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Created September 22, 2013 20:01
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This utility will query a XBee radio for some of it's AT Command parameters and print their values, as well as optional descriptive information.
#!/usr/bin/env python
This utility will query a XBee radio for some of it's AT Command parameters and print their values, as well as
optional descriptive information. It has a set of default AT Commands or the use can provide the desired set
of AT Commands on the command-line.
The dictionary of AT Command descriptive information is limited but can be easily expanded. The descriptive
information was taken from the first reference given below. Also note that if this utility appears to hang,
it is almost certainly waiting on a response from the XBee. To continue processing the AT Command list, use Ctrl-C.
Reference Materials:
XBee/XBee-PRO OEM RF Modules: Product Manual v1.xCx - 802.15.4 Protocol
python-xbee Documentation: Release 2.0.0, Paul Malmsten, December 29, 2010
Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-commands
# imported modules
import os # portable way of using operating system dependent functionality
#import sys # provides access to some variables used or maintained by the Python interpreter
import serial # encapsulates the access for the serial port
import argparse # provides easy to write and user-friendly command-line interfaces
from xbee import XBee # implementation of the XBee serial communication API
from pretty import stringc # provides colored text for xterm and VT100 type terminals using ANSI Escape Sequences
# authorship information
__author__ = "Jeff Irland"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013"
__credits__ = "Paul Malmsten"
__license__ = "GNU General Public License"
__version__ = "0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Jeff Irland"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
__python__ = "Version 2.7.3"
# text colors to be used during terminal sessions
NORMAL_TEXT = 'normal'
CMD_TEXT = 'bright red'
NAME_TEXT = 'bright yellow'
CAT_TEXT = 'bright yellow'
DESC_TEXT = 'normal'
RANGE_TEXT = 'bright cyan'
DEFAULT_TEXT = 'bright green'
class ArgsParser():
"""Within this object class you should load all the command-line switches, parameters, and arguments to operate this utility"""
def __init__(self):
self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="This utility will query a XBee radio for some of it's AT Command parameters and print their values. It has a set of default AT Commands or the use can provide the desired set of AT Commands on the command-line.", epilog="This utility is for query only and will not change the AT Command parameter values.")
def optSwitches(self):
"""optional switches for the command-line"""
self.parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version=__version__, help="print version number on stdout and exit")
self.parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", help="produce verbose output for debugging")
self.parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", required=False, action="store_true", help="print the name (i.e. short description) of the XBee AT Command")
self.parser.add_argument("-d", "--description", required=False, action="store_true", help="print the full description of the XBee AT Command")
def reqSwitches(self):
"""required switches for the command-line"""
def optParameters(self):
"""optional parameters for the command-line"""
self.parser.add_argument("-b", "--baudrate", required=False, action="store", metavar="RATE", type=int, default=9600, help="baud rate used to communicate with the XBee radio")
self.parser.add_argument("-p", "--device", required=False, action="store", metavar="DEV", type=str, default='/dev/ttyUSB0', help="open this serial port or device to communicate with the XBee radio")
def reqParameters(self):
"""required parameters for the command-line"""
def optArguments(self):
"""optional arguments for the command-line"""
self.parser.add_argument(nargs="*", action="store", dest="inputs", help="AT Commands to be queried")
def reqArguments(self):
"""required arguments for the command-line"""
def args(self):
"""return a object containing the command-line switches, parameters, and arguments"""
return self.parser.parse_args()
class ATDict():
"""Within this object class you should load a dictionary of { "AT Command": [ "Name", "Category", "Description", "Parameter Range", "Default Value"],}"""
# Networking & Security, RF Interfacing, Sleep Modes (NonBeacon), Serial Interfacing, I/O Settings, Diagnostics, AT Command Options
def __init__(self):
self.commands = {
# Networking & Security
"CH": ["Channel", "Networking", "Set/Read the channel number used for transmitting and receiving data between RF modules.", "0x0B - 0x1A", "0x0C"],
"ID": ["PAN ID", "Networking", "Set/Read the PAN (Personal Area Network) ID. Use 0xFFFF to broadcast messages to all PANs.", "0 - 0xFFFF", "0x3332"],
"DH": ["Destination Address High", "Networking", "Set/Read the upper 32 bits of the 64-bit destination address. When combined with DL, it defines the destination address used for transmission. To transmit using a 16-bit address, set DH parameter to zero and DL less than 0xFFFF. 0x000000000000FFFF is the broadcast address for the PAN.", "0 - 0xFFFFFFFF", "0"],
"DL": ["Destination Address Low", "Networking", "Set/Read the lower 32 bits of the 64-bit destination address. When combined with DH, DL defines the destination address used for transmission. To transmit using a 16-bit address, set DH parameter to zero and DL less than 0xFFFF. 0x000000000000FFFF is the broadcast address for the PAN.", "0 - 0xFFFFFFFF", "0"],
"MY": ["16-bit Source Address", "Networking", "Set/Read the RF module 16-bit source address. Set MY =0xFFFF to disable reception of packets with 16-bit addresses. 64-bit source address(serial number) and broadcast address (0x000000000000FFFF) is always enabled.", "0 - 0xFFFF", "0"],
"SH": ["Serial Number High", "Networking", "Read high 32 bits of the RF module's unique IEEE 64-bit address. 64-bit source address is always enabled.", "0 - 0xFFFFFFFF [read-only]", "Factory-set"],
"SL": ["Serial Number Low", "Networking", "Read low 32 bits of the RF module's unique IEEE 64-bit address. 64-bit source address is always enabled.", "0 - 0xFFFFFFFF [read-only]", "Factory-set"],
"RR": ["XBee Retries", "Networking", "Set/Read the maximum number of retries the module will execute in addition to the 3 retries provided by the 802.15.4 MAC. For each XBee retry, the 802.15.4 MAC can execute up to 3 retries.", "0 - 6", "0"],
"RN": ["Random Delay Slots", "Networking", "Set/Read the minimum value of the back-off exponent in the CSMA-CA algorithm that is used for collision avoidance. If RN = 0, collision avoidance is disabled during the first iteration of the algorithm (802.15.4 - macMinBE).", "0 - 3 [exponent]", "0"],
"MM": ["MAC Mode", "Networking", "Set/Read MAC Mode value. MAC Mode enables/disables the use of a Digi header in the 802.15.4 RF packet. When Modes 0 or 3 are enabled(MM=0,3), duplicate packet detection is enabled as well as certain AT commands.", "0 = Digi Mode, 1 = 802.15.4 (no ACKs), 2 = 802.15.4 (with ACKs), 3 = Digi Mode (no ACKs)", "0"],
"NI": ["Node Identifier", "Networking", "Stores a string identifier. The register only accepts printable ASCII data. A string can not start with a space. Carriage return ends command. Command will automatically end when maximum bytes for the string have been entered. This string is returned as part of the ND (Node Discover) command. This identifier is also used with the DN (Destination Node) command.", "20-character ASCII string", "-"],
"NT": ["Node Discover Time", "Networking", "Set/Read the amount of time a node will wait for responses from other nodes when using the ND (Node Discover) command.", "0x01 - 0xFC [x 100 ms]", "0x19"],
"CE": ["Coordinator Enable", "Networking", "Set/Read the coordinator setting. A value of 0 makes it an End Device but a value of 1 makes it a Coordinator.", "0 = End Device, 1 = Coordinator", "0"],
"SC": ["Scan Channels", "Networking", "Set/Read list of channels to scan for all Active and Energy Scans as a bitfield. This affects scans initiated in command mode (AS, ED) and during End Device Association and Coordinator startup", "0 - 0xFFFF [bitfield](bits 0, 14, 15 not allowed on the XBee-PRO)", "0x1FFE (all XBee-PRO Channels)"],
"SD": ["Scan Duration", "Networking", "For End Device - Duration of Active Scan during Association. \nFor Coordinator - If ReassignPANID option is set on Coordinator [refer to A2 parameter], SD determines the length of time the Coordinator will scan channels to locate existing PANs. If ReassignChannel option is set, SD determines how long the Coordinator will perform an Energy Scan to determine which channel it will operate on.", "0-0x0F [exponent]", "4"],
"A1": ["End Device Association", "Networking", "Set/Read End Device association options. bit 0 - ReassignPanID (0 - Will only associate with Coordinator operating on PAN ID that matches module ID / 1 - May associate with Coordinator operating on any PAN ID), bit 1 - ReassignChannel(0 - Will only associate with Coordinator operating on matching CH Channel setting / 1 - May associate with Coordinator operating on any Channel), bit 2 - AutoAssociate (0 - Device will not attempt Association / 1 - Device attempts Association until success Note: This bit is used only for Non-Beacon systems. End Devices in Beacon-enabled system must always associate to a Coordinator), bit 3 - PollCoordOnPinWake (0 - Pin Wake will not poll the Coordinator for indirect (pending) data / 1 - Pin Wake will send Poll Request to Coordinator to extract any pending data), bits 4 - 7 are reserved.", "0 - 0x0F [bitfield]", "0"],
"A2": ["Coordinator Association", "Networking", "Set/Read Coordinator association options. bit 0 - Reassign PanID (0 - Coordinator will not perform Active Scan to locate available PAN ID. It will operate on ID (PAN ID). / 1 - Coordinator will perform Active Scan to determine an available ID (PAN ID). If a PAN ID conflict is found, the ID parameter will change.) bit 1 - ReassignChannel - (0 - Coordinator will not perform Energy Scan to determine free channel. It will operate on the channel determined by the CH parameter. / 1 - Coordinator will perform Energy Scan to find a free channel, then operate on that channel.) bit 2 - AllowAssociation - (0 - Coordinator will not allow any devices to associate to it. / 1 - Coordinator will allow devices to associate to it.) bits 3 - 7 are reserved", "0 - 7 [bitfield]", "0"],
#"XX": [ "", "Networking", "", "", ""],
# RF Interfacing
#"XX": [ "", "RF Interfacing", "", "", ""],
# Sleep Modes (NonBeacon)
#"XX": [ "", "Sleep Modes (NonBeacon)", "", "", ""],
# Serial Interfacing
#"XX": [ "", "Serial Interfacing", "", "", ""],
# I/O Settings
#"XX": [ "", "I/O Settings", "", "", ""],
# Diagnostics
#"XX": [ "", "Diagnostics", "", "", ""],
# AT Command Options
#"XX": [ "", "AT Command Options", "", "", ""],
def dictionary(self):
"""return the whole dictionary of command"""
return self.commands
def command(self, cmd):
"""return the colorized AT Command"""
return stringc(cmd, CMD_TEXT)
def name(self, cmd):
"""return the colorized name of the AT Command"""
return stringc(self.commands[cmd][0], NAME_TEXT)
def category(self, cmd):
"""return the colorized category of the AT Command"""
return stringc(self.commands[cmd][1], CAT_TEXT)
def description(self, cmd):
"""return the colorized description of the AT Command"""
return stringc(self.commands[cmd][2], DESC_TEXT)
def range(self, cmd):
"""return the colorized range of the AT Command"""
return stringc(self.commands[cmd][3], RANGE_TEXT)
def default(self, cmd):
"""return the colorized default value of the AT Command"""
stringc(self.commands[cmd][4], DEFAULT_TEXT)
class FrameID():
"""XBee frame IDs must be in the range 0x01 to 0xFF (0x00 is a special case).
This object allows you to cycles through these numbers."""
def __init__(self):
self.frameID = 0
def inc(self):
if self.frameID == 255:
self.frameID = 0
self.frameID += 1
return self.frameID
def byte2hex(byteStr):
"""Convert a byte string to it's hex string representation"""
hex = []
for aChar in byteStr:
hex.append("%02X " % ord(aChar))
return ''.join(hex).strip()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# parse the command-line for switches, parameters, and arguments
parser = ArgsParser() # create parser object for the command-line
args = parser.args() # get list of command line arguments, parameters, and switches
if args.verbose > 0: # print what is on the command-line
print os.path.basename(__file__), "command-line arguments =", args.__dict__
# create required objects
frameID = FrameID() # create a cycling frame ID sequence number to be used in XBee frames
at = ATDict() # create a dictionary of XBee AT Commands definitions
ser = serial.Serial(args.device, args.baudrate) # Open the serial port that has the XBee radio
xbee = XBee(ser) # Create XBee object to communicate with the XBee radio
# if user provided desired AT Commands, use them for query, otherwise use the whole dictionary
if len(args.inputs) == 0:
args.inputs = at.dictionary()
# for the command list provided, query the XBee radio AT Command's parameters
for cmd in args.inputs:
xbee.send('at', frame_id=chr(, command=cmd)
response = xbee.wait_read_frame()
print at.command(cmd) + " = " + byte2hex(response['parameter']) + " " +
print at.command(cmd) + " = " + byte2hex(response['parameter'])
if args.description:
print at.description(cmd) + "\n"
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "*** AT Command \"" + at.command(cmd) + "\" interrupted. ***"
if args.description:
print " "
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