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Created October 2, 2015 01:15
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existdb to IIIF search results
xquery version "3.0";
declare namespace tei="";
declare namespace output="";
import module namespace console="";
declare option output:method "json";
declare option output:media-type "application/json";
declare function local:render($node) {
case text() return concat($node, ' ')
case element(tei:p) return <p>{local:recurse($node)}</p>
case element(tei:title) return <em>{local:recurse($node)}</em>
case element(tei:name) return <span style="font-variant: small-caps">{local:recurse($node)}</span>
case element(exist:match) return <span style="background-color: yellow;">{local:recurse($node)}</span>
case element(tei:rdg) return ()
case element(tei:bibl) return ()
case element (tei:note) return ()
default return local:recurse($node)
declare function local:recurse($node) {
for $child in $node/node()
let $commentaryid := request:get-parameter('commentaryid', 'plaoulcommentary')
let $q := request:get-parameter('q', '')
let $searchuri := request:get-uri()
(: full-msslug should be able to be parsed from requesting url :)
let $msslug := "vat"
let $commentaryslug := "pp"
let $full-msslug : = concat ($commentaryslug, "-", $msslug)
let $docs := collection(concat('/db/apps/scta/', $commentaryid))[contains(util:document-name(.), $msslug)]
let $hits := $docs//tei:p[ft:query(., $q)]
"@id": $searchuri,
for $hit in $hits
(: ancestor was not working in $pid statement. but ancestor should work and is preferabl to preceding :)
let $pid := $hit/preceding::tei:p[1]/@xml:id/string()
let $itemid := $hit/ancestor::tei:body/tei:div/@xml:id/string()
let $itemtitle := $hit/preceding::tei:titleStmt/tei:title/string()
let $bibl := $hit/following-sibling::tei:bibl
(: needs to make adjustments if hit occurs in zone 1 or 2 or 3, etc
currently it just defaults to the first zone :)
let $witfolio := $hit/preceding::tei:zone[@start=concat("#", $pid)][1]/parent::tei:surface/@n/string()
map {
"test": $pid,
"@id": concat("", $full-msslug, "/search/annotations/", $pid),
"@type": "oa:Annotation",
"motivation": "sc:painting",
map {
"@type": "cnt:ContentAsText",
"chars": local:render(util:expand($hit))
"on": concat("", $full-msslug, "/canvas/", $witfolio)
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