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Created September 8, 2014 20:27
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Framed documents which try and force redraws in the browser and then measure the rates at which they redraw to discover discrepancies in browser behavior.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link href="test-styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
body {
progress[value]::-webkit-progress-value {
transparent 33%, rgba(0, 0, 0, .1) 33%,
rgba(0,0, 0, .1) 66%, transparent 66%),
rgba(255, 255, 255, .25),
rgba(0, 0, 0, .25)),
-webkit-linear-gradient(left, #09c, #f44);
border-radius: 2px;
background-size: 35px 20px, 100% 100%, 100% 100%;
-webkit-transition: width 5s;
transition: width 5s;
<div id="force-change">&nbsp;</div>
<div id="test">0.0</div>
<progress id="progressBar" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<table width="400">
<tr valign="top">
frames drawn
frames available
<tr valign="top">
<td id="rafReport">
<td id="intervalReport">
<td id="timeoutReport">
<td id="framesDrawn">
<td id="framesAvailable">
//try {
var FRAME_COUNT = 0;
function now () {
// return (!!performance && ? : new Date.time();
return new Date().getTime();
var xElement = null,
startTime = now(),
w = window,
d = document,
frames = 0,
_framesDrawnReport = d.getElementById('framesDrawn'),
_framesAvailableReport = d.getElementById('framesAvailable'),
// raf fallback is a timeout at 60 fps
raf = w.requestAnimationFrame ||
w.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
w.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function( callback ){
w.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
MeasureIntervalSpeed = function (resultsDOM, intervalTime) {
var self = this;
self.measure = function () {
var timeBetweenFrames = now() - lastTime;
lastTime = now();
if(timeBetweenFrames < 1500){
countOfIntervals[timeBetweenFrames] = !!countOfIntervals[timeBetweenFrames] ? countOfIntervals[timeBetweenFrames] + 1 : 1;
lastTime = 0,
countOfIntervals = {};
w.setInterval(function () {
var arrayOfIntervalCounts = [];
for (var index in countOfIntervals) {
arrayOfIntervalCounts.push({ time: index, count: countOfIntervals[index] });
arrayOfIntervalCounts.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.count - a.count;
resultsDOM.innerHTML = '';
var x = 0;
while (x < arrayOfIntervalCounts.length) {
var intervalCount = arrayOfIntervalCounts[x];
var div = d.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = intervalCount.count + ': ' + intervalCount.time;
// arrayOfIntervalCounts.forEach(function(intervalCount){
// var div = d.createElement('div');
// div.innerHTML = intervalCount.count + ': ' + intervalCount.time;
// resultsDOM.appendChild(div);
// });
}, intervalTime);
var rafMeasure = new MeasureIntervalSpeed(d.getElementById('rafReport'), 1000);
var intervalMeasure = new MeasureIntervalSpeed(d.getElementById('intervalReport'), 1000);
var timeoutMeasure = new MeasureIntervalSpeed(d.getElementById('timeoutReport'), 1000);
xElement = d.getElementById('test');
var rafWrapper = function () {
_framesDrawnReport.innerHTML = FRAME_COUNT;
_framesAvailableReport.innerHTML = (((new Date().getTime() - startTime) / 1000)*60).toFixed(0);
if (done) { return; }
var timeoutWrapper = function () {
if (done) { return; }
}, 1);
var progressBar = d.getElementById('progressBar');
var done = false;
var millisecondTimer = function(){
var pct = ((now() - startTime)/60000)*100;
if(pct > 100 && pct < 120) { done = true; }
xElement.innerHTML = ((now() - startTime)/1000).toFixed(3);
if (done) { return; }
w.setTimeout(function () {
// raf(millisecondTimer);
// raf(millisecondTimer);
setTimeout(timeoutWrapper, 1);
var invervalId = w.setInterval(function(){
if (done) { return w.clearInterval(invervalId); }
}, 1);
// var Interval = w.setInterval(startWatch, 1);
// function startWatch(){
// frames = frames + 1;
// }
// function setDomain() {
// var dd = document.domain, dn = '';
// if (dd.indexOf(dn) == -1) {
// dn = '';
// var dtm_match = new RegExp("[^.]+\.[^.]+$").exec(dd);
// if (dtm_match != null) {
// for (var i = 0; i < dtm_match.length; i++) {
// dn = dn + dtm_match[i];
// }
// }
// }
// if (dn !== '')
// document.domain = dn;
// }
// try {
// setDomain();
// } catch (e) {
// console.log(e);
// }
var MeasureFPS = function (stageFPS, measureEveryXFrames, _updateFpsCb, _updateMaxFpsCb) {
var _self = this,
_framesThisInterval = 0,
_prevTimer = 0,
_nextTimer = 0,
_curTimer = 0,
_fps = 0,
_running = false,
_stageFPS = stageFPS > 15 ? parseInt(stageFPS, 10) : 60,
_frameTime = 10,
_measurementInterval = 100,
_measureEveryXFrames = measureEveryXFrames > 3 ? parseInt(measureEveryXFrames, 10) : 5,
_maxFPS = 0,
_lastFrame = 0,
_FPSSamples = [0,0], // max fps as measured by this script while measuring
_pageObject = d.getElementById('force-change');
_self.updateFpsCb = _updateFpsCb || function (fps) { console.log('FPS: ' + fps); };
_self.updateMaxFpsCb = _updateMaxFpsCb || function (maxFps) { console.log('Max FPS: ' + maxFps); };
// console.log(_self.updateFpsCb, _self.updateMaxFpsCb);
_self.init = function() {
_frameTime = 1000 / _stageFPS; // 1 second in milliseconds / max frame rate = frameTime
_measurementInterval = _measureEveryXFrames * _frameTime; // number of frames in average frame time before an fps measurement is taken
_self.stop = function() {
if (_running) {
_running = false;
_self.start = function() {
// console.log('JS FPS timer starting');
if (!_running) {
// console.log('JS FPS timer started');
_framesThisInterval = 0;
_prevTimer = 0;
_nextTimer = 0;
_curTimer = 0;
_fps = 0;
_lastFrame = w.mozPaintCount;
// force this method to fire when a frame is drawn
// check the number of redraws around this time
_intervalCheck = setInterval(function () {
}, _measurementInterval);
// force the redraw of a frame at least this often
_redrawClock = setInterval(function () {
}, _frameTime);
_running = true;
_self.currentFPS = function() {
return _fps;
_self.maxFPS = function() {
return _maxFPS;
_self.addAnotherFrame = function() {
_framesThisInterval += w.mozPaintCount - _lastFrame;
_lastFrame = w.mozPaintCount;
// console.log(_framesThisInterval);
if (_running) {
_self.forceRedraw = function () {
_pageObject.setAttribute('style','width: ' + Math.floor(Math.random()*100) + '%; height: ' + Math.floor(Math.random()*100) + '%; line-height: ' + Math.floor(Math.random()*10) + 'px');
_pageObject.innerHTML = Math.floor(Math.random()*100);
_self.performanceCheck = function() {
_curTimer =;
// if (_curTimer >= _nextTimer) { // throttle the fps event updates to only fire every x seconds, limited by framerate.
// (_framesThisInterval / _measureEveryXFrames) // percentage of completeness in comparison to the guestimated throttle
// (_curTimer - _prevTimer) // elapsed time
// 1000 // total time in a second
// frames over this amount of time
// Solution:
// frames (1000 / partial second) * frames
// ------ = ------------------------------------
// second (1000 / partial second) * partial second
// Partial formula:
// 1 second
// ----------- = how many more intervals do we need to measure fps
// time passed
// Proof:
// frames drawn x intervals
_fps = _framesThisInterval * // frames elapsed
// 1 sec / elapsed time
(1000 / (_curTimer - _prevTimer)) // how many partials go into a full second (as a measure of completeness)
// console.log([((_curTimer - _prevTimer) / 1000), _framesThisInterval, (_curTimer - _prevTimer)]);
// console.log('FPS: ' + _fps);
if(_fps > _maxFPS) {
var hi = _fps + 5,
lo = _fps - 5;
_FPSSamples[0] > lo && _FPSSamples[0] < hi &&
_FPSSamples[1] > lo && _FPSSamples[1] < hi
_maxFPS = _fps;
// console.log('New max FPS: ' + _maxFPS);
// Why avg fps can't work as a outlier buster
//var avgFPS:uint = Math.round((_FPSSamples[0] + _FPSSamples[1] + _fps) / 3);
// 50 + 50 + 140 / 3 = 80
// 50 + 50 + 60 / 3 = 53.3
// 45 + 55 + 65 / 3 = 55
// 0 + 55 + 140 / 3 = 65
_FPSSamples[0] = _FPSSamples[1];
_FPSSamples[1] = _fps;
_prevTimer = _curTimer;
// _nextTimer = _curTimer + _measurementInterval; // measure the fps every x frames
_framesThisInterval = 0;
var fpsUpdateHandler = function (fps) {
if (fps > 5) {
if (inViewStatus === 'out' || inViewStatus === 'na') {
inViewStatus = 'in';
// console.log('reporter is saying it is in view');
report(instanceName, 'in');
} else {
if (inViewStatus === 'in' || inViewStatus === 'na') {
inViewStatus = 'out';
// console.log('reporter is saying it is out of view');
report(instanceName, 'out');
var maxFpsUpdateHandler = function (maxFps) {
var startInViewReporter = function () {
if (instanceName === '') { return ; }
var stopInViewReporter = function () {
w = window,
d = w.document,
isRunning = false,
inViewStatus = 'na',
instanceName = location.href.split('?')[1],
report = function () {
// console.warn('Coult not find vision reporter.');
var FPSMeter = new MeasureFPS(60, 5, fpsUpdateHandler, maxFpsUpdateHandler);
report(instanceName, 'ready');
//} catch (e) {
// console.error(e);
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