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Created July 16, 2014 16:43
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Sample winbuilder output for 05349fd57c
R Under development (unstable) (2014-07-14 r66149) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
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> library(testthat)
> test_check("rappdirs")
Loading required package: rappdirs
appdir : .
site_config_dir : .
site_data_dir : 123
user_cache_dir : 45.
user_config_dir : 6789ab
user_log_dir : cde
utils : ....fg.
1. Failure(@test-site_data_dir.r#9): site_data_dir works as expected -----------
site_data_dir("R", os = "mac") not equal to "/Library/Application Support/R"
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "/Library/Application Support/R"
y[1]: "d:\\Library\\Application Support\\R"
2. Failure(@test-site_data_dir.r#10): site_data_dir works as expected ----------
site_data_dir("R", version = "%V", os = "mac", expand = TRUE) not equal to file.path(path.expand("/Library/Application Support/R"), as.character(getRversion()))
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "/Library/Application Support/R/3.2.0"
y[1]: "d:\\Library\\Application Support\\R\\3.2.0"
3. Failure(@test-site_data_dir.r#12): site_data_dir works as expected ----------
site_data_dir("R", version = "%V", os = "mac", expand = FALSE) not equal to path.expand("/Library/Application Support/R/%V")
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "/Library/Application Support/R/%V"
y[1]: "d:\\Library\\Application Support\\R\\%V"
4. Failure(@test-user_cache_dir.r#4): user_cache_dir works as expected ---------
user_cache_dir("R", os = "unix") not equal to path.expand("~/.cache/R")
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents/.cache/R"
y[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents\\.cache\\R"
5. Failure(@test-user_cache_dir.r#6): user_cache_dir works as expected ---------
user_cache_dir("R", os = "mac") not equal to path.expand("~/Library/Caches/R")
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents/Library/Caches/R"
y[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents\\Library\\Caches\\R"
6. Failure(@test-user_config_dir.r#4): user_config_dir works as expected -------
user_config_dir("R", os = "unix") not equal to path.expand("~/.config/R")
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents/.config/R"
y[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents\\.config\\R"
7. Failure(@test-user_config_dir.r#6): user_config_dir works as expected -------
user_config_dir("R", os = "mac") not equal to path.expand("~/Library/Application Support/R")
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents/Library/Application Support/R"
y[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents\\Library\\Application Support\\R"
8. Failure(@test-user_config_dir.r#7): user_config_dir works as expected -------
user_config_dir("R", version = "%V", os = "mac", expand = TRUE) not equal to file.path(path.expand("~/Library/Application Support/R"), as.character(getRversion()))
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents/Library/Application Support/R/3.2.0"
y[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents\\Library\\Application Support\\R\\3.2.0"
9. Failure(@test-user_config_dir.r#9): user_config_dir works as expected -------
user_config_dir("R", version = "%V", os = "mac", expand = FALSE) not equal to path.expand("~/Library/Application Support/R/%V")
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents/Library/Application Support/R/%V"
y[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents\\Library\\Application Support\\R\\%V"
a. Failure(@test-user_config_dir.r#12): user_config_dir works as expected ------
user_config_dir("R", os = "win", roaming = TRUE) not equal to file.path(Sys.getenv("APPDATA"), "R", "R")
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\AppData\\Roaming/R/R"
y[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\AppData\\Roaming\\R\\R"
b. Failure(@test-user_config_dir.r#21): user_config_dir works as expected ------
user_config_dir("R", os = "win", roaming = FALSE) not equal to file.path(Sys.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA"), "R", "R")
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\AppData\\Local/R/R"
y[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\AppData\\Local\\R\\R"
c. Failure(@test-user_log_dir.r#4): user_cache_dir works as expected -----------
user_log_dir("R", os = "unix") not equal to path.expand("~/.cache/R/log")
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents/.cache/R/log"
y[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents\\.cache\\R\\log"
d. Failure(@test-user_log_dir.r#5): user_cache_dir works as expected -----------
user_log_dir("R", os = "unix", opinion = FALSE) not equal to path.expand("~/.cache/R")
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents/.cache/R"
y[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents\\.cache\\R"
e. Failure(@test-user_log_dir.r#7): user_cache_dir works as expected -----------
user_cache_dir("R", os = "mac") not equal to path.expand("~/Library/Caches/R")
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents/Library/Caches/R"
y[1]: "C:\\Users\\CRAN\\Documents\\Library\\Caches\\R"
f. Failure(@test-utils.r#9): parse_path_string works as expected ---------------
parse_path_string("/home/foo/bin:/bin:/usr/share/bin:/bin") not equal to c("/home/foo/bin", "/bin", "/usr/share/bin")
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "/home/foo/bin"
y[1]: "d:\\home\\foo\\bin"
x[1]: "/bin"
y[1]: "d:\\bin"
x[1]: "/usr/share/bin"
y[1]: "d:\\usr\\share\\bin"
g. Failure(@test-utils.r#11): parse_path_string works as expected --------------
parse_path_string("/home/foo/bin") not equal to "/home/foo/bin"
1 string mismatches:
x[1]: "/home/foo/bin"
y[1]: "d:\\home\\foo\\bin"
Error: Test failures
Execution halted
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