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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Setup permissions for Zenoss monitoring on Windows
Setup permissions for Zenoss monitoring on Windows
This script works under the assumption that you have a GPO or manually added your zenoss user to several groups.
In testing these are the groups that appear to work
Backup Operators
Distributed COM Users
Event Log Readers
Performance Log Users
Performance Monitor Users
This script will setup the zenoss user to access the WMI namespace root, and all nodes below. If this isn't
what you want comment out the two lines with $Inheritance in them.
This is the ROOT class by default, but could be any class you wish
.PARAMETER Principal
This is the DOMAIN\Username of your monitoring account
.\Set-ZenossPermissions.ps1 -Principal "Domain\Username"
This is the only syntax for this script.
ScriptName : Set-ZenossPermissions.ps1
Created By : jspatton
Date Coded : 12/23/2014 16:58:30
ScriptName is used to register events for this script
100 = Success
101 = Error
102 = Warning
104 = Information
This should be run elevated
[string]$Class = "root",
[string]$Principal = "DOMAIN\UserName"
$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ToString()
$ScriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$Username = $env:USERDOMAIN + "\" + $env:USERNAME
New-EventLog -Source $ScriptName -LogName 'Windows Powershell' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Message = "Script: " + $ScriptPath + "`nScript User: " + $Username + "`nStarted: " + (Get-Date).toString()
Write-EventLog -LogName 'Windows Powershell' -Source $ScriptName -EventID "104" -EntryType "Information" -Message $Message
# Dotsource in the functions you need.
$security = Get-WmiObject -Namespace $Class -Class __SystemSecurity
$binarySD = @($null)
$result = $security.PsBase.InvokeMethod("GetSD",$binarySD)
$ID = new-object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($Principal)
$sid = $ID.Translate( [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier] ).toString()
# Convert the current permissions to SDDL
$converter = new-object Win32_SecurityDescriptorHelper
$CurrentWMISDDL = $converter.BinarySDToSDDL($binarySD[0])
# Set SDDL
$RemoteEnableSDDL = "(A;CI;CCDCWP;;;$($sid))"
# Assign SDDL
$NewWMISDDL = $CurrentWMISDDL.SDDL += $InheritanceSDDL
$NewWMISDDL = $CurrentWMISDDL.SDDL += $RemoteEnableSDDL
# Convert SDDL back to Binary
$WMIbinarySD = $converter.SDDLToBinarySD($NewWMISDDL)
$WMIconvertedPermissions = ,$WMIbinarySD.BinarySD
$result = $security.PsBase.InvokeMethod("SetSD",$WMIconvertedPermissions)
if($result='0'){write-host "`t`tApplied WMI Security complete."}
# Configure non-admin access to services
$scSDDL = (Invoke-Expression -Command "cmd /c sc sdshow SCMANAGER")|ForEach-Object {if ($_){$_}}
$dSDDL = $scSDDL.Substring(0, $scSDDL.IndexOf("S:"))
$mySDDL = "(A;;CCLCRPRC;;;$($sid))"
$sSDDL = $scSDDL.Substring($scSDDL.IndexOf("S:"),($scSDDL.Length) - ($scSDDL.IndexOf("S:")))
$newSDDL = "$($dSDDL)$($mySDDL)$($sSDDL)"
Start-Process -FilePath cmd.exe -ArgumentList "/c sc sdset SCMANAGER $($newSDDL)"
# Open Remote Administration firewall ports
Start-Process -FilePath netsh -ArgumentList "firewall set service remoteadmin enable"
# Restart WMI Service
Restart-Service -Name Winmgmt -Force
$Message = "Script: " + $ScriptPath + "`nScript User: " + $Username + "`nFinished: " + (Get-Date).toString()
Write-EventLog -LogName 'Windows Powershell' -Source $ScriptName -EventID "104" -EntryType "Information" -Message $Message
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