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Created January 4, 2011 23:17
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is.pass <- function(x) inherits(x,'pass')
#' Parse route (with parameters) into regular expression.
#' @param route route url.
#' @return
#' \item{match}{regular expression to match route}
#' \item{params}{parameter names}
route_re <- function(route) {
# Escape special characters that can occur in both urls and regexps
route <- stringr::str_replace_all(route, "([.])", "\\\\\\1")
# Extract parameters
params <- stringr::str_extract_all(route, ":[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+|[*]")[[1]]
keys <- stringr::str_replace_all(params, ":", "")
keys[keys == "*"] <- "splat"
match <- stringr::str_c("^", route, "$")
match <- stringr::str_replace_all(match, ":[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+", "([^/?&#]+)")
match <- stringr::str_replace_all(match, "[*]", "(.*?)")
match = stringr::str_c(match, collapse = "/"),
params = keys
#' Generate functions to match specified route.
#' @param route route url
#' @return
#' \item{match}{function returning \code{TRUE} if argument matches route,
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise}
#' \item{params}{function that parses path and returns named list of
#' parameters}
route_matcher <- function(route) {
re <- route_re(route)
match = function(path) stringr::str_detect(path, re$match),
params = function(path) {
matches <- stringr::str_match(path, re$match)[1, -1]
if (length(re$params) > 0) {
# c is simplest way convert from array to vector
c(tapply(matches, re$params, "c", simplify = FALSE))
} else {
fields = list(matchers = "list"),
methods = list(
get = function(route,callback){
rm <- route_matcher(route)
rm$callback <- callback
matchers[[length(matchers) + 1]] <<- rm
route = function(path,query){
for(matcher in rev(matchers)) {
if (matcher$match(path)) {
params <- matcher$params(path)
params$query <- query
call <- bquote($callback), .(params)))
res <- try_capture_stack(call, sys.frame())
if (is.error(res)) {
traceback <- str_c(create_traceback(res$calls), collapse = "\n")
return(str_c("ERROR: ", res$message, "\n\n", traceback))
if (!is.pass(res)) return(res)
x <- getRefClass('RefRouter')$new()
y <- Router$clone()
z <- data.frame(sinartra=numeric(),refclass=numeric())
z_i <- 1
iter <- 5000
for (i in seq(100,iter,by=100)){
z[z_i,'sinartra'] <- system.time(for (j in 1:i) y$route('/foo',list()))[3]
z[z_i,'refclass'] <- system.time(for (j in 1:i) x$route('/foo',list()))[3]
z_i <- z_i + 1
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