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Created July 15, 2016 18:26
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{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.Colour.Palette.ColorSet
import Data.List (zipWith, zipWith3)
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
import System.Random
sizeValue :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Double
sizeValue = getRandomR (0.05, 0.25)
coordValue :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Double
coordValue = getRandomR (-0.5, 0.5)
confetti :: Int -> Rand StdGen (Diagram B)
confetti n = do
ss <- replicateM n sizeValue -- radius
cs <- replicateM n getRandom -- color index
as <- replicateM n getRandom -- opacity
xs <- replicateM n coordValue -- x coordinate
ys <- replicateM n coordValue -- y coordinate
let mkCirc :: Double -> Int -> Double -> Diagram B
mkCirc s c a = circle s # fc (webColors c)
# opacity a # lw none
pos = zipWith mkP2 xs ys
conf = zipWith3 mkCirc ss cs as
return $ atPoints pos conf
mkConfetti :: Int -> (StdGen -> Diagram B)
mkConfetti n = evalRand $ confetti n
isoceles :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ V2) => Int -> t
isoceles n = polygon
(def & polyType .~ PolySides [a1 @@ turn, a2 @@ turn] [1,1]
& polyOrient .~ OrientH )
a1 = 1/2 - (1 / fromIntegral n)
a2 = 1/2 - 1/2 * a1
mkTriangle :: Int -> Diagram B -> Diagram B
mkTriangle n = clipped tri . lw none
tri = isoceles n # rotateBy (-1/4 - 1 / (2 * fromIntegral n))
iterateIdx :: Integral i => (i -> a -> a) -> a -> [a]
iterateIdx f t = go f t 0
go f t i = let t' = f i t
in t': go f t' (i + 1)
kaleidoscope :: Diagram B -> Int -> Diagram B
kaleidoscope d n = mconcat . take n $ iterateIdx next tri
tri = alignBR $ mkTriangle n d
next t = reflectAbout
(0 ^& 0)
(rotateBy (-fromIntegral t / fromIntegral n) xDir)
diagram :: Diagram B
diagram = mkConfetti 50 (mkStdGen 0)
diagram2 :: Diagram B
diagram2 = mkTriangle 6 . mkConfetti 50 $ mkStdGen 0
diagram3 :: Diagram B
diagram3 = kaleidoscope d 10
where d = mkConfetti 50 $ mkStdGen 0
diagram' :: Diagram B
diagram' = kaleidoscope d 12
where d = mkConfetti 40 $ mkStdGen 9
diagram4 :: Diagram B
diagram4 = k2 d 6
where d = mkConfetti 50 $ mkStdGen 0
diagram5 :: Diagram B
diagram5 = k3 d 6
where d = mkConfetti 50 $ mkStdGen 0
k2 :: Diagram B -> Int -> Diagram B
k2 d n = mconcat . take 2 $ iterateIdx next tri
tri = alignBR $ mkTriangle n d
next t = reflectAbout
(0 ^& 0)
(rotateBy (-fromIntegral t / fromIntegral n) xDir)
mkTriangle n d = clipped tri d <> (strokeP tri) # scale 1.05 # lw thick
tri = isoceles n # rotateBy (-1/4 - 1 / (2 * fromIntegral n))
k3 :: Diagram B -> Int -> Diagram B
k3 d n = mconcat . take 3 $ iterateIdx next tri
tri = alignBR $ mkTriangle n d
next t = reflectAbout
(0 ^& 0)
(rotateBy (-fromIntegral t / fromIntegral n) xDir)
mkTriangle n d = clipped tri d <> (strokeP tri) # scale 1.05 # lw thick
tri = isoceles n # rotateBy (-1/4 - 1 / (2 * fromIntegral n))
main = mainWith $ frame 0.1 diagram'
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