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Created December 21, 2011 17:49
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js helper to "railsify" param keys so sencha touch 2 and rails controllers play nice
* Application helpers
* requires Underscore.js
var ApplicationHelpers = {
* Railsify object's keys to play nice with default Rails controller setup.
* Rails default controller setup expects params submitted via PUT / POST as:
* (POST) {'my_model[attr1]' : 'value1', ... etc. }
* (PUT) {'_id' : '1234', 'my_model[attr1]' : 'value2', ... etc. }
* In Sencha Touch land, the platform will bind a model's data to a
* form if the model's attributes and input names directly correspond. For
* example:
* // model ...
* Ext.define('App.model.MyModel', {
* extend: '',
* fields: [
* {name: '_id', type: 'auto'},
* {name: 'attr1', type: 'string'}
* ],
* // ... etc.
* });
* // view (form) ...
* Ext.define('App.view.MyModels.New', {
* extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
* xtype: 'newmymodel',
* // ... more code
* config: {
* items: [
* {
* xtype: 'fieldset',
* items: [
* {
* name: 'attr1',
* label: 'Attribute 1',
* xtype: 'textfield'
* },
* // ... more code
* ]
* }
* ]
* }
* });
* Unfortunately, under this setup, our params will be submitted in the
* following format (note that non-id attributes are not namespaced):
* (new records) {'attr1' : 'value1', ... etc. }
* (existing records) {'_id' : '1234', 'attr1' : 'value1', ... etc. }
* Which you can certainly use, but the standard Rails setup expects
* attributes to be namespaced (except for the id / _id), so you'll have to
* modify the controller to make everything work properly.
* Use this helper to make the ST2 platform play nice with the default Rails
* controller setup. With it, we can do the following given the ST2 model and
* form view setup described above:
* // given params = {'attr1' : 'value1'}
* // in Sencha Touch 2 create API call:
* Ext.Ajax.request({
* url: '/my_models.json',
* method: 'POST',
* params: helpers.railsify_keys('my_model', params),
* ...
* // params set to {'my_model[attr1]' : 'value1'} // <= hooray!
* // -- and --
* // given params = {'_id' : '1234', 'attr1' : 'value2'}
* // in Sencha Touch 2 update API call:
* Ext.Ajax.request({
* url: '/my_models/' + params._id + '.json',
* method: 'PUT',
* params: helpers.railsify_keys('my_model', params),
* ...
* // params set to {'_id' : '1234', 'my_model[attr1]' : 'value2'} // <= hooray again!
* // and note _id is not namespaced
* Now, in the Rails controller, we can keep everything as we normally do:
* def create
* if @my_model = MyModel.create(params[:my_model])
* # celerate!
* else
* # sad pig :(
* end
* end
* def update
* @my_model = MyModel.find(params[:_id])
* if @my_model.update_attributes(params[:my_model]
* # celerate!
* else
* # sad pig :(
* end
* end
railsify_keys: function(namespace, obj) {
var self = this,
curr_keys = _.keys(obj);
return _.reduce(curr_keys, function(new_obj, curr_key) {
var new_key = (self.is_primary_key(curr_key) ? curr_key : namespace + '[' + curr_key + ']');
new_obj[new_key] = obj[curr_key];
return new_obj;
}, {});
// returns if k equals "id" or "_id"
is_primary_key: function(k) {
return k == 'id' || k == '_id';
// alias helpers to ApplicationHelpers for easier access. or don't.
var helpers = ApplicationHelpers;
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