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Last active February 21, 2023 16:57
Simple Fortran bindings to a subset of the NVTX library.
! Fortran bindings for a small subset of the NVIDIA Tools Extensions library
module nvtx
use iso_c_binding
public :: nvtxrangepusha, nvtxrangepop
public :: nvtxrangepushaargb
! Annotate the timeline with a message
! Parameters:
! * string : the message in a string format
subroutine nvtxrangepusha(string) bind(C, name="nvtxRangePushA")
use iso_c_binding , only : c_char
character(kind=c_char) :: string(*)
end subroutine nvtxrangepusha
! Annotate the timeline with both a message and an ARGB color
! Parameters:
! * string : the message in a string format
! * argb : the color in argb format (example: Z'FF880000'
subroutine nvtxrangepushaargb(string,argb) bind(C, name="_nvtxRangePushAARGB")
use iso_c_binding , only : c_char, c_int
character(kind=c_char) :: string(*)
integer(kind=c_int), value :: argb
end subroutine nvtxrangepushaargb
! Pop the last range off the stack
subroutine nvtxrangepop() bind(C, name="nvtxRangePop")
end subroutine
! Place a mark on the timeline with a message
! Parameters:
! * string : the message in a string format
subroutine nvtxMarkA(string) bind(C, name="nvtxMarkA")
use iso_c_binding , only : c_char
character(kind=c_char) :: string(*)
end subroutine
! Name an OS thread
subroutine nvtxNameOsThread(tid, string) bind(C, name="nvtxNameOsThread")
use iso_c_binding , only : c_int, c_char
integer(kind=c_int) :: tid
character(kind=c_char) :: string(*)
end subroutine
end interface
end module nvtx
#include <nvToolsExt.h>
* Utility routine for marking a range with both
* a message and a color from a single function call.
extern "C"
void _nvtxRangePushAARGB(char *message, int argb)
nvtxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0};
eventAttrib.version = NVTX_VERSION;
eventAttrib.colorType = NVTX_COLOR_ARGB;
eventAttrib.color = argb;
eventAttrib.messageType = NVTX_MESSAGE_TYPE_ASCII;
eventAttrib.message.ascii = message;
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Recent update now requires both the nvtx.F90 bindings and the nvtx_wrapper.cpp file, which creates a simplified interface to specifying a color for a range. This was done to avoid replicating the nvtxEventAttributes_t struct in Fortran. If you do not need the colored ranges, remove the nvtxrangepushaargb subroutine from the Fortran module to avoid the need to build the wrapper too.

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