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Created September 6, 2016 09:52
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Snippet for my Medium article
const router = new KoaRouter()
router.get('/todos', async (ctx) => {
const todosService = makeTodosService({
todosRepository: new TodosRepository(),
// Our Koa request knows about the current user
currentUser: ctx.state.user
ctx.body = await todosService.getTodos(ctx.request.query)
ctx.status = 200
})'/todos', async (ctx) => {
const todosService = makeTodosService({
todosRepository: new TodosRepository(),
currentUser: ctx.state.user
// ...
// and so on...
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gunzip commented Feb 17, 2018

Or you can just use currying (or bind()):

export const makeTodosService = (todoRepository) => (currentUser) => { ... return todoService... }
const router = new KoaRouter()

const todoService = makeTodoService(new TodosRepository());

router.get('/todos', async (ctx) => {
  const todosService = todoService(ctx.state.user);  
  ctx.body = await todosService.getTodos(ctx.request.query)
  ctx.status = 200
})'/todos', async (ctx) => {
  const todosService = todoService(ctx.state.user);  
  // ...

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