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Last active October 14, 2015 21:31
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#Powershell script to generate SFZ file, MIDI file, and regions for REAPER DAW
$alphabet = "c,c#,d,d#,e,f,f#,g,g#,a,a#,b," -split ","
$midiNotes = @()
$n = 0
$oct = 0
for($i = 0; $i -lt 127; $i++) {
$midiNotes += ($alphabet[$n] + $oct)
$n = $n + 1
if($n -eq 12) { $n = 0; $oct = $oct + 1 }
# Load $midiNotes translation table
# Where $x is any MIDI note number, $midiNotes[$x] is the sfz note label
$region = @"
for($noteId = 9; $noteId -lt 97; $noteId++) {
@(31, 63, 95, 127) | foreach {
$myRegion = $region
$myRegion = $myRegion.replace("NN", $noteId)
$myRegion = $myRegion.replace("NL", $midiNotes[$noteId])
$myRegion = $myRegion.replace("LV", ($_ - 31).ToString())
$myRegion = $myRegion.replace("VV", ($_).ToString())
write-output $myRegion
#MIDI CSV Generation
$interval = 960
$tick = $interval #Offset start of performance by one interval
for($noteId = 9; $noteId -lt 97; $noteId++) {
@(31, 63, 95, 127) | foreach {
write-output "2, $tick, Note_on_c, 0, $noteId, $_"
$tick = $tick + $interval
write-output "2, $tick, Note_off_c, 0, $noteId, 0"
$tick = $tick + $interval
function incBeat($beat) {
if ($beat -gt 4) { $beat = 1; }
return $beat;
$beat = 2
$measure = 1
$regionId = 0
for($noteId = 9; $noteId -lt 97; $noteId++) {
@(31, 63, 95, 127) | foreach {
$r = $regionId
$name = "n$noteId.v$_"
$start = "$measure.$beat.00"
$beat = incBeat($beat)
if($beat -eq 1) { $measure++ }
$end = "$measure.$beat.00"
$beat = incBeat($beat)
if($beat -eq 1) { $measure++ }
$duration = "0.1.00"
write-output "R$r,$name,$start,$end,$duration"
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