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Created March 21, 2018 03:57
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  • Save jeffschulthies/22f54622368551d0a90a4252215ddeca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jeffschulthies/22f54622368551d0a90a4252215ddeca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
git log --oneline
git status -s
Configuration Levels
- Multiple users log into the same box. Build box
git config --global "Jeff Schulthies"
git config --global ""
# Removes carriage returns
git config --global core.autocrlf input # Mac/Linux
git config --global core.autocrlf true # Windows
git config --global alias.s "status -s"
git config --global alias.lg "log --oneline --all --graph --decorate"
git rm --cached [file]
Removes the file from version control but preserves the file locally
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
Git Ignore
*.log # This ignores all the log files
!special.log # Don't ignore this one
git branch -d [name]
git checkout -b [name] # create and checkout a branch
git merge --no-ff
git diff --staged
git diff HEAD
git rebase master
# Pulling from master where there is a merge conflict
git rebase origin/master
git pull --rebase
Rebase Interactive -i
git rebase -i HEAD~5
# Common workflow -> Usually squash them
Instead of pick
Use f -> f rolls the last commit into the latest one (the one on top)
r -> reword
git tag v1.0.0
git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "message" -> Default one
git tag -s
git push --tags
Cherry Pick
# takes a commit and you're able to apply them to multiple branches
git cherry-pick sha1-hash
git cherry-pick -n sha1-hash -> Don't merge
git stash
git stash apply
git stash pop
git revert sha1-hash
git commit --amend # You can also add files in the staging area
# Number of commits ago
git reset --soft HEAD~2 # Leave all the files in the staging area
git reset --hard HEAD~2 # Blows alway the files
git reset --mixed HEAD~2 # Default -> Unstages all the file
# Keeps code in 30 days
git reflog # Get the sha1 hash of the commit
git reset --hard sha1hash # Bring the code to the point of the deleted code
git cherry-pick sha1hash # Bring back 1 code from the ether
git checkout sha1-hash # Look at reflog
git checkout -b temp_branch # Rebase or merge -> git rebase master
CLI Everything
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