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Created September 12, 2012 18:06
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rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:56 # Adi 3.0#import creates a record for each element
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:72 # Adi 3.0#import with only one category creates an offer
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:80 # Adi 3.0#import with only one ext attribute embeds one ext in the movie asset
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:96 # Adi 3.0#import with a distributor royalty info embeds one distributor royalty info
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:104 # Adi 3.0#import with a studio royalty info embeds one studio royalty info
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:120 # Adi 3.0#import with an existing offer creation rule creates an additional term with the proper attributes
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:125 # Adi 3.0#import with an existing offer creation rule sets the suggested price by applying the pricing rule from the term template
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:129 # Adi 3.0#import with an existing offer creation rule marks that cached term as ingested
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:169 # Adi 3.0#import#attach_package_for attaches a package to all box covers
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:173 # Adi 3.0#import#attach_package_for attaches a package to all movies
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:177 # Adi 3.0#import#attach_package_for attaches a package to all offers
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:181 # Adi 3.0#import#attach_package_for attaches a package to all posters
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:185 # Adi 3.0#import#attach_package_for attaches a package to all previews
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:189 # Adi 3.0#import#attach_package_for attaches a package to all term limitations
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:193 # Adi 3.0#import#attach_package_for attaches a package to all thumbnails
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:197 # Adi 3.0#import#attach_package_for attaches a package to all titles
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/adi_spec.rb:201 # Adi 3.0#import#attach_package_for attaches a package to all tricks
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/offer_spec.rb:373 # Offer#terms with cached terms should have the appropriate number of cached_term_limitations_attributes
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/offer_spec.rb:864 # Offer#assign_term_limitation with a term with valid dates assigns the term to the offer
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/controllers/utf8/assets_controller_spec.rb:35 # Service::AssetsController POST create UTF-8 data ADI3
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/controllers/utf8/assets_controller_spec.rb:37 # Service::AssetsController POST create UTF-8 data ADI3 sets a field on Title
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/controllers/utf8/assets_controller_spec.rb:41 # Service::AssetsController POST create UTF-8 data ADI3 sets a rating on Title
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/controllers/utf8/assets_controller_spec.rb:45 # Service::AssetsController POST create UTF-8 data ADI3 sets a field on Offer
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/controllers/utf8/assets_controller_spec.rb:49 # Service::AssetsController POST create UTF-8 data ADI3 sets a field on TermLimitation
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/controllers/utf8/assets_controller_spec.rb:53 # Service::AssetsController POST create UTF-8 data ADI3 sets a field on Category
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/controllers/utf8/assets_controller_spec.rb:57 # Service::AssetsController POST create UTF-8 data ADI3 sets a field on Trick
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/models/cdn_statistic_spec.rb:24 # CdnStatistic#all_stats_as_x_y
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/controllers/service/assets_controller_spec.rb:287 # Service::AssetsController POST create over license limit
rspec /private/tmp/monaco/spec/controllers/service/assets_controller_spec.rb:305 # Service::AssetsController POST create not over license limit from soft delete
cucumber features/catalog_management/operator_searches_all_offer_types.feature:77 # Scenario: I search on bundles only when there are no bundles that fit the criteria
cucumber features/catalog_management/operator_searches_bundles_only.feature:79 # Scenario: I search by actor
cucumber features/catalog_management/operator_searches_offers_by_actor_on_the_catalog_management_page.feature:77 # Scenario: I search by actor
cucumber features/dynamic_criteria_folders/operator_adds_new_dynamic_criteria_folder.feature:77 # Scenario: Reverts a criteria folder to a regular folder
cucumber features/offers/operator_views_movie_format_on_offer_summary.feature:3 # Scenario:
cucumber features/dynamic_criteria_folders/operator_edits_a_dynamic_criteria_folder.feature:51 # Scenario: Adds a single dynamic criteria
cucumber features/offers/operator_views_offer.feature:105 # Scenario: Views offer with soft deleted poster
cucumber features/offers/operator_adds_pricing_package_on_promotion.feature:44 # Scenario: Successfully add new term to offer
cucumber features/hubs/operator_adds_hardware_to_a_hub.feature:12 # Scenario:
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