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Last active September 30, 2016 20:29
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  • Save jeffpamer/0eb3aa6ddefae4b55064 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jeffpamer/0eb3aa6ddefae4b55064 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
local benqDisplay = "BenQ LCD"
local defaultDisplay = "Color LCD"
local padding = 20
-- disable animation
hs.window.animationDuration = 0
-- Quick if/else helper function
function fif(condition, if_true, if_false)
if condition then return if_true else return if_false end
function applyLayouts()
-- Initialize some common window size vars
local screen = hs.screen.allScreens()[1]
local frame = screen:frame()
local width = frame.w - padding * 2
local height = frame.h - padding * 2
local halfWidth = frame.w / 2 - padding * 1.5
local halfHeight = frame.h / 2 - padding * 1.5
local largeHeight = height * 0.8 - padding / 2
local smallHeight = height * 0.2 - padding / 2
local midWidth = halfWidth + padding * 2
local midHeight = halfHeight + padding
-- Setup geometry vars for commonly used screen spaces
local fullScreen = hs.geometry.rect(0, 0, frame.w, frame.h)
local leftHalf = hs.geometry.rect(padding, padding, halfWidth, height)
local rightHalf = hs.geometry.rect(padding * 2 + halfWidth, padding, halfWidth, height)
local right75 = hs.geometry.rect(padding * 2 + halfWidth / 1.5, padding, halfWidth * 1.3333, height)
local left25 = hs.geometry.rect(padding, padding, halfWidth * 0.6666, height)
local topRight = hs.geometry.rect(padding * 2 + halfWidth, padding, halfWidth, halfHeight)
local largeTopRight = hs.geometry.rect(padding * 2 + halfWidth, padding, halfWidth, largeHeight)
local smallBottomRight = hs.geometry.rect(midWidth, largeHeight + padding * 2, halfWidth, smallHeight)
local bottomRight = hs.geometry.rect(midWidth, halfHeight + padding * 2, halfWidth, halfHeight)
-- Find the 'main' window (if any) of all the applications we care about
local chrome = hs.application.find("Google Chrome") and hs.application.find("Google Chrome"):mainWindow()
local atom = hs.application.find("Atom") and hs.application.find("Atom"):mainWindow()
local emacs = hs.application.find("Emacs") and hs.application.find("Emacs"):mainWindow()
local term = hs.application.find("iTerm2") and hs.application.find("iTerm2"):focusedWindow()
local hyperterm = hs.application.find("HyperTerm") and hs.application.find("HyperTerm"):focusedWindow()
local slack = hs.application.find("Slack") and hs.application.find("Slack"):mainWindow()
local itunes = hs.application.find("iTunes") and hs.application.find("iTunes"):mainWindow()
local spotify = hs.application.find("Spotify") and hs.application.find("Spotify"):mainWindow()
local messages = hs.application.find("Messages") and hs.application.find("Messages"):mainWindow()
local largeLayout = screen:name() == benqDisplay
-- Establish desired layouts for each application depending on which screen is being used
local expectedFrames = {
["chrome"] = {chrome, fif(largeLayout, leftHalf, fullScreen)},
["atom"] = {atom, fif(largeLayout, largeTopRight, fullScreen)},
["emacs"] = {emacs, fif(largeLayout, rightHalf, right75)},
["term"] = {term, fif(largeLayout, rightHalf, fullScreen)},
["hyperterm"] = {hyperterm, fif(largeLayout, smallBottomRight, fullScreen)},
["slack"] = {slack, leftHalf},
["itunes"] = {itunes, topRight},
["spotify"] = {spotify, topRight},
["messages"] = {messages, bottomRight}
-- Iterate through each window and apply the expected layout if the current bounds don't already match
for key,value in pairs(expectedFrames) do
local app = value[1]
local expectedFrame = value[2]
if app and (app:frame() ~= expectedFrame) then
-- Shortcut to manually reset layout
hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt"}, ";", function()
-- VIM-esque keybindings to focus windows using canrdinal directions.
hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt"}, "K", function()
hs.window.focusedWindow():focusWindowNorth(nil, true, true)
hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt"}, "L", function()
hs.window.focusedWindow():focusWindowEast(nil, true, true)
hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt"}, "J", function()
hs.window.focusedWindow():focusWindowSouth(nil, true, true)
hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt"}, "H", function()
hs.window.focusedWindow():focusWindowWest(nil, true, true)
hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt"}, "P", function()
-- Watch for space/screen changes to re-apply layouts
-- Confirm load"Config loaded")
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