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Created August 5, 2019 16:07
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Javascript method practice
import axios from "axios";
// ====================================================
// DONT USE DELETE ON ARRAYS - use proper methods
export const myAsyncFunc = async url => {
// const payload = await window.fetch(url);
// const payloadJSON = await payload.json();
const payload = await axios(url);
const data =
// ====================================================
// Return a decending numerically sorted array of objects
const numericallySorted = (data) => {
const newData = data
console.log('**** numericallySorted ****')
return newData.sort((a, b) => a.userId - b.userId);
// Return an alphabetically sorted array of objects
const alphabeticallySorted = data => {
console.log("**** alphabeticallySorted ****");
return data.sort(function(a, b){
const titleA = a.title.toLowerCase(),
titleB = b.title.toLowerCase();
if (titleA < titleB)
//sort string A-Z
return -1;
if (titleA > titleB) return 1;
return 0; //default return value (no sorting)
// Return a reversed array of objects
const reversedOrderNumerical = (data) => {
console.log('**** reversedOrderNumerical ****')
return data.reverse()
// Use reduce to categorize some data
const reducedData = (data) => {
console.log('**** const ****')
const reducedArray = data.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => {
return Number(accumulator +;
}, 0);
return reducedArray
// Return a shifted/unshifted/pushed/popped array
const manipulatedContents = (data, typeOfChange) => {
let scopeData = Object.create(data)
console.log('**** manipulatedContents ****')
switch (typeOfChange) {
case 'shift':
case 'unshift':
case 'pop':
case 'push':
return scopeData
// Use spread operator to add items to array
const addUsingSpread = (data) => {
console.log('**** addUsingSpread ****')
return ['newElement',]
// Use spread operator to merge 2 objects
const mergeObjectsUsingSpread = (data) => {
// Skip using "data" here as its an array
const tempObj = {
someKey: "someVal",
someOtherKey: "someOtherVal"
const tempObj2 = {
someKey2: "someVal2",
someOtherKey2: "someOtherVal2"
console.log('**** mergeObjectsUsingSpread ****')
return {...tempObj, ...tempObj2}
// Use spread operator to merge 2 array
const mergeArraysUsingSpread = (data) => {
const newArray = ['hi','hello','yolo']
console.log('**** mergeArraysUsingSpread ****')
return [...newArray, data]
// Add an element to an array with splice
const addUsingSplice = (data) => {
console.log("**** addUsingSplice ****");
// index 0, how many 0, val
data.splice(0, 0, "newElement");
return data;
// Add a portion to an array with slice
const getSubArrayWithSlice = (data) => {
console.log('**** getSubArrayWithSlice ****')
return data.slice(30,35)
// Join all elements of an array to a dash seperated string
const joinWithDashes = (data) => {
const ids =,index) =>
console.log('**** joinWithDashes ****')
return ids.join('-')
// Use map and/or forEach and/or for-in to loop through an array
const logWithMap = (data) => {
console.log('**** logWithMap ****')
return, index) =>;
// Use .find to get the first result of a match in an array
const getFirstMatchWithFind = (data) => {
console.log('**** getFirstMatchWithFind ****')
const foundItem = data.find(element => {
return element.title.includes('fugit');
return foundItem;
// Use .filter to return a new array of only some elements
const filterItemsInArray = (data) => {
console.log('**** filterItemsInArray ****')
return data.filter(item => item.body.length > 200);
// range function takes 3 parameters
// start value, stop value, and the step
const rangeFunc = (start, stop, step = 1) => {
console.log('**** rangeFunc ****')
return Array(stop - start)
.map((x, y) => x + y * step);
// Traverse through the depth of some data using recursion
function buildTree(data, isChild = false) {
let html = document.createElement('ul');
data.forEach(element => {
let li = document.createElement('li');
let text = document.createTextNode(element.title);
// If the current data element
// has children then call the
// buildTree again passing in
// the children and isChild = true
if (element.children) {
html.appendChild(buildTree(element.children, true));
return html;
// Perform a binary search ✅
// console.table(numericallySorted(data));
// console.table(alphabeticallySorted(data));
// console.table(reversedOrderNumerical(data));
// console.table(reducedData(data))
// console.log(
// manipulatedContents(data, "shift").length,
// manipulatedContents(data, "unshift")[0],
// manipulatedContents(data, "pop").length,
// manipulatedContents(data, "push")[100]
// );
// console.table(addUsingSpread(data));
// console.table(mergeObjectsUsingSpread(data));
// console.table(mergeArraysUsingSpread(data));
// console.table(addUsingSplice(data));
// console.table(getSubArrayWithSlice(data));
// console.table(joinWithDashes(data));
// console.table(logWithMap(data));
// console.table(getFirstMatchWithFind(data));
// console.table(filterItemsInArray(data));
// console.log(rangeFunc(0,10,2));
// console.log(
// buildTree([
// {
// title: "menu 1",
// children: [
// { title: "menu 1.1" },
// {
// title: "menu 1.2",
// children: [{ title: "menu 1.2.1" }, { title: "menu 1.2.2" }]
// }
// ]
// },
// {
// title: "menu 2",
// children: [{ title: "menu 2.1" }, { title: "menu 2.2" }]
// }
// ])
// );
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