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Created October 18, 2013 16:06
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Comments on a file that needs correction
], function(
PromotionalNewModal) {
var self = {};
self = {
orderSummaryTemplate: null,
init: function(){
// this just needs to check to see if its truthy
if($('.order-summary-wrapper').html() != undefined){
// this would execute a message on every page. dont leave these in unless they're needed absolutely
console.log('ORDER SUMMARY');
// all listeners in the attachListeners list should be calling methods that are named, not anonymous closure functions
attachListeners: function () {
// this should not be calling an anonymous function
// this should not be using a live listener
$(document).on('tap', '#view-item-details', function() {
url: "viewdetails.htm",
success: function(data){
error : function(e) {
// this should not be calling an anonymous function
// this should not be using a live listener
// this should not be calling an unscoped listener on all customClose buttons in a generic way
$(document).on('tap', '.customClose', function(e) {
// this is a possible memory leak. this function should also be attached to this object, not anonymous
// this should not be using a live listener
$(document).on('tap', '.js-order-summary-modal-trigger', function(e) {
// This should not be dynamically calling modals based on a data attribute. know what you're trying to pop up. add code clarity!
var $modal = $(this).attr('data-modal');
$('#' + $modal)
.trigger('create'); // this isnt even how we initialize modals. please use the requirejs way for initializing jqm windows
// this should not be creating new iscrolls on every click. this is going to stack up memory from new objects being spawned over and over
var scroll;
scroll = new iScroll('scroller-'+ $modal, {
hideScrollbar : false,
useTransition : true
// its unlikely that we need to set a timeout here.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
// this should not be calling an anonymous function
// this should not be using a live listener
$(document).on('tap', '#close-transaction-details', function() {
// call this with the require module.
// this will also allow you to bind the tap handler right to the require module so the event can be passed to it
// this should not be calling an anonymous function
// this should not be using a live listener
$(document).on('tap', '#back-to-cart', function() {
// call this with the require module, not with a selector
var fromPageNew = $('#fromPageNew').val();
// use strict comparisons
if(fromPageNew=='sywr') {
window.location = "removeSywrPaymentCheck.htm?landingPage=cart";
// use strict comparisons
} else if(fromPageNew=='payment') {
url: "unpairDevice.htm",
success: unpairDeviceSuccess,
error : function(e) {
window.location = "removePaymentCheck.htm?landingPage=cart";
} else {
window.location = "viewCart.htm";
renderOrderSummary: function(template, ordSummary){
var fromOrderComplete=false;
// in most instances, you do not need to check to see if something is undefined.
// if the variable instance is initialized to null or undefined, such as it is with the return from this function,
// you can just check to see if it is truthy
&& $('#fromPageNew').val()=='orderComplete'){
var summary = { data: ordSummary };
// calls to access properties of objects should use dot syntax. Only dynamic reads should use brackets (code clarity)
summary['config'] = config;
// here we're calling a global instance of _template instead of properly using the Mustache require module, so we're breaking modularity
$orderSummaryHtml = $(window._template(template, summary));
// use strict comparisons
if(document.title == 'Cart'){
// use strict comparisons
if(document.title == 'Cart' || document.title == 'Coupons & Discounts'){
// use strict comparisons
if(document.title == 'Checkout'){
// again, most times you dont need to check to see if its undefined, just truthy
if($('#installNextButton').html() != undefined){
// what is trigger('create') doing?
displayOrderSummary: function(ordSummary) {
if (!self.orderSummaryTemplate){
type: "GET",
url: "html/order_summary.html",
success: function (template) {
self.orderSummaryTemplate = template;
self.renderOrderSummary(self.orderSummaryTemplate, ordSummary);
self.renderOrderSummary(self.orderSummaryTemplate, ordSummary);
viewCartSuccess:function (data){
// mustache templates can and should be imported through require's dependency list at the top of the file.
// this will allow them to be bundled with the js and limit the amount of code you need to use them.
// it will also optimize calls in other files for those templates should they need them loaded too.
type: "GET",
url: "templates/viewCart.mustache",
success: function(templateHTML){
self.viewCartTempHandler(templateHTML, data);
var strTemplates = $(template),
temp = $.grep(strTemplates, function(e){ return === "viewCartTemplate"; })[0].innerHTML,
html = Mustache.to_html(temp,data['result']), // this should be using dot notation
$viewCartDetail = $("#viewCartDetail");
// this should be called from a require module, not by a jquery selector. we're in require!!! all modals have their selectors cached
// string comparisons should be done using strict comparison operators so no conversion is taking place. this is a performance thing
if(document.title == 'SYWR Redemption' || document.title == 'Payment'){
// This is a possible memory leak
var scroll;
scroll = new iScroll('scroller-content-cart', {
hideScrollbar : false,
useTransition : true
// its unlikely we need to do a timeout on this refresh
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
// mustache files should be loaded using the require dependency list
renderOrderSummaryModals:function (orderSummary){
type: "GET",
url: "templates/orderSummaryModals.mustache",
success: function(templateHTML){
self.orderSummaryModalsTempHandler(templateHTML, orderSummary);
// multi line var starts here
var strTemplates = $(template),
temp = $.grep(strTemplates, function(e){ return === "orderSummaryTemplate"; })[0].innerHTML;
// but then abruptly ends and starts again here
var html = Mustache.to_html(temp,orderSummary);
// and then starts again here... WHY?!
var totalPoints = $("#totalPoints").val(),
subtotal = $("#subtotalPoints").val(),
coupons = $("#couponsPoints").val();
// just do a truthy check
if(totalPoints != "" || subtotal!="" || coupons!="" ){
// what is this triggering? a modal? multiple modals?
// is this a utility method that could be abstracted out to the globals include or a utility math class?
commaSeparateNumber : function(val){
while (/(\d+)(\d{3})/.test(val.toString())){
val = val.toString().replace(/(\d+)(\d{3})/, '$1'+','+'$2');
return val;
return self;
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