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Jeffrey Schultz jeffreyschultz

  • Newport News, VA
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stanleegoodspeed /
Last active December 16, 2022 10:37
script to build / tag / push / update docker swarm services that were changed since the last push
#! /bin/bash
# Only process first job in matrix (TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER ends with ".1")
if [[ ! $TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER =~ \.1$ ]]; then
echo "Skipping deploy since it's not the first job in matrix"
exit 0
# Don't process pull requests
# $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST will be the PR number or "false" if not a PR
rhamedy /
Last active January 30, 2021 23:34
Save the file that is uploaded via Resumable.js in Express App

I created this gist from here in order to modify the node.js sample for the purpose of allowing the uploaded file to be saved locally.

Instructions on how to see the answer to the following question

  1. Create a directory (i.e. resumable-app)
  2. copy/paste the app.js (atleast), resumable.js and resumable-node.js from gist in the directory (you can copy the resumable.js and resumable-node.js from official github if you want too, not change has been made to them)
  3. copy/paste the package.json and do a npm install to get the modules (or manually npm install these express, path, fs, connect-multiparty)
  4. create uploads directory in the main app directory and make sure it is writable
jallspaw / gist:bc60f27c38a2d9009f34
Created April 1, 2015 13:02
Summing up contextual influence on systems architecture
1. Monolithic applications and architectures can vary in their monolithness. This is an under-specified description.
2. Microservice applications and architectures can vary in their microness. This is an under-specified description.
3. Microservices and monolithic architectures have both benefits and disadvantages.
4. Organizations will exploit those benefits while working around any weaknesses.
5. Success of the business is a large influence on the exploitation of benefits and implementation and costs of workarounds.
6. All benefits and work arounds are context-sensitive. Meaning that they are both technically and socially constructed by the organization that navigates them.
7. Path dependency is a thing. History matters and manifests in these architectural decisions and evolution in an organization.
8. Patterns exist to inform practice, not dictate it. Zealous adherence to an architectural pattern brings peril when it is to the exclusion of cultural context in actual practice.
9. Architectural patterns w