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Last active April 30, 2021 19:43
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Snippet for my Medium article
// Let's do an in-memory implementation for now.
const _todos = []
export default class TodosRepository {
// Marking all methods async makes them return promises!
async find(query) {
const filtered = _todos.filter((todo) => {
// Check the user ID
if (todo.userId !== query.userId)
return false
// Check the filter
if (query.filter === 'COMPLETED')
return todo.completed === true
if (query.filter === 'INCOMPLETED')
return todo.completed === false
return true
return filtered
async get(id) {
const todo = _todos.find(x => === id)
return todo
async create(data) {
const newTodo = {
id:, // cheeky ID generation
text: data.text,
userId: data.userId,
completed: data.completed
return newTodo
async update(id, data) {
const todo = await this.get(id)
Object.assign(todo, data)
return todo
async delete(id) {
const todo = await this.get(id)
const idx = _todos.indexOf(todo)
if (idx === -1) return
_todos.splice(idx, 1)
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