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Last active September 20, 2020 23:44
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ENS Javascript API design

API design for ENS

The ENS library is to be used in dapps and possibly other tools that need to connect to the set of ENS contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It should give them all the tools they need to resolve and set records for their ENS names, as well as abstracting implementation details including, but not limited to:

  • namehashes (could be provided as an advanced option)
  • resolvers (unless it's absolutely required for custom resolvers)
  • using the graph for getting textRecord or non-eth address keys
  • decoders/encoders of addresses


Takes either a string, for connecting directly to infura, alternatively, can take a web3 provider object

import ENS from ‘ensLib’

const ens = new ENS({ 
  provider: web3.currentProvider, 
  registryAddress: registry  // optional, if it recognises the network, it will use a hardcoded list of registry addresses otherwise will error and ask user to provider a registry address

High level overview of API

  • ens.getName() - Gets the name object using a namehash or ens name
  • ens.getResolver() - Gets the resolver object at certain address, which can be then be asked what name you want from that resolver.
  • ens.setReverseRecord() - Sets the reverse record for the current account

Name object

const name =‘jefflau.eth’)


const owner = await name.getOwner()
const resolver = await name.getResolver()
const address = await name.getAddr(‘eth’)
const contenthash = await name.getContenthash()
const parent = await name.getParent() //eth


const textRecord = await name.getTextRecord(‘url’)
// ‘'
const textRecords = await name.getAllTextRecords() 

// [{ key: ‘url’, value: ‘'}]


const coin = await name.getAddress(‘eth’)
// { key: ‘ETH’, coinId: 50, value: ‘0x000….’}

const coin = await name.getAddress(50)
// { key: ‘ETH’, coinId: 50, value: ‘0x000….’}

const coins = await name.getAllAddresses()
// [{ key: ‘ETH’, value: ‘0x000….’}, {key: "BTC", value: '14abc...']


const tx = await name.setResolver() // by default sets it to the public resolver with no arguments
const tx = await name.setResolver(customResolverAddr)
const tx = await name.setOwner(addr)
const tx = await name.setSubnodeOwner(label, addr)
const tx = await name.createSubdomain(label) //sets the owner to yourself

Record Setter

const tx = await name.setRecords({
  contentHash: 'ipfs://...',
  addresses: [{key: 'ETH', value: "0x123..." }],
  textRecords: [{ key: "url", value: "http://..."}]

//TODO possible get all records convenience function

Registrar object

const registrarDetails = name.getRegistrarDetails() //errors if isn't .eth
   expiryDate: DateObject,
   gracePeriodEnds: DateObject,
   registrant: "0x123..."

Resolver Object

const resolver = ens.getResolver('0x123')

const name = await'vitalik.eth') // same as ens.getName, but only returns names that are using this resolver
const resolverAddress = resolver.address // 0x123... (not async)

name.getAddr('eth') // 0x123...
name.getContenthash() // ipfs://

Reverse record

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I was thinking this was more of a merge. Thinking about delete, that might make sense, however we would still like to support multiple records deletes/updates. I'm not sure the best API to have create/update and then do delete. The only thing I can think of is a keyword like 'delete', but that seems kind of lame

What I'd suggest is this:

  • For single values, if the field is present it overrides the current value. Specifying null unsets/deletes it.
  • For lists such as addresses and textRecords, it replaces the values of the supplied elements but does not touch others. Setting the value to null deletes an entry.

So if nick.eth has a contentHash of a and text records url: and avatar: foo, then after this operation:

const tx = await name.setRecords({
  contentHash: 'b',
  textRecords: [{ key: "url", value: null}, { key: "test", value: "bar"}]

The name will then have a contentHash of b, and text records avatar: foo and test: bar.

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