionar: function () {
var flag = false;
var Items = $("#productClusterListBox")[0].options;
var selectedIds = $("input[name='collectionCheck']").length > 1 ? $("input[name='collectionCheck']") : $("input[name='collectionRadio']");
var ProdutosRepetidos = new Array();
function () {
if ($(this).attr("checked")) {
var itemId = $(this).val().split("{|}")[0];
var itemVal = $(this).val().split("{|}")[1];
if ($("#productClusterListBox>option[value='" + itemId + "']").length == 0)
$("#productClusterListBox").append("<option value='" + itemId + "'>" + itemVal + "</option>");
ProdutosRepetidos[ProdutosRepetidos.length] = itemVal;
if (ProdutosRepetidos.length != 0)
ShowMessage("Collection [" + ProdutosRepetidos.join(", ").replace(/\,\s+(.+)$/, " e $1") + "] is alredy added.");
function GenerateDatePicker() {
var pathImage = JsNewAppFolder + '/Content/themes/base/images/calendar.gif';
$("#startDate").datepicker({ showOn: 'button', buttonImage: pathImage, buttonImageOnly: true, dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy' });
$("#startDate").datepicker('option', { dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy' });
// Muda a hora em função da Data Escolhida (startDate -> startTime)
$("#startDate").change(function () {
if ($("#startDate").attr("value").trim() == "") {
$("#endDate").datepicker('option', 'minDate', (new Date(1900, 1, 1)));
$("#startTime").attr("value", "");
$("#startTime").attr("disabled", true);
else {
$("#startTime").attr("value", "00:00");
$("#startTime").attr("disabled", false);
$("#startTime").disabled = false;
$("#endDate").datepicker('option', 'minDate', DateValue($("#startDate").attr("value").trim()));
if (($("#endDate").attr("value").trim() != "") && (DateValue($("#startDate").attr("value").trim()) > DateValue($("#endDate").attr("value").trim()))) {
$("#endDate").attr("value", "");
$("#endTime").attr("value", "");
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Verifica formatação da hora de início
$("#startTime").change(function () {
var re = /^[0|1]\d\:[012345]\d$|^2[0123]\:[012345]\d$/;
var strTime = $(this).attr("value");
if ((strTime != "") && (!strTime.match(re))) {
ShowMessage('Hora Inválida:' + strTime);
$(this).attr("value", $("#startDate").attr("value").trim() == "" ? "" : "00:00");
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Verifica Caracter pressionado na hora inicio
$("#startTime").keypress(function (e) {
if (!(((e.keyCode >= 48) && (e.keyCode <= 58)))) {
e.returnValue = false;
return false;
$("#endDate").datepicker({ showOn: 'button', buttonImage: pathImage, buttonImageOnly: true, dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy' });
$("#endDate").datepicker('option', { dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy' });
// Muda a hora em função da Data Escolhida (endDate -> endTime)
$("#endDate").change(function () {
if ($("#endDate").attr("value").trim() == "")
$("#endTime").attr("value", "");
$("#endTime").attr("value", "23:59");
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Verifica formatação da hora de término
$("#endTime").change(function () {
var re = /^[0|1]\d\:[012345]\d$|^2[0123]\:[012345]\d$/;
var strTime = $(this).attr("value");
if ((strTime != "") && (!strTime.match(re))) {
ShowMessage('Hora Inválida:' + strTime);
$(this).attr("value", $("#endDate").attr("value").trim() == "" ? "" : "00:00");
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Verifica Caracter pressionado na hora inicio
$("#endTime").keypress(function (e) {
if (!(((e.keyCode >= 48) && (e.keyCode <= 58)))) {
e.returnValue = false;
return false;
// Retorna um objeto Data para uma string de data válida
function DateValue(strDataIn) {
var arrDataIn = new Array()
arrDataIn = strDataIn.replace(/[^\d]/g, "-").split("-");
if (arrDataIn.length != 3)
return false;
dtDataOut = new Date(parseInt(arrDataIn[2], 10), parseInt(arrDataIn[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(arrDataIn[0], 10));
strCheckIn = parseInt(arrDataIn[0], 10) + "/" + (parseInt(arrDataIn[1], 10) - 1) + "/" + parseInt(arrDataIn[2], 10);
strCheckOut = parseInt(dtDataOut.getDate(), 10) + "/" + parseInt(dtDataOut.getMonth(), 10) + "/" + parseInt(dtDataOut.getFullYear(), 10);
if (strCheckIn != strCheckOut)
return false;
return dtDataOut;
//functions of pickers
function findElementInArray(vector, element) {
var retorno = false;
var p;
for (p = 0; p < vector.length; p++) {
if (element == vector[p])
retorno = true;
return retorno;
function removeType(idSelectbox, listIds, type) {
var msgSucesso; var msgVazia; var arrNomesSelecionados = new Array();
var selectbox = $("#" + idSelectbox);
// Não há elemento selecionado no selectbox
if (selectbox.val() == "") {
switch (type) {
// Se Removendo Categoria
case 'c':
msgVazia = "Does not exist categories to be removed!";
// Removendo Produto
case 'p':
msgVazia = "Does not exist products to be removed!";
// Removendo Marca
case 'm':
msgVazia = "Does not exist brands to be removed!";
// Removendo Coleções
case 'l':
msgVazia = "Does not exist collections to be removed!";
// Exibe Dialog de erro
return (false);
$("#" + idSelectbox + " option:selected").each(function () {
arrNomesSelecionados[arrNomesSelecionados.length] = ("'" + $(this).text() + "'");
// Formata mensagem de retorno da remoção
switch (type) {
case 'c':
msgSucesso = "Categories: " + arrNomesSelecionados.join(", ").replace(/\,\s+(.+)$/, " e $1") + " were removed!";
case 'p':
msgSucesso = "Products: " + arrNomesSelecionados.join(", ").replace(/\,\s+(.+)$/, " e $1") + " were removed!";
case 'm':
msgSucesso = "Brands: " + arrNomesSelecionados.join(", ").replace(/\,\s+(.+)$/, " e $1") + " were removed!";
case 'l':
msgSucesso = "Collections: " + arrNomesSelecionados.join(", ").replace(/\,\s+(.+)$/, " e $1") + " were removed!";
function loadCategory(obj) {
document.getElementById('categoryNameSelected').value =;
var categoryObj = obj.rel.split(':')[1];
document.getElementById('categoryIdSelected').value = categoryObj.replace(/\/$/, '');
function OpenDiv() {
function doOpenDialog(strSelector) {
function BindFolderFunctions() {
if ($('#tabs-folder').is(':data(dialog)')) $('#tabs-folder').dialog("destroy");
function FolderCreate_Sucess(obj) {
if (!HasApplicationException(obj.get_data())) {
ShowMessage('Folder successfully saved.');
function UrlMappingCreate_Sucess(obj) {
if (!HasApplicationException(obj.get_data())) {
ShowMessage('Url successfully created.');
function websiteDictionary_Sucess(obj) {
var reWebSiteId = /\sid\=[\'\"]hdnWebSiteId[\'\"].*?value\=[\'\"]([a-z0-9\-]+)[\'\"]?/i;
var websiteMatch = reWebSiteId.exec(obj.get_data());
if (!HasApplicationException(obj.get_data())) {
ShowMessage('Dictonary key successfully saved.');
LoadWebSiteDictionary(":" + websiteMatch[1], 'dictionary');
function SaveLayoutSetting(obj) {
$(function () {
$('.placeHolderClass').sortable({ revert: true, scroll: false });
$("#tabs-layout").tabs('select', [1]);
ShowMessage('Settings successfully saved.');
function LayoutSaved(obj) {
if (!HasApplicationException(obj.get_data())) {
ShowMessage('Layout successfully saved.');
function TemplateCreate_Sucess(obj) {
if (!HasApplicationException(obj.get_data())) {
ShowMessage('Template successfully saved.');
function WebSiteCreate_Sucess(obj) {
if (!HasApplicationException(obj.get_data())) {
ShowMessage('WebSite successfully saved.');
function ScriptCreate_Sucess(obj) {
if (!HasApplicationException(obj.get_data())) {
ShowMessage('Script successfully saved.');
function HasApplicationException(textReturned) {
var re = /\<applicationExceptionObject\>(.*?)\<\/applicationExceptionObject\>/i;
var returnMessage = re.exec(textReturned);
if (returnMessage[1].trim() != '') {
try {
var resultObject = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.deserialize(returnMessage[1].trim());
if (resultObject.originalMessage != 0) {
} catch (ex) {
return true;
function ReloadFileTree() {
try {
if (!$(fileTreeSelectedNode).hasClass('expanded')) {
} catch (e) { }
function ReloadFileTree(folderToRel, layoutFromRel) {
if (folderToRel != null && layoutFromRel != null) {
var layoutFromQry = $('a[rel$=":' + layoutFromRel.split('/')[1].replace(/\-/g, "") + '/"]').attr("rel");
$('a[rel="' + layoutFromQry + '"]').click();
$('a[rel="' + folderToRel + '"]').click();
$('a[rel="' + folderToRel + '"]').focus();
} else {
try {
if (!$(fileTreeSelectedNode).hasClass('expanded')) {
} catch (e) { }
function Form_Submit_Failure(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var re = /\<title\>(.*?)\<\/title\>/i;
var mensagem = XMLHttpRequest.get_data();
var mensagemSaida = re.exec(mensagem);
function ShowMessage(msg) {
bgiframe: true,
modal: true,
width: 500,
zIndex: 5020,
buttons: {
Ok: function () {
function ShowAlertMessage(msg) {
bgiframe: true,
modal: true,
width: 500,
buttons: {
Ok: function () {
function ShowAlertMessageConfirm(msg, cb) {
var retorno = false;
bgiframe: true,
modal: true,
width: 500,
buttons: {
'Confirmar': function () {
if (cb) {
retorno = true;
'Cancelar': function () {
return retorno;
function EncodeHTML(text) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
var text1 = document.createTextNode(text);
return div.innerHTML;
jQuery.fn.encHTML = function () {
return this.each(function () {
var me = jQuery(this);
var html = me.html();
me.html(html.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;'));
jQuery.fn.decHTML = function () {
return this.each(function () {
var me = jQuery(this);
var html = me.html();
me.html(html.replace(/&amp;/g, '&').replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>'));
function OpenConfirmFolderDel(obj) {
if ($('#dialog').is(':data(dialog)')) $('#dialog').dialog("destroy");
function OpenConfirmLayoutClone(obj) {
if ($('#dialog').is(':data(dialog)')) $('#dialog').dialog("destroy");
function MakeConfirmDialog() {
if ($('#dialog').is(':data(dialog)')) $('#dialog').dialog("destroy");
if ($('#dialog-confirm').is(':data(dialog)')) $('#dialog-confirm').dialog("destroy");
stackfix: true,
bgiframe: true,
resizable: false,
width: 400,
modal: true,
title: 'Atention!',
overlay: {
backgroundColor: '#000',
opacity: 0.5
close: function (event, ui) {
if ($('#templates').length > 0) {
if ($('#hasChanged').val() == '') {
open: function (event, ui) {
var confirmDialog = $('#dialog-confirm');
$("#dialog-confirm").html('loading. . . . . .');
if ($(confirmDialog).dialog('isOpen')) {
function FolderDel_Sucess(obj) {
ShowMessage("Folder deleted successfully.");
function LayoutDel_Sucess(obj) {
ShowMessage("Layout deleted successfully.");
function LayoutClone_Sucess(obj) {
ShowMessage("Layout copied successfully.");
function TemplateDel_Sucess(obj) {
ShowMessage("Template deleted successfully.");
function WebSiteDel_Sucess(obj) {
ShowMessage("Web-site deleted successfully.");
function CloseConfirmLayoutClone(form) {
if (form.webSiteId.value != '') {
return true;
ShowAlertMessage('Please select the web-site!');
return false;
function CloseConfirmDialog(form) {
if (form.textConfirm.value == 'yes') {
return true;
ShowAlertMessage('Type "yes" to confirm!');
return false;
function GetFormParameter(nameParameter, formParameterSplited) {
for (i = 0; i < formParameterSplited.length; i++) {
parameterLine = formParameterSplited[i].split('=');
if (parameterLine[0] == nameParameter)
return parameterLine[1];
function HandleContentListToSubmit(form) {
if (MakeCustomViewPartFields()) {
if (ValidateFormShelfConfig(form)) {
contentRows = $('.divFieldSetDataRow');
if (MakeContentInputHidden(contentRows, form.viewPartInstanceId.value) != 'false') {
form.contentList.value = MakeContentInputHidden(contentRows, form.viewPartInstanceId.value);
return true;
} else return false;
} else return false;
} else return false;
function MakeContentInputHidden(contents, viewPartInstanceId) {
var ShelfContentColletion = new Array();
var stringContent = '';
for (i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) {
if (MakeShelfContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, i, contents[i], 'object') != 'false') {
ShelfContentColletion[i] = MakeShelfContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, i, contents[i], 'object');
} else return 'false';
return Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(ShelfContentColletion);
function HandleLayoutTemplateChange(form) {
if (form.textConfirm.value == 'yes') {
} else {
ShowAlertMessage('Please type yes to confirm.')
function removeDateToList(sender, indice) {
$('#' + sender).remove();
$("#contentDateCount").val(parseInt($("#contentDateCount").val()) - 1);
function MakeShelfContentPeriods(dateList) {
var periodText = "";
if (dateList.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < dateList.length; i++) {
var dateFrom = "";
var dateTo = "";
var onlyDateFrom = $('input[name^=dateFromList]', dateList[i]).val();
var onlyHourFrom = $('input[name^=hourFromList]', dateList[i]).val();
var onlyDateTo = $('input[name^=dateToList]', dateList[i]).val();
var onlyHourTo = $('input[name^=hourToList]', dateList[i]).val();
dateFrom = onlyDateFrom + ' ' + onlyHourFrom;
dateTo = onlyDateTo + ' ' + onlyHourTo;
if (dateFrom.trim() == "") dateFrom = "......................";
if (dateTo.trim() == "") dateTo = "......................";
periodText += "<b>" + (i + 1) + "</b>:" + dateFrom + "<b>-</b>" + dateTo + "<br />";
return periodText;
function MakeShelfContentPeriodDivs(dateList) {
var periodDivs = "";
if (dateList.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < dateList.length; i++) {
var dateFrom = "";
var dateTo = "";
var onlyDateFrom = $('input[name^=dateFromList]', dateList[i]).val();
var onlyHourFrom = $('input[name^=hourFromList]', dateList[i]).val();
var onlyDateTo = $('input[name^=dateToList]', dateList[i]).val();
var onlyHourTo = $('input[name^=hourToList]', dateList[i]).val();
dateFrom = onlyDateFrom + ' ' + onlyHourFrom;
dateTo = onlyDateTo + ' ' + onlyHourTo;
periodDivs += "<div id=\"dateTime" + i + "\" class=\"periodDateItens\" dateTimeFrom=\"" + dateFrom + "\" dateTimeTo=\"" + dateTo + "\"></div>";
return periodDivs;
function EditContentRow(divId, indice) {
var viewPartInstanceId = $('#viewPartInstanceId').val();
var rowData = MakeShelfContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, divId, 'text');
if (rowData != 'false') {
var contentURL = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetShelfContentForm';
var postData = { contentStringData: rowData };
AjaxRequest('POST', contentURL, '#configContent', '', '', postData);
CssFixConfigShelf('configContent', '90px');
function EditContentRowByName(divName, indice) {
var viewPartInstanceId = $('#viewPartInstanceId').val();
var div = $('#' + divName);
var rowData = MakeShelfContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, div, 'text');
if (rowData != 'false') {
contentURL = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetShelfContentForm';
var postData = { contentStringData: rowData };
AjaxRequest('POST', contentURL, '#configContent', '', '', postData);
CssFixConfigShelf('configContent', '90px');
function ShelfAddDateToList() {
if ($("#dateFromShelf").attr("value").trim() != "" || $("#dateToShelf").attr("value").trim() != "") {
var dateFrom, hourFrom, dateTo, hourTo, i, hrefToDel, table;
i = $("#contentDateCount").val();
hrefToDel = "<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" class=\"IconDel\" onclick=\"removeDateToList('divDate" + i + "'," + i + ")\">&nbsp</a>";
dateFrom = $("#dateFromShelf").attr("value").trim();
hourFrom = $("#hourFrom").attr("value").trim();
dateTo = $("#dateToShelf").attr("value").trim();
hourTo = $("#hourTo").attr("value").trim();
table = '<table width="100%" align="center" class="shelfDateItem">';
table += '<tr><td width="15%">De:</td><td width="30%">' + MakeInputText("dateFromList-" + i, dateFrom, "vtex-datepicker") + " " + MakeInputText("hourFromList-" + i, hourFrom, "vtex-hour");
table += '</td><td width="15%">Até:</td><td width="30%">' + MakeInputText("dateToList-" + i, dateTo, "vtex-datepicker") + " " + MakeInputText("hourToList-" + i, hourTo, "vtex-hour") + '</td><td width="10%">' + hrefToDel + '</td></tr>';
table += '</table>';
$(".ShelfContentDateList").append("<div id=\"divDate" + i + "\" dateFrom=\"" + dateFrom + "\" hourFrom =\"" + hourFrom + "\" dateTo=\"" + dateTo + "\" hourTo=\"" + hourTo + "\" class=\"shelfDateItens\">" + table + "</div>")
$("#contentDateCount").val(parseInt($("#contentDateCount").val()) + 1);
var pathImage = JsNewAppFolder + '/Content/themes/base/images/calendar.gif';
$('.vtex-datepicker').datepicker({ showOn: 'both', buttonImage: pathImage, buttonImageOnly: true, dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy' });
$('.vtex-datepicker').attr('readonly', true);
function MakeInputText(name, value, css) {
return '<input class="' + css + '" type="text" name="' + name + '" value="' + value + '" />';
function ClearDates() {
$("#dateFromShelf").attr("value", "");
$("#hourFrom").attr("value", "");
$("#dateToShelf").attr("value", "");
$("#hourTo").attr("value", "");
//json objects--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function ControlContentByParameters(ViewPartInstanceId, Indice, ContentName, Partner, Campaign, Category, Brand, Source, Keyword, Periods, Active, Id) {
this.ViewPartInstanceId = ViewPartInstanceId;
this.Indice = Indice;
this.ContentName = ContentName;
this.Partner = Partner;
this.Campaign = Campaign;
this.Category = Category;
this.Brand = Brand;
this.Source = Source;
this.Keyword = Keyword;
this.Periods = Periods;
this.Active = Active;
if (Id != null)
this.Id = Id;
function ControlContent(controlContentObj) {//overload
this.ViewPartInstanceId = controlContentObj.ViewPartInstanceId;
this.Indice = controlContentObj.Indice;
this.ContentName = controlContentObj.ContentName;
this.Partner = controlContentObj.Partner;
this.Campaign = controlContentObj.Campaign;
this.Category = controlContentObj.Category;
this.Brand = controlContentObj.Brand;
this.Source = controlContentObj.Source;
this.Keyword = controlContentObj.Keyword;
this.Periods = controlContentObj.Periods;
this.Active = controlContentObj.Active;
if (controlContentObj.Id != null)
this.Id = controlContentObj.Id;
function ShelfContent(controlContentObj, aProductCluster, aQueryString) {
this.newMethod = ControlContent; //extend ControlContent
delete this.newMethod;
this.ProductCluster = aProductCluster;
this.SearchQueryString = aQueryString;
function BannerContent(controlContentObj, aWidth, aHeight, aFileType, aLinkUrl, aFileName) {
this.newMethod = ControlContent; //extend ControlContent
delete this.newMethod;
this.Width = aWidth;
this.Height = aHeight;
this.FileType = aFileType;
this.LinkUrl = aLinkUrl;
this.FileName = aFileName;
function BannerDhtmlContent(controlContentObj, bannerContent, xPosition, yPosition, timer) {
this.newMethod = BannerContent; //extend BannerContent
this.newMethod(controlContentObj, bannerContent.Width, bannerContent.Height, bannerContent.FileType, bannerContent.LinkUrl, bannerContent.FileName);
delete this.newMethod;
this.XPosition = xPosition;
this.YPosition = yPosition;
this.Timer = timer;
function HtmlContent(controlContentObj, aHtml, aFileName) {
this.newMethod = ControlContent; //extend ControlContent
delete this.newMethod;
this.FileName = aFileName;
this.Html = aHtml;
function RealMediaContent(controlContentObj, aPosition) {
this.newMethod = ControlContent; //extend ControlContent
delete this.newMethod;
this.Position = aPosition;
function Period(aDateFrom, aDateTo) {
this.From = aDateFrom;
this.To = aDateTo;
//construtor dos objetos-----------------------------------------------------------------
//conteudo generico
function MakeControlContent(viewPartInstanceId, indice, content) {
if ($.trim($(content).children('#contentName').children('textarea').val()) == '') {
ShowMessage("O nome do conteúdo é obrigatório na linha " + (indice + 1));
return 'false';
var controlContent = new ControlContentByParameters(viewPartInstanceId,
return controlContent;
function MakeBannerCommonContent(myContentObj, viewPartInstanceId, indice, content) {
ValidateBannerCommonContent(indice, content);
return new BannerContent(myContentObj,
function MakeRealMediaCommonContent(viewPartInstanceId, indice, content) {
if ($(content).children('#position').children('textarea').val().trim() == '') {
ShowMessage("A posição é obrigatório na linha " + (indice + 1));
return 'false';
return $(content).children('#position').children('textarea').val().trim()
function ValidateBannerCommonContent(indice, content) {
var localWidth = $(content).children('#width').children('textarea').val().trim();
if (localWidth == '') {
ShowMessage("A largura do banner é obrigatório na linha " + (indice + 1));
} else {
if (isNaN(localWidth)) {
ShowMessage("A largura do banner não é um número válido na linha " + (indice + 1));
var localHeight = $(content).children('#height').children('textarea').val().trim();
if (localHeight == '') {
ShowMessage("A altura do banner é obrigatório na linha " + (indice + 1));
} else {
if (isNaN(localHeight)) {
ShowMessage("A altura do banner não é um número válido na linha " + (indice + 1));
/*var localLinkUrl = $(content).children('#linkUrl').children('textarea').val().trim();
if (localLinkUrl == '') {
ShowMessage("A url do banner é obrigatório na linha " + (indice + 1));
function MakeShelfContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, content, returnType) {
var myContent = MakeControlContent(viewPartInstanceId, indice, content);
if (myContent != 'false') {
if ($(content).children('#productCluster').children('a').html() == '' && $(content).children('#queryString').children('textarea').val().trim() == '') {
ShowMessage("O campo consulta é obrigatório na linha linha " + (indice + 1));
return 'false';
var shelfContent = new ShelfContent(myContent,
if (returnType == "text") return Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(shelfContent);
if (returnType == "object") return shelfContent;
} else return 'false';
//banner ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function MakeBannerContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, content, returnType) {
var myContent = MakeControlContent(viewPartInstanceId, indice, content);
if (myContent != 'false') {
var bannerContent = MakeBannerCommonContent(myContent, viewPartInstanceId, indice, content);
if (returnType == "text") return Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(bannerContent);
if (returnType == "object") return bannerContent;
} else return 'false';
//banner dhtm----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function MakeBannerDhtmlContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, content, returnType) {
var myContent = MakeControlContent(viewPartInstanceId, indice, content);
if (myContent != 'false') {
var bannerContent = MakeBannerCommonContent(myContent, viewPartInstanceId, indice, content);
if (ValidateBannerDhtmlContent(indice, content)) {
var bannerDhtmContent = new BannerDhtmlContent(myContent,
if (returnType == "text") return Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(bannerDhtmContent);
if (returnType == "object") return bannerDhtmContent;
} else return 'false';
} else return 'false';
function ValidateBannerDhtmlContent(indice, content) {
var localX = $(content).children('#xPosition').children('textarea').val().trim();
if (localX == '') {
ShowMessage("A posição X do banner é obrigatório na linha " + (indice + 1));
return false;
} else {
if (isNaN(localX)) {
ShowMessage("A posição X do banner não é um número válido na linha " + (indice + 1));
return false;
var localYY = $(content).children('#yPosition').children('textarea').val().trim();
if (localYY == '') {
ShowMessage("A posição Y do banner é obrigatório na linha " + (indice + 1));
return false;
} else {
if (isNaN(localYY)) {
ShowMessage("A posição Y do banner não é um número válido na linha " + (indice + 1));
return false;
var localTimer = $(content).children('#timer').children('textarea').val().trim();
if (localTimer == '') {
ShowMessage("O Temporizador (T.) do banner é obrigatório na linha " + (indice + 1));
return false;
} else {
if (isNaN(localTimer)) {
ShowMessage("O Temporizador (T.) do banner não é um número válido na linha " + (indice + 1));
return false;
return true;
function MakeHtmlContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, content, returnType) {
var myContent = MakeControlContent(viewPartInstanceId, indice, content);
if (myContent != 'false') {
var htmlContent = new HtmlContent(myContent,
if (returnType == "text") return Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(htmlContent);
if (returnType == "object") return htmlContent;
} else return 'false';
function MakeContentPeriods(div) {
var periodDateItens = $(div).children('.periodDateItens');
var Periods = new Array();
var period = null;
for (var i = 0; i < periodDateItens.length; i++) {
period = new Period($(periodDateItens[i]).attr('dateTimeFrom'), $(periodDateItens[i]).attr('dateTimeTo'));
Periods[i] = period;
return Periods;
function EditHtmlContentRow(divId, indice) {
var viewPartInstanceId = $('#viewPartInstanceId').val();
var rowData = MakeHtmlContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, divId, 'text');
if (rowData != 'false') {
contentURL = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetHtmlContentForm';
var data = { viewPartInstanceId: viewPartInstanceId, contentStringData: rowData };
AjaxRequest('POST', contentURL, '#configContent', '', '', data);
CssFixConfigShelf('configContent', '90px');
function EditHtmlContentRowByName(divName, indice) {
var viewPartInstanceId = $('#viewPartInstanceId').val();
var div = $('#' + divName);
var rowData = MakeHtmlContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, div, 'text');
if (rowData != 'false') {
contentURL = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetHtmlContentForm';
var data = { viewPartInstanceId: viewPartInstanceId, contentStringData: rowData };
AjaxRequest('POST', contentURL, '#configContent', '', '', data);
CssFixConfigShelf('configContent', '90px');
function HandleHtmlContentListToSubmit(form) {
if (MakeCustomViewPartFields()) {
contentRows = $('.divFieldSetHtmlDataRow');
if (MakeHtmlContentInputHidden(contentRows, form.viewPartInstanceId.value) != 'false') {
$('#htmlContentList').val(MakeHtmlContentInputHidden(contentRows, form.viewPartInstanceId.value));
} else return false;
} else {
return false;
function MakeHtmlContentInputHidden(contents, viewPartInstanceId) {
var HtmlContentList = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) {
if (MakeHtmlContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, i, contents[i], 'object') != 'false') {
HtmlContentList[i] = MakeHtmlContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, i, contents[i], 'object');
} else return 'false';
return Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(HtmlContentList);
function HandleBannerContentListToSubmit(form) {
if (MakeCustomViewPartFields()) {
contentRows = $('.divFieldSetBannerDataRow');
if (MakeBannerContentInputHidden(contentRows, form.viewPartInstanceId.value) != 'false') {
$('#bannerContentList').val(MakeBannerContentInputHidden(contentRows, form.viewPartInstanceId.value));
} else return false;
} else {
return false;
function ContainsOnlyLetters(str) {
var replace1 = str.replace(/[a-zA-Z]+/, "");
return ((replace1 == ''));
function MakeCustomViewPartFields(form) {
if ($('#isCustomViewPart').val() == 'True') {
var vpCustomId = $('#customViewPartIdOut').val();
var vpId = $('#viewPartIdOut').val();
var isPersisted = $('#customViewPartisPersistedOut').val();
var vpCustomName = $('#customViewPartNameOut').val();
var vpCustomTagName = $('#customViewPartTagNameOut').val();
var vpCustomType = $('#customViewPartTypeOut').val().split('||')[0].trim();
if (vpCustomName.trim() == '') {
ShowMessage("O nome do controle customizado é obrigatório.");
return false;
if (vpCustomTagName.trim() == '') {
ShowMessage("O nome da tag do controle customizado é obrigatório.");
return false;
} else {
if (!ContainsOnlyLetters(vpCustomTagName.trim())) {
ShowMessage("O nome da tag do controle customizado só pode conter letras.");
return false;
return true;
function MakeBannerContentInputHidden(contents, viewPartInstanceId) {
var BannerContentList = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) {
if (MakeBannerContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, i, contents[i], 'object') != 'false') {
BannerContentList[i] = MakeBannerContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, i, contents[i], 'object');
} else return 'false';
return Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(BannerContentList);
function HandleBannerDhtmlContentListToSubmit(form) {
if (MakeCustomViewPartFields()) {
contentRows = $('.divFieldSetBannerDataRow');
if (MakeBannerDhtmlContentInputHidden(contentRows, form.viewPartInstanceId.value) != 'false') {
$('#bannerContentList').val(MakeBannerDhtmlContentInputHidden(contentRows, form.viewPartInstanceId.value));
} else return false;
} else return false;
function MakeBannerDhtmlContentInputHidden(contents, viewPartInstanceId) {
var BannerContentList = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) {
if (MakeBannerDhtmlContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, i, contents[i], 'object') != 'false') {
BannerContentList[i] = MakeBannerDhtmlContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, i, contents[i], 'object');
} else return 'false';
return Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(BannerContentList);
function EditBannerContentRowByName(divName, indice) {
var viewPartInstanceId = $('#viewPartInstanceId').val();
var div = $('#' + divName);
var rowData = MakeBannerContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, div, 'text');
if (rowData != 'false') {
contentURL = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetBannerContentForm';
var postData = { viewPartInstanceId: viewPartInstanceId, contentStringData: rowData };
AjaxRequest('POST', contentURL, '#configContent', '', '', postData);
CssFixConfigShelf('configContent', '90px');
function EditBannerContentRow(divId, indice) {
var viewPartInstanceId = $('#viewPartInstanceId').val();
var rowData = MakeBannerContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, divId, 'text');
if (rowData != 'false') {
contentURL = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetBannerContentForm';
var postData = { viewPartInstanceId: viewPartInstanceId, contentStringData: rowData };
AjaxRequest('POST', contentURL, '#configContent', '', '', postData);
CssFixConfigShelf('configContent', '90px');
function EditBannerDhtmlContentRowByName(divName, indice) {
var viewPartInstanceId = $('#viewPartInstanceId').val();
var div = $('#' + divName);
var rowData = MakeBannerDhtmlContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, div, 'text');
if (rowData != 'false') {
contentURL = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetBannerDhtmlContentForm';
var postData = { viewPartInstanceId: viewPartInstanceId, contentStringData: rowData };
AjaxRequest('POST', contentURL, '#configContent', '', '', postData);
CssFixConfigShelf('configContent', '90px');
function EditBannerDhtmlContentRow(divId, indice) {
var viewPartInstanceId = $('#viewPartInstanceId').val();
var rowData = MakeBannerDhtmlContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, divId, 'text');
if (rowData != 'false') {
contentURL = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetBannerDhtmlContentForm';
var postData = { viewPartInstanceId: viewPartInstanceId, contentStringData: rowData };
AjaxRequest('POST', contentURL, '#configContent', '', '', postData);
CssFixConfigShelf('configContent', '90px');
//insere ou atualiza a linha na grid de conteudo de prateleira--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function SaveRowToGrid(form) {
if (ValidateFormShelfContent(form)) {
if (form['indice'].value == 'new') {
} else {
function UpdateFields(form) {
var contentRows = $('.divFieldSetDataRow');
var divToEdit = contentRows[form['indice'].value];
var collectionText = '<a class="IconView" title="' + escape($.trim(form['productClusterShelfName'].value)) + '">' + escape($.trim(form['productClusterShelf'].value)) + '</a>';
MakeCommonFields(divToEdit, form, 'update');
var hrefEdit = '<a title="edit" href="javascript:void(0)" class="IconEdit" onclick="EditContentRow(' + $(divToEdit)[0].id + ', ' + form['indice'].value + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
var hrefDel = '<a title="remove" href="javascript:void(0)" class="IconDel" onclick="RemoveContentRow(' + $(divToEdit)[0].id + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
$(divToEdit).children('#edit').html(hrefEdit + '&nbsp;' + hrefDel);
function InsertFields(form) {
var num = parseInt($('#totalRows').val()) + 1;
var divId = 'FieldDiv_' + num;
var divCopy = $('#divFieldSet').clone(true);
$(divCopy).id = divId;
var collectionText = '<a class="IconView" title="' + escape($.trim(form['productClusterShelfName'].value)) + '">' + escape($.trim(form['productClusterShelf'].value)) + '</a>';
//var queryStringText = '<a class="IconView" title="' + escape(form['searchQueryString'].value) + '">' + 'Consulta' + '</a>';
$(divCopy).children('#queryString').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['searchQueryString'].value, '36'));
MakeCommonFields(divCopy, form, 'insert');
var hrefEdit = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="IconEdit" onclick="EditContentRow(' + $(divCopy)[0].id + ', ' + (num - 1) + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
var hrefDel = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="IconDel" onclick="RemoveContentRow(' + $(divCopy)[0].id + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
$(divCopy).children('#edit').html(hrefEdit + '&nbsp;' + hrefDel);
if ($('#rowsContent .divFieldSetShelfAnyRow:last').length > 0) {
$('#rowsContent .divFieldSetShelfAnyRow:last').after(divCopy);
} else {
//--trata os campos em comum das peças-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function MakeCommonFields(divCopy, form, action) {
var periodText = "";
var periodDivs = "";
var checked = false;
var dateRangeList = $(".shelfDateItens");
periodText = MakeShelfContentPeriods(dateRangeList);
periodDivs = MakeShelfContentPeriodDivs(dateRangeList);
if (form['active'][0].checked) checked = true;
if (action == 'update') {
$(divCopy).children('#period').html(periodText + periodDivs);
$(divCopy).children('#active').children('input:checkbox').attr('checked', checked);
} else {
$(divCopy).children('#contentName').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['contentName'].value, '18', ''));
$(divCopy).children('#partner').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['partner'].value, '18', ''));
$(divCopy).children('#campaign').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['campaign'].value, '18', ''));
$(divCopy).children('#source').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['source'].value, '18', ''));
$(divCopy).children('#keyword').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['keyword'].value, '18', ''));
$(divCopy).children('#period').html(periodText + periodDivs);
$(divCopy).children('#active').html('<INPUT id="checkBoxActive" value="' + checked + '" ' + (checked == true ? 'checked="checked"' : "") + ' type="checkbox" name="checkBoxActive">');
function MakeTextAreaField(value, cols, classCss) {
var stringReturn = '<TEXTAREA id="inputName" class="' + classCss + '" rows="3" cols="' + cols + '" name="inputName">' + value + '</TEXTAREA>';
return stringReturn;
//insere ou altera uma linha no conteudo de Html
function SaveHtmlRowToGrid(form) {
if (ValidateFormHtmlContent(form)) {
if (form['indice'].value == 'new') {
} else {
//atualiza a linha
function UpdateHtmlFields(form) {
contentRows = $('.divFieldSetHtmlDataRow');
var divToEdit = contentRows[form['indice'].value];
MakeCommonFields(divToEdit, form, 'update');
$(divToEdit).children('#html').html("<a class='IconView' href='javascript:void(0)' title=" + escape(form['html'].value) + ">html</a>");
var hrefEdit = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="edit" class="IconEdit" onclick="EditHtmlContentRow(' + $(divToEdit)[0].uniqueID + ', ' + form['indice'].value + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
var hrefDel = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="delete" class="IconDel" onclick="RemoveContentRow(' + $(divToEdit)[0].uniqueID + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
$(divToEdit).children('#edit').html(hrefEdit + '&nbsp;' + hrefDel);
//insere a linha
function InsertHtmlFields(form, period, periodDivs, active) {
var num = parseInt($('#totalRows').val()) + 1;
var divId = 'FieldDiv_' + num;
var divCopy = $('#divHtmlFieldSet').clone(true);
$(divCopy).attr('id', divId);
MakeCommonFields(divCopy, form, 'insert');
$(divCopy).children('#html').html("<a class='IconView' href='javascript:void(0)' title=" + escape(form['html'].value) + ">html</a>");
var hrefEdit = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="edit" class="IconEdit" onclick="EditHtmlContentRow(' + $(divCopy)[0].uniqueID + ', ' + (num - 1) + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
var hrefDel = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="delete" class="IconDel" onclick="RemoveContentRow(' + $(divCopy)[0].uniqueID + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
$(divCopy).children('#edit').html(hrefEdit + '&nbsp;' + hrefDel);
//adiciona o div em primeiro, caso nenhum tenha sido adicionado, ou depois do ultimo
if ($('#rowsHtmlContent .divFieldSetAnyRow:last').length > 0) {
$('#rowsHtmlContent .divFieldSetAnyRow:last').after(divCopy);
} else {
//insere ou atualiza a linha na grid de conteudo de banner
function SaveBannerRowToGrid(form) {
if (ValidateFormBannerContent(form)) {
if (form['indice'].value == 'new') {
} else {
function UpdateBannerFields(form) {
contentRows = $('.divFieldSetBannerDataRow');
var divToEdit = contentRows[form['indice'].value];
MakeCommonFields(divToEdit, form, 'update');
var hrefEdit = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="edit" class="IconEdit" onclick="EditBannerContentRow(' + $(divToEdit)[0].uniqueID + ', ' + form['indice'].value + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
var hrefDel = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="delete" class="IconDel" onclick="RemoveContentRow(' + $(divToEdit)[0].uniqueID + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
$(divToEdit).children('#edit').html(hrefEdit + '&nbsp;' + hrefDel);
function InsertBannerFields(form) {
var num = parseInt($('#totalRows').val()) + 1;
var divId = 'FieldDiv_' + num;
var divCopy = $('#divBannerFieldSet').clone(true);
$(divCopy).attr('id', divId);
MakeCommonFields(divCopy, form, 'insert');
$(divCopy).children('#width').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['width'].value, '7', 'vtex-text-only-numbers'));
$(divCopy).children('#height').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['height'].value, '7', 'vtex-text-only-numbers'));
$(divCopy).children('#linkUrl').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['linkUrl'].value, '22'));
var hrefEdit = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="IconEdit" onclick="EditBannerContentRow(' + $(divCopy)[0].uniqueID + ', ' + (num - 1) + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
var hrefDel = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="IconDel" onclick="RemoveContentRow(' + $(divCopy)[0].uniqueID + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
$(divCopy).children('#edit').html(hrefEdit + '&nbsp;' + hrefDel);
//adiciona o div em primeiro caso nenhum tenha sido adicionado, ou depois do ultimo
if (parseInt($('#rowsBannerContent .divFieldSetBannerAnyRow:last').length) > 0) {
$('#rowsBannerContent .divFieldSetBannerAnyRow:last').after(divCopy);
} else {
//insere a linha na grid de conteudo de banner DHTL
function SaveBannerDhtmlRowToGrid(form) {
if (ValidateFormBannerContent(form)) {
if (form['indice'].value == 'new') {
} else {
function UpdateBannerDhtmlFields(form) {
contentRows = $('.divFieldSetBannerDataRow');
var divToEdit = contentRows[form['indice'].value];
MakeCommonFields(divToEdit, form, 'update');
var hrefEdit = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="edit" class="IconEdit" onclick="EditBannerDhtmlContentRow(' + $(divToEdit)[0].uniqueID + ', ' + form['indice'].value + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
var hrefDel = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="delete" class="IconDel" onclick="RemoveContentRow(' + $(divToEdit)[0].uniqueID + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
$(divToEdit).children('#edit').html(hrefEdit + '&nbsp;' + hrefDel);
function InsertBannerDhtmlFields(form) {
var num = parseInt($('#totalRows').val()) + 1;
var divId = 'FieldDiv_' + num;
var divCopy = $('#divBannerFieldSet').clone(true);
$(divCopy).attr('id', divId);
MakeCommonFields(divCopy, form, 'insert');
$(divCopy).children('#width').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['width'].value, '5', 'vtex-text-only-numbers'));
$(divCopy).children('#height').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['height'].value, '5', 'vtex-text-only-numbers'));
$(divCopy).children('#linkUrl').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['linkUrl'].value, '18'));
$(divCopy).children('#xPosition').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['xPosition'].value, '5', 'vtex-text-only-numbers'));
$(divCopy).children('#yPosition').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['yPosition'].value, '5', 'vtex-text-only-numbers'));
$(divCopy).children('#timer').html(MakeTextAreaField(form['timer'].value, '5', 'vtex-text-only-numbers'));
var hrefEdit = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="IconEdit" onclick="EditBannerDhtmlContentRow(' + $(divCopy)[0].uniqueID + ', ' + (num - 1) + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
var hrefDel = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="IconDel" onclick="RemoveContentRow(' + $(divCopy)[0].uniqueID + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
$(divCopy).children('#edit').html(hrefEdit + '&nbsp;' + hrefDel);
//adiciona o div em primeiro caso nenhum tenha sido adicionado, ou depois do ultimo
if ($('#rowsBannerContent .divFieldSetBannerAnyRow:last').length > 0) {
$('#rowsBannerContent .divFieldSetBannerAnyRow:last').after(divCopy);
} else {
function MakeHrefToViewRangeDate(date) {
return "<a class=\"IconView\" title='" + EncodeHTML(date) + "'>Período</a>";
function OpenInsertBannerDhtmlContentForm(viewPartInstanceId) {
contentURL = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetBannerDhtmlContentForm?viewPartInstanceId=' + viewPartInstanceId + '&contentStringData=';
AjaxRequest('POST', contentURL, '#configContent', '');
CssFixConfigShelf('configContent', '90px');
function GetCollection(list) {
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].checked) return (list[i].value);
function OpenCollectionPicker(obj) {
function WebsiteBindingEdit(com, grid) {
var rowId; var id; var siteId; var urlFrom;
siteId = $("#hdnWebSiteId").val();
Host = '';
if (com == "Add") {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/WebsiteBindingAdd?Host=" + Host + "&SiteId=" + siteId + "&ActionType=Add", '#portalBody', null, BindHostAddEddit);
else {
if ($('.trSelected', grid).length == 0)
ShowAlertMessage('Select the binding to update or delete!');
else {
$('.trSelected', grid).each(function () {
rowId = $(this).attr('id');
id = rowId.substring(rowId.lastIndexOf('row') + 3);
Host = $($('#' + rowId).children('td')[2]).children('div').text();
switch (com) {
case 'Update': AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/WebsiteBindingAdd?Host=" + Host + "&SiteId=" + siteId + "&ActionType=Edit", '#portalBody', null, BindHostAddEddit);
case 'Delete':
if (Host.includes("*")) {
ShowAlertMessage('Cannot remove default binding.');
else {
ShowAlertMessageConfirm('Are you sure you want to delete the biding [' + Host + ']?', function () {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/WebsiteBindingDelete?Host=" + Host + "&SiteId=" + siteId, '#portalBody', null, BindSiteManagerNodeFunctions); // ShowMessage('Binding Removido com sucesso'));
default: ShowAlertMessage('Invalid Option!');
function WebsiteDictionaryEdit(com, grid) {
var rowId; var id; var siteId; var urlFrom;
siteId = $("#hdnWebSiteId").val();
Host = '';
if (com == "Add") {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/AddDictionaryItem?SiteId=" + siteId, '#portalBody', null, BindDictionaryFunction);
else {
if ($('.trSelected', grid).length == 0)
ShowAlertMessage('Select a binding to update or delete!');
else {
$('.trSelected', grid).each(function () {
rowId = $(this).attr('id');
id = rowId.substring(rowId.lastIndexOf('row') + 3);
Host = $($('#' + rowId).children('td')[2]).children('div').text();
switch (com) {
case 'Update': AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/AddDictionaryItem?ItemId=" + id + "&SiteId=" + siteId, '#portalBody', null, BindDictionaryFunction);
case 'Delete':
ShowAlertMessageConfirm("Are you sure?", function () {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + "/PortalManagement/delDictionary?ItemId=" + id + "&SiteId=" + siteId, '#portalBody', null, ShowMessage("Item deleted!"), { id: id, siteId: siteId });
default: ShowAlertMessage('Invalid Option!');
function UrlMappingMantain(com, grid) {
var rowId; var id; var siteId; var urlFrom;
if ($('.trSelected', grid).length > 0) {
$('.trSelected', grid).each(function () {
rowId = $(this).attr('id');
id = rowId.substring(rowId.lastIndexOf('row') + 3);
siteId = 'todo'; //$($('#' + rowId).children('td')[1]).children('div').text();
urlFrom = $($('#' + rowId).children('td')[2]).children('div').text();
if (com == 'Delete') {
ShowAlertMessageConfirm('Are you sure to delete the item "' + urlFrom + '" ?', function () {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/DeleteUrlMapping?siteId=' + siteId + '&urlMappingId=' + id, '', 'addUrlMapping');
else if (com == 'Update') {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetUrlMapping?siteId=' + siteId + '&urlMappingId=' + id, '#portalBody1', 'addUrlMapping');
} else if (com == 'Add') {
var siteId = $('#urlMappingSiteId').val();
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/AddUrlMapping?siteId=' + siteId + '&urlMappingId=' + id, '#portalBody1', 'addUrlMapping');
} else if (com == 'Import') {
var siteId = $('#urlMappingSiteId').val();
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/ImportUrlMapping?siteId=' + siteId + '&urlMappingId=' + id, '#portalBody1', 'addUrlMapping');
} else if (com == 'Export') {
window.location.href = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/ExportUrlMappingGo/';
function SwitchDivPortalBodyView() {
$('#portalBody').css('display', 'none');
$('#portalBody1').css('display', 'block');
function UrlMappingBackButtonClick() {
$('#portalBody1').css('display', 'none');
$('#portalBody').css('display', 'block');
function FileManagementBackButtonClick() {
$('#portalBody1').css('display', 'none');
$('#portalBody').css('display', 'block');
//Custom View Part-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function CustomViewPartMantain(com, grid) {
var rowId; var id; var customViewPartId; var customViewPartName; var viewPartId;
var siteId = $('#customViewPartSiteId').val();
if ($('.trSelected', grid).length > 0) {
$('.trSelected', grid).each(function () {
rowId = $(this).attr('id');
id = rowId.substring(rowId.lastIndexOf('row') + 3);
viewPartId = $($('#' + rowId).children('td')[0]).children('div').text();
customViewPartId = $($('#' + rowId).children('td')[1]).children('div').text();
customViewPartName = $($('#' + rowId).children('td')[2]).children('div').text();
if (com == 'Delete') {
ShowAlertMessageConfirm('Are you sure to delete the item "' + customViewPartName + '" ?', function () {
var postData = { customViewPartId: customViewPartId, viewPartId: viewPartId };
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetFormConfirmDeleteCustomViewPart?siteId=' + siteId + '&customViewPartId=' + customViewPartId + '&viewPartId=' + viewPartId, '#dialog-confirm', '', '', postData);
else if (com == 'Update') {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/AddCustomViewPart?siteId=' + siteId + '&customViewPartId=' + customViewPartId + '&viewPartId=' + viewPartId, '#portalBody1', 'addUrlMapping');
} else {
if (com == 'Add') {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/AddCustomViewPart?siteId=' + siteId + '&customViewPartId=&viewPartId=', '#portalBody1', 'addUrlMapping');
//file picker-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function PrepareFilePikerSearchInsertFileDialog() {
if ($('.filePikerSearchInsertFile').is(':data(dialog)')) $('.filePikerSearchInsertFile').dialog("destroy");
bgiframe: true,
autoOpen: false,
height: 600,
width: 700,
zIndex: 5002,
modal: true,
stackfix: true,
buttons: {
Adicionar: function () {
var radios = document.getElementsByName("fileRadio");
var filePickerIdentify = $("#filePickerIdentify").val();
var file = GetCollection(radios);
var multiFile = $("#filePickerMultiFile").val();
AddFileToFileList_FilePicker(file, filePickerIdentify, multiFile);
function PrepareUploadFileTo_FilePicker(selector, multiFile, extensions, filePickerIdentify, requestToken) {
var options = {
file: {
container: $(selector),
image: JsNewAppFolder + '/scripts/uploadify/btn_browseForFile.png',
extensions: '.jpg,.png,.gif,.swf,.jpeg,.ico',
multiple: multiFile === 'true'
save: {
container: $('.href-save-file')
cancel: {
image: JsNewAppFolder + '/scripts/uploadify/cancel.png'
display: {
container: $('#filePickerListContainer')
action: {
token: requestToken,
changedFile: 0,
url: JsNewAppFolder + '/FilePicker/UploadFile',
checkUrl: JsNewAppFolder + '/FilePicker/FileExists',
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
AddFileToFileList_FilePicker(data.fileNameInserted, filePickerIdentify, multiFile);
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
var simple = new SimpleFileInput(options);
function OpenFileInsertFormFilePicker(viewPartInstanceId, extensions, file, filePickerIdentify, multiFile) {
var url = JsNewAppFolder + '/FilePicker/GetFormSearchInsertFile/';
dataToPost = { extensions: extensions, viewPartInstanceId: viewPartInstanceId, file: file, filePickerIdentify: filePickerIdentify, multiFile: multiFile };
ajaxRequestFilePicker('POST', url, dataToPost, '.filePikerSearchInsertFile', '', extensions, multiFile, filePickerIdentify);
CssFixConfigShelf('1', '90px');
function AddFileToFileList_FilePicker(file, filePickerIdentify, multiFile) {
if (file != null && file.length > 0) {
if (AddFileToFieldHidden_FilePicker(file, filePickerIdentify, multiFile)) {
if (multiFile == 'True') {
if ($('.vtex-file-picker-file-list ul:last').length > 0) {
$('.vtex-file-picker-file-list ul:last').after(MakeFileList_FilePicker(file, $('#fileListLength').val(), filePickerIdentify, multiFile));
} else {
$('.vtex-file-picker-file-list').html(MakeFileList_FilePicker(file, $('#fileListLength').val(), filePickerIdentify, multiFile));
if ($('.vtex-file-picker-file-show > div:last').length > 0) {
$('.vtex-file-picker-file-show > div:last').after(MakeDivImageToShow_FilePicker(file, $('#fileListLength').val()));
} else {
$('.vtex-file-picker-file-show').html(MakeDivImageToShow_FilePicker(file, $('#fileListLength').val()));
} else {
$('.vtex-file-picker-file-list').html(MakeFileList_FilePicker(file, $('#fileListLength').val(), filePickerIdentify, multiFile));
$('.vtex-file-picker-file-show').html(MakeDivImageToShow_FilePicker(file, $('#fileListLength').val()));
if (multiFile != 'True') {
function RemoveFileToFileList(file, selector, filePickerIdentify) {
var int1 = parseInt($('#fileListLength').val());
var int2 = parseInt(int1 - 1);
var filePickerFileVal = $('#' + filePickerIdentify).val();
var regExString = new RegExp("^" + file + ",|," + file + ",|," + file + "$|^" + file + "$", "g");
filePickerFileVal = filePickerFileVal.replace(regExString, ",").replace(/^,|,$/g, "");
$('#' + filePickerIdentify).val(filePickerFileVal);
$('#' + selector).remove();
function AddFileToFieldHidden_FilePicker(file, filePickerIdentify, multiFile) {
if (multiFile != 'False') {
if ($('#' + filePickerIdentify).val() == '') {
$('#' + filePickerIdentify).val(file);
return true;
else {
if ($('#' + filePickerIdentify).val().indexOf(file) == -1) {
$('#' + filePickerIdentify).val($('#' + filePickerIdentify).val() + ',' + file);
var int1 = parseInt($('#fileListLength').val());
var int2 = parseInt(int1 + 1);
return true;
} else {
$('#userMessageFilePicker').html('<span class="vtex-span-alert-red">Arquivo já existe na lista <br /><br /></span>');
return false;
else {
$('#' + filePickerIdentify).val(file);
return true;
function AddEventHandlerToMantain_FilePicker() {
$(".IconShowFile").mouseover(function () {
$(".effect" + $(this).attr("id")).fadeIn('fast');
return false;
$(".IconShowFile").mouseout(function () {
$(".effect" + $(this).attr("id")).fadeOut('fast');
return false;
function MakeFileList_FilePicker(file, i, filePickerIdentify, multiFile) {
var selectorName = file.replace('.', '_').replace(' ', '_')
var output = ""
output += "<ul id=\"" + selectorName + "\">";
output += "<li><a id=\"" + i + "\" class=\"IconShowFile\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\"> " + MakeFileThumb_FilePicker(file) + " </a></li>";
output += "<li class=\"FileText\">" + file + "</li>";
output += "<li>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a onClick=\"RemoveFileToFileList('" + file + "','" + selectorName + "','" + filePickerIdentify + "');\" title=\"desvincular arquivo\" class=\"IconDel\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\">&nbsp;</a></li>";
output += "</ul>";
return output;
function MakeFileThumb_FilePicker(file) {
if (GetFileExtension_FilePicker(file) != 'swf') {
return "<img width=\"30\" height=\"15\" valign=\"middle\" border=\"0\" src=\"/arquivos/" + file + "?thumbnail=true\" />";
} else {
return MakeFlashImage_FilePicker(file, 30, 15);
function MakeFlashImage_FilePicker(file, width, height) {
var output = "";
var flashId = file.replace('.', '_') + new Date().getTime();
output += "<div style=\"width:" + width + ";heigth:" + height + "\" id=\"Flashi" + flashId + "\">";
output += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">var so = new SWFObject(\"/arquivos/" + file + "\", \"Moviei" + flashId + "\", \"" + width + "\",\"" + height + "\", \"8\", \"transparent\"); so.addParam(\"wmode\", \"transparent\");so.addParam(\"allowScriptAccess\",\"always\"); so.write(\"Flashi" + flashId + "\");</script>";
output += "</div>";
return output;
function MakeDivImageToShow_FilePicker(file, i) {
var output = "";
output += "<div id=\"" + file.replace('.', '_') + "\" class=\"effect" + i + "\" style=\"display:none\" >";
if (GetFileExtension_FilePicker(file) != 'swf') {
output += "<img src=\"/arquivos/" + file + "\" />";
} else {
output += MakeFlashImage_FilePicker(file, 300, 200);
output += "</div>";
return output;
function GetFileExtension_FilePicker(file) {
if (file.lastIndexOf('.') > 0) {
return file.substring(file.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
else {
return "noextension";
function ReloadGrid() {
function FileManagerMantain(com, grid) {
var rowId; var id; var fileId; var fileName; var extension;
var fileType = $('#fileManagerFileType').val();
var token = $('#fileUploadRequestToken').val();
if ($('.trSelected', grid).length > 0) {
$('.trSelected', grid).each(function () {
rowId = $(this).attr('id');
id = rowId.substring(rowId.lastIndexOf('row') + 3);
fileId = $($('#' + rowId).children('td')[0]).children('div').text();
fileName = $($('#' + rowId).children('td')[1]).children('div').text();
extension = $($('#' + rowId).children('td')[2]).children('div').text();
if (com == 'Delete') {
ShowAlertMessageConfirm('Are you sure to delete the item "' + fileName + '" ?', function () {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/DeleteFile?fileId=' + fileId + '&fileType=' + extension, '', 'file-del');
else if (com == 'Update') {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetFile?fileId=' + fileId + '&fileType=' + extension, '#portalBody1', 'file');
} else {
if (com == 'Add') {
AjaxRequest('POST', JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/AddFile?fileType=' + fileType, '#portalBody1', 'file');
function PrepareUploadFileTo_FileManger(selector, multiFile, extensions, requestToken, fileName, fileId) {
var options = {
file: {
container: $(selector),
image: JsNewAppFolder + '/scripts/uploadify/btn_browseForFile.png',
extensions: extensions,
multiple: multiFile === 'true'
save: {
container: $('.href-save-file')
cancel: {
image: JsNewAppFolder + '/scripts/uploadify/cancel.png'
display: {
container: $('#filePickerListContainer')
action: {
token: requestToken,
changedFileName: fileName,
changedFileId: fileId,
url: JsNewAppFolder + '/FilePicker/UploadFile',
checkUrl: JsNewAppFolder + '/FilePicker/FileExists?changedFileName=' + fileName,
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
var simple = new SimpleFileInput(options);
function PrepareUploadFileTo_UrlMappingImport(selector, multiFile, extensions, requestToken, fileName, fileId) {
var options = {
file: {
container: $(selector),
image: JsNewAppFolder + '/scripts/uploadify/btn_browseForFile.png',
extensions: extensions,
multiple: false
save: {
container: $('.href-save-file')
cancel: {
image: JsNewAppFolder + '/scripts/uploadify/cancel.png'
display: {
container: $('#filePickerListContainer')
action: {
token: requestToken,
url: JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/ImportUrlMappingGo',
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
var simple = new SimpleFileInput(options);
function MainPrepareShortCuts(id, button, form, action) {
var target = '#' + id;
var oReturn = false;
if ($(target).length > 0) {
shortcut.add("Ctrl+S", function () {
if (form == null) {
} else {
if (typeof (window[action]) === "function") {
oReturn = window[action](form);
if (oReturn) {
} else {
return false;
'type': 'keydown',
'propagate': false,
'target': document
if ($(target).length > 0) {
document.getElementById(id).onkeydown = keypressed;
function keypressed(e) {
//get key pressed
var key = null;
var isCtrl = false;
if (window.event) key = event.keyCode;
else if (e.which) key = e.which;
if (key == 17) isCtrl = true;
//control z
if (isCtrl && key == 90) return true;
//if tab pressed
if (key != null && key == 9) {
if (document.selection) {
//get focus
//get selection
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
//insert tab
sel.text = "\t";
//Mozilla + Netscape
else if (this.selectionStart || this.selectionStart == "0") {
//save scrollbar positions
var scrollY = this.scrollTop;
var scrollX = this.scrollLeft;
//get current selection
var start = this.selectionStart;
var end = this.selectionEnd;
//insert tab
this.value = this.value.substring(0, start) + "\t" + this.value.substring(end, this.value.length);
//move cursor back to insert point
this.selectionStart = start + 1;
this.selectionEnd = start + 1;
//reset scrollbar position
this.scrollTop = scrollY;
this.scrollLeft = scrollX;
//time for a new browser!!!
else this.value += "\t";
//stop the real tab press
return false;
function EditRealMediaContentRow(divId, indice) {
var viewPartInstanceId = $('#viewPartInstanceId').val();
var rowData = MakeRealMediaContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, divId, 'text');
if (rowData != 'false') {
contentURL = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetRealMediaContentForm';
var data = { viewPartInstanceId: viewPartInstanceId, contentStringData: rowData };
AjaxRequest('POST', contentURL, '#configContent', '', '', data);
CssFixConfigShelf('configContent', '90px');
function EditRealMediaContentRowByName(divName, indice) {
var viewPartInstanceId = $('#viewPartInstanceId').val();
var div = $('#' + divName);
var rowData = MakeRealMediaContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, div, 'text');
if (rowData != 'false') {
contentURL = JsNewAppFolder + '/PortalManagement/GetRealMediaContentForm';
var data = { viewPartInstanceId: viewPartInstanceId, contentStringData: rowData };
AjaxRequest('POST', contentURL, '#configContent', '', '', data);
CssFixConfigShelf('configContent', '90px');
function RemoveRealMediaRowByName(divName) {
$('#' + divName).remove();
$("#totalRows").val($("#totalBannerContentRows").val() - 1);
function RemoveRealMediaRow(div) {
$("#totalRows").val($("#totalBannerContentRows").val() - 1);
function HandleRealMediaContentListToSubmit(form) {
if (MakeCustomViewPartFields()) {
contentRows = $('.divFieldSetHtmlDataRow');
if (MakeRealMediaContentInputHidden(contentRows, form.viewPartInstanceId.value) != 'false') {
$('#RealMediaContentList').val(MakeRealMediaContentInputHidden(contentRows, form.viewPartInstanceId.value));
} else return false;
} else {
return false;
function MakeRealMediaContentInputHidden(contents, viewPartInstanceId) {
var HtmlContentList = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) {
if (MakeRealMediaContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, i, contents[i], 'object') != 'false') {
HtmlContentList[i] = MakeRealMediaContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, i, contents[i], 'object');
} else return 'false';
return Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(HtmlContentList);
function MakeRealMediaContentObject(viewPartInstanceId, indice, content, returnType) {
var myContent = MakeControlContent(viewPartInstanceId, indice, content);
if (myContent != 'false') {
var realMediaContent = new RealMediaContent(myContent,
MakeRealMediaCommonContent(viewPartInstanceId, indice, content)
if (returnType == "text") return Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(realMediaContent);
if (returnType == "object") return realMediaContent;
} else return 'false';
function SaveRealMediaRowToGrid(form) {
if (ValidateFormRealMedia(form)) {
if (form['indice'].value == 'new') {
} else {
//atualiza a linha
function UpdateRealMediaFields(form) {
contentRows = $('.divFieldSetHtmlDataRow');
var divToEdit = contentRows[form['indice'].value];
MakeCommonFields(divToEdit, form, 'update');
var hrefEdit = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="edit" class="IconEdit" onclick="EditHtmlContentRow(' + $(divToEdit)[0].uniqueID + ', ' + form['indice'].value + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
var hrefDel = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="delete" class="IconDel" onclick="RemoveContentRow(' + $(divToEdit)[0].uniqueID + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
$(divToEdit).children('#edit').html(hrefEdit + '&nbsp;' + hrefDel);
//insere a linha
function InsertRealMediaFields(form, period, periodDivs, active) {
var num = parseInt($('#totalRows').val()) + 1;
var divId = 'FieldDiv_' + num;
var divCopy = $('#divHtmlFieldSet').clone(true);
$(divCopy).attr('id', divId);
MakeCommonFields(divCopy, form, 'insert');
var hrefEdit = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="edit" class="IconEdit" onclick="EditRealMediaContentRow(' + $(divCopy)[0].uniqueID + ', ' + (num - 1) + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
var hrefDel = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="delete" class="IconDel" onclick="RemoveRealMediaRow(' + $(divCopy)[0].uniqueID + ');">&nbsp;</a>';
$(divCopy).children('#edit').html(hrefEdit + '&nbsp;' + hrefDel);
//adiciona o div em primeiro, caso nenhum tenha sido adicionado, ou depois do ultimo
if ($('#RealMediaRows .divFieldSetAnyRow:last').length > 0) {
$('#RealMediaRows .divFieldSetAnyRow:last').after(divCopy);
} else {
function checkProtocols(requiresValidationObject) {
if (requiresValidationObject.checked) {
$("#protocols").prop('selectedIndex', 1);
$("#cacheTypes").prop('selectedIndex', 0);
function SimpleFileInput(options) {
this.$file = options.file;
this.$display = options.display;
this.$cancel = options.cancel;
this.$save =;
this.$action = options.action;
this.files = [];
if (this.$file.multiple) {
this.$file.container.attr('multiple', '');
} else {
this.$file.container.attr('accept', this.$file.extensions);
this.$file.container.before('<label for="' + this.$file.container.selector.slice(1) + '"><img alt="Localizar Arquivo" border="0" src="' + this.$file.image + '" style="cursor:pointer;" /></label>');
var self = this;
this.$file.container.change(function (e) {
if (!self.$file.multiple) {
self.files = [];
for (var file of {
if (self.files.findIndex(function (currentValue) { return === }) < 0) {
this.$ () {
$('#tabs-file').children().find('*').each(function () {
if ('disabled' in $(this)) { console.log('!!!'); }
SimpleFileInput.prototype.remove = function (i) {
this.files.splice(i, 1);
SimpleFileInput.prototype.remove = function () {
this.files = [];
SimpleFileInput.prototype.display = function () {
var self = this;
for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) {
var f = this.files[i];
var card = '<div class="uploadifyQueueItem">\
<div class="cancel">\
<a><img id="'+ this.$file.container.selector.slice(1) + '-' + i + '" src="' + this.$cancel.image + '" border="0" style="cursor:pointer;" /></a>\
<span class="fileName">' + + '</span>\
$(this.$file.container.selector + '-' + i).click(function (e) {
SimpleFileInput.prototype.upload = async function () {
if (this.files.length < 1) {
ShowMessage("No file selected!");
var _action = this.$action;
var self = this;
for (var file of this.files) {
var form = new FormData();
var formCheck = new FormData();
if (!!this.$action.token) {
form.append('requestToken', this.$action.token);
if (!!file) {
form.append('FileData', file);
if (!!this.$action.hdnSelectedSKUs) {
form.append('hdnSelectedSKUs', this.$action.hdnSelectedSKUs);
if (!!this.$action.changedFileName) {
form.append('changedFileName', this.$action.changedFileName);
formCheck.append('changedFileName', this.$action.changedFileName);
if (!!this.$action.changedFileId) {
form.append('changedFileId', this.$action.changedFileId);
if (!!this.$action.changedFile) {
form.append('changedFile', this.$action.changedFile);
try {
await $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: _action.url,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
data: form,
timeout: 50000,
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (!!_action.success) {
_action.success(data, textStatus, jqXHR);
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (!!_action.error) {
_action.error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown);
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
if (!!_action.complete) {
_action.complete(jqXHR, textStatus);
} catch (e) {
Copy link

jeffdrumgod commented Oct 18, 2021

Utilize o plugin e faça a configuração como a imagem abaixo:



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