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// lptimTick.c -- Jeff Tenney | |
// | |
// STM32 No-Drift FreeRTOS Tick/Tickless via LPTIM | |
// | |
// Example integration and validation: https://github.com/jefftenney/LPTIM-Tick | |
// | |
// Revision: 2021.11.23 | |
// Tabs: None | |
// Columns: 110 | |
// Compiler: gcc (GNU) / armcc (Arm-Keil) / iccarm (IAR) | |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT | |
// Copyright 2021 Jeff Tenney <jeff.tenney@gmail.com> | |
// | |
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and | |
// associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including | |
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell | |
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the | |
// following conditions: | |
// | |
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial | |
// portions of the Software. | |
// | |
#include "FreeRTOS.h" | |
#include "task.h" | |
#include "stm32l4xx.h" | |
// This FreeRTOS port "extension" for STM32 uses LPTIM to generate the OS tick instead of the systick | |
// timer. The benefit of the LPTIM is that it continues running in "stop" mode as long as its clock source | |
// does. A typical clock source for the LPTIM is LSE (or LSI), which does keep running in stop mode. | |
// | |
// The resulting FreeRTOS port: | |
// | |
// o Allows use of low-power stop modes during tickless idle, while still keeping kernel time. | |
// o Eliminates kernel-time drift associated with tickless idle in official FreeRTOS port | |
// o Eliminates kernel-time drift caused by rounding the OS tick to a whole number of timer counts. | |
// o Avoids drift and errors found in other LPTIM implementations available from ST or the public domain. | |
// o Detects/reports ticks dropped due to the application masking interrupts (the tick ISR) for too long. | |
// | |
// This software is currently adapted for STM32L4(+) but is easily adaptable to (or already compatible | |
// with) any STM32 that provides an LPTIM peripheral, such as STM32L, STM32F, STM32G, STM32H, STM32W, and the | |
// new STM32U. | |
// Terminology | |
// | |
// "Count" - What a timer does in its "count" register (CNT). | |
// | |
// "Tick" - The OS tick, made up of some number of timer counts. | |
// Perfect Tick Frequency | |
// | |
// This software optionally varies the number of timer counts per OS tick to achieve the target OS tick | |
// frequency. The OS tick generally occurs no more than half a timer count early or half a timer count late | |
// compared to the ideal tick time. This is especially useful with a 32768Hz reference on LSE and a desired | |
// 1000Hz system tick. In that case, this software uses 32-count and 33-count tick durations as needed to | |
// stay on the 1000Hz tick schedule. No matter how you set configLPTIM_REF_CLOCK_HZ and configTICK_RATE_HZ, | |
// this software stays precisely on schedule. | |
// | |
// You can disable this feature and instead use a simple, constant number of timer counts per OS tick by | |
// defining configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION to 0. Your effective tick rate will be as close as possible to | |
// configTICK_RATE_HZ while using a constant number of counts per tick. For example, with a 32768 Hz clock | |
// and an ideal tick frequency of 1000 Hz, the actual tick frequency is ~993 Hz. | |
// Silicon Bug | |
// | |
// The LPTIM has a silicon bug that can cause the CPU to be temporarily stuck in the LPTIM ISR with no | |
// way for the CPU to clear the IRQ. The silicon bug is not documented by ST (yet), but the "stuck" condition | |
// appears to last one full count of the LPTIM. It seems to occur only when the application is using the MCU | |
// "stop" power modes. | |
// | |
// Any attempt to use stop mode in the window between a "match" and the CMPM one count later causes the | |
// match interrupt to be asserted (early), and it cannot be cleared until the CMPM flag is set. Additionally, | |
// any attempt to use stop mode during the timer count after a CMPM event that we tried to suppress too late | |
// also results in the entire count duration stuck in the ISR. By "suppress too late", we mean write a new | |
// value to CMP just before a CMPM event. | |
// | |
// As a workaround, the application should be sure that configTICK_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY is a lower priority | |
// than application interrupts. We considered a workaround in this file but realized that our only viable | |
// recourse is to avoid stop mode at strategic times, but those time windows last several timer counts. Using | |
// sleep mode instead of stop mode for several counts is more costly than the silicon bug itself, which uses | |
// run mode instead of stop mode for one timer count (stuck in interrupt handlers). | |
// Quirks of LPTIM | |
// | |
// The following "quirks" indicate that LPTIM is designed for PWM output control and not for generating | |
// timed interrupts. This software overcomes all of them. | |
// | |
// o Writes to CMP are delayed by a sync mechanism inside the timer. The sync takes ~3 timer counts. | |
// o During the synchronization process, additional writes to CMP are prohibited. | |
// o CMPOK (sync completion) comes *after* the CMP value is asynchronously available for match events. | |
// o The match condition is not simply "CNT == CMP" but is actually "CNT >= CMP && CNT != ARR". | |
// o The timer sets CMPM (and optional IRQ) one timer count *after* the match condition is reached. | |
// o With a new CMP value, the timer must first be in a "no-match" condition to generate a match event. | |
// o Setting CMP == ARR is prohibited. See below. | |
// o Changing IER (interrupt-enable register) is prohibited while LPTIM is enabled. | |
// o The CPU can get stuck temporarily in the LPTIM ISR when using stop mode. See "Silicon Bug" above. | |
// | |
// This software sets ARR to 0xFFFF permanently and modifies CMP to arrange each next tick interrupt. | |
// Due to the rule against setting CMP == ARR, we never set CMP to 0xFFFF. If the ideal CMP value for a tick | |
// interrupt is 0xFFFF, we use 0 instead. | |
// Side Effects | |
// | |
// o Tick Overhead. OS ticks generated by this software have more overhead than ticks generated by the | |
// official port code. In most applications, the overhead doesn't make any real difference. Our tick ISR | |
// is longer by a handful of CPU instructions, and we execute a 2nd, very short ISR in between ticks. | |
// | |
// o Tick IRQ Priority. The tick IRQ priority must be high enough that no combination of ISRs can block its | |
// execution for longer than 1 tick. See configTICK_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY (below) for more information. | |
// However, the application may safely mask interrupts for longer than 1 tick, rare as that need may be. | |
// (One common example is for "fast-programming" flash memory on STM32.) In that case, this software even | |
// reports dropped ticks afterward via traceTICKS_DROPPED(). | |
// | |
// o Tick Jitter. When precision is enabled (configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION), ticks generated by this | |
// software have jitter, as described above in "Perfect Tick Frequency". In most applications, jitter in | |
// the tick periods is not a concern. | |
#if ( !defined(configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE) || configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE != 2 ) | |
#warning Please edit FreeRTOSConfig.h to define configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE as 2 *or* exclude this file. | |
#else | |
#ifdef xPortSysTickHandler | |
#warning Please edit FreeRTOSConfig.h to eliminate the preprocessor definition for xPortSysTickHandler. | |
#endif | |
// Symbol configTICK_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY, optionally defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h, controls the tick | |
// interrupt priority. Most applications should define configTICK_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY to be | |
// configLIBRARY_LOWEST_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY because the tick doesn't need a high priority. But if your | |
// application has long ISRs, you may need to increase the priority of the tick. The tick priority must be | |
// high enough that no combination of ISRs at or above its priority level can block the tick ISR for longer | |
// than 1 tick. But the priority must not be higher than configLIBRARY_MAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY | |
// (meaning that the value of configTICK_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY must not be numerically lower). | |
// | |
// Be sure to consider the information in "Silicon Bug" above before increasing the interrupt priority of | |
// the system tick. | |
// | |
#define configTICK_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY configLIBRARY_LOWEST_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY // default only; see above | |
#endif | |
// Symbol configTICK_USES_LSI, optionally defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h, is defined only when LPTIM should | |
// use LSI as the clock instead of LSE. By default, however, this software configures LPTIM to use LSE | |
// because a key feature of this software is timing accuracy -- no drift in tickless idle. | |
// | |
#ifdef configTICK_USES_LSI | |
#define LPTIMSEL_Val 1 // LSI | |
#else | |
#define LPTIMSEL_Val 3 // LSE | |
#endif | |
// Symbol configLPTIM_REF_CLOCK_HZ, optionally defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h, is the frequency of the | |
// selected reference clock or source clock for LPTIM. If configTICK_USES_LSI is defined, then | |
// configLPTIM_REF_CLOCK_HZ equals the frequency of LSI (typically 32000 Hz or 37000 Hz depending on the MCU). | |
// Otherwise, configLPTIM_REF_CLOCK_HZ equals the frequency of LSE (usually 32768 Hz). | |
// | |
#ifndef configLPTIM_REF_CLOCK_HZ | |
#define configLPTIM_REF_CLOCK_HZ 32768UL | |
#endif | |
// Symbol configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION, optionally defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h, allows a configuration to | |
// eliminate the arithmetic in this software that maintains configTICK_RATE_HZ with perfect precision, as | |
// described above in "Perfect Tick Frequency". The arithmetic corrects for any error in rounding the desired | |
// tick duration to a whole number of timer counts. No matter how you set the precision option, this software | |
// eliminates the drift normally associated with tickless idle. The precision option is enabled by default | |
// because it has a very small footprint by all measures (flash, RAM, execution time). However, because the | |
// precision feature requires additional division operations, Cortex M0 users may consider disabling it. CM0 | |
// does not have a native divide instruction, so division operations are a little slow on that platform. | |
// | |
#ifndef configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION | |
#define configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION 1 | |
#endif | |
// If the application masks interrupts (specifically the tick interrupt) long enough to drop a tick, then | |
// the tick ISR calls this trace macro to report the condition along with the number of ticks dropped. You | |
// can define this macro in FreeRTOSConfig.h. Remember that the macro executes from within the tick ISR. | |
// Also be aware that the ISR resets the phase of the ticks after calling this macro. | |
// | |
// If ticks are dropped and you did *not* mask the tick interrupt long enough to drop a tick, you | |
// probably have ISRs blocking the tick ISR for too long. This is not necessarily a problem, but if you want | |
// to avoid dropped ticks, or if any combination of ISRs can block the tick ISR for more than a tick period | |
// even with no masking of interrupts, then you must adjust your design or reconfigure the interrupt | |
// priorities. Please see configTICK_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY above. | |
// | |
#ifndef traceTICKS_DROPPED | |
#define traceTICKS_DROPPED(x) | |
#endif | |
#define LPTIM_CLOCK_HZ ( configLPTIM_REF_CLOCK_HZ ) | |
static TickType_t xMaximumSuppressedTicks; // We won't try to sleep longer than this many ticks during | |
// tickless idle because any longer might confuse the logic in | |
// our implementation. | |
static uint32_t ulTimerCountsForOneTick; // A "baseline" tick has this many timer counts. The | |
// baseline tick is as close as possible to the ideal duration | |
// but is a whole number of timer counts. | |
#if ( configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION != 0 ) | |
static int lSubcountErrorPerTick; // A "baseline" tick has this much error, measured in timer | |
// subcounts. There are configTICK_RATE_HZ subcounts per | |
// count. When this field is negative, the baseline tick is a | |
// little too long because we rounded "up" to the nearest | |
// whole number of counts per tick. When this field is | |
// positive, the baseline tick is a little too short because | |
// we rounded "down" to the nearest whole number of counts per | |
// tick. | |
static volatile int lRunningSubcountError; // This error accumulator never exceeds half a count, or | |
// configTICK_RATE_HZ/2. When this field is negative, the | |
// next tick is slightly late; when this field is positive, | |
// the next tick is slightly early. This field allows us to | |
// schedule each tick on the timer count closest to the ideal | |
// tick time. | |
#endif // configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION | |
static volatile uint16_t usIdealCmp; // This field doubles as a write cache for LPTIM->CMP and a | |
// way to remember that we set CMP to 0 because 0xFFFF isn't | |
// allowed (hardware limitation). | |
static volatile uint8_t isCmpWriteInProgress; // This field helps us remember when we're waiting for the | |
// CMP write to finish. We must not write to CMP while a | |
// previous write is still in progress. | |
static volatile uint8_t isTickNowSuppressed; // This field helps the tick ISR determine whether | |
// usIdealCmp is in the past or the future. | |
// LPTIM Instance Selection | |
// | |
// If your MCU has multiple LPTIM instances, you must (1) select the instance you want this software to | |
// use for the OS tick by updating the the following three #defines, and (2) change the first five statements | |
// of vPortSetupTimerInterrupt() to match your selection. The default configuration is for LPTIM1 because it | |
// operates even in the lowest-power STOP level. | |
// | |
// If your MCU has only one LPTIM instance, you may or may not need to update these three #defines. But | |
// you must change the first five statements of vPortSetupTimerInterrupt() to match your STM32. | |
// | |
#ifndef LPTIM | |
#define LPTIM LPTIM1 | |
#define LPTIM_IRQn LPTIM1_IRQn | |
#define LPTIM_IRQHandler LPTIM1_IRQHandler | |
#endif | |
//============================================================================================================ | |
// vPortSetupTimerInterrupt() | |
// | |
// This function overrides the "standard" port function, decorated with __attribute__((weak)), in port.c. | |
// Call with interrupts masked. | |
// | |
void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void ) | |
{ | |
// Enable the APB clock to the LPTIM. Then select either LSE or LSI as the kernel clock for the | |
// LPTIM. Then be sure the LPTIM "freezes" when the debugger stops program execution. Then reset the | |
// LPTIM just in case it was already in use prior to this function. | |
// | |
// Modify these statements as needed for your STM32. See LPTIM Instance Selection (above) for | |
// additional information. | |
// | |
RCC->APB1RSTR1 |= RCC_APB1RSTR1_LPTIM1RST; // Reset the LPTIM module per erratum 2.14.1. | |
#ifdef STM32WL // <-- "Family" symbol is defined in the ST device header file, e.g., "stm32wlxx.h". | |
{ | |
#define EXTI_IMR1_LPTIM1 (1UL << 29) | |
#define EXTI_IMR1_LPTIM2 (1UL << 30) | |
#define EXTI_IMR1_LPTIM3 (1UL << 31) | |
// Users of STM32WL must also change this next statement to match their LPTIM instance selection. | |
// By default these MCU's disable wake-up from deep sleep via LPTIM. An oversight by ST? | |
// | |
} | |
#endif | |
// Be sure the reference clock is ready. If this assertion fails, be sure your application code | |
// starts the reference clock (LSE or LSI) prior to starting FreeRTOS. | |
// | |
// Calculate the constants required to configure the tick interrupt. | |
// | |
ulTimerCountsForOneTick = ( LPTIM_CLOCK_HZ + ( configTICK_RATE_HZ / 2 ) ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ; | |
configASSERT( ulTimerCountsForOneTick >= 4UL ); // CLOCK frequency must be at least 3.5x TICK frequency | |
// Calculate the maximum number of ticks we can suppress. Give 1 OS tick of margin between clearly | |
// future match events and clearly past match events. Anything within the previous one tick is clearly | |
// past, within one tick before that is in the margin between, which we call the past for convenience. | |
// Everything else is in the future when isTickNowSuppressed is true and in the past otherwise. And | |
// set up a couple of other things for the precision feature, if enabled. | |
#if ( configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION == 0 ) | |
{ | |
xMaximumSuppressedTicks = 65536UL / ulTimerCountsForOneTick - 1 - 1; | |
} | |
#else | |
{ | |
xMaximumSuppressedTicks = 65536UL * configTICK_RATE_HZ / LPTIM_CLOCK_HZ - 1 - 1; | |
// For convenience, the code above rounded *up* if the ideal number of counts per tick is exactly | |
// X.5. So we might calculate lSubcountErrorPerTick to be -(configTICK_RATE_HZ/2) but never | |
// +(configTICK_RATE_HZ/2). If you get a build error on this line, be sure configTICK_RATE_HZ is a | |
// simple numeric literal (eg, 1000UL) with no C typecasting (eg, (TickType_t)1000). | |
// | |
#if ( LPTIM_CLOCK_HZ % configTICK_RATE_HZ < configTICK_RATE_HZ/2 ) | |
#else | |
#endif | |
lSubcountErrorPerTick = LPTIM_CLOCK_HZ - ( ulTimerCountsForOneTick * configTICK_RATE_HZ ); | |
configASSERT( lSubcountErrorPerTick != configTICK_RATE_HZ / 2 ); | |
} | |
#endif // configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION | |
// Configure and start LPTIM. | |
// | |
LPTIM->IER = LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE | LPTIM_IER_CMPOKIE; // Modify this register only when LPTIM is disabled. | |
LPTIM->CFGR = (0 << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos); // Modify this register only when LPTIM is disabled. | |
LPTIM->ARR = 0xFFFF; // timer period = ARR + 1. Modify this register only when LPTIM is enabled. | |
LPTIM->CMP = ulTimerCountsForOneTick; // Modify this register only when LPTIM is enabled. | |
isCmpWriteInProgress = pdTRUE; | |
usIdealCmp = ulTimerCountsForOneTick; | |
#if ( configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION != 0 ) | |
{ | |
lRunningSubcountError = lSubcountErrorPerTick; | |
} | |
#endif // configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION | |
// Enable the timer interrupt at the configured priority. See configTICK_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY for | |
// important details. | |
// | |
NVIC_EnableIRQ( LPTIM_IRQn ); | |
} | |
//============================================================================================================ | |
// vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep() | |
// | |
// This function overrides the "official" port function, decorated with __attribute__((weak)), in port.c. | |
// The idle task calls this function with the scheduler suspended, and only when xExpectedIdleTime is >= 2. | |
// | |
// FreeRTOS version 10.4.0 or newer is recommended to ensure this function doesn't potentially return one | |
// OS tick *after* the intended time. | |
// | |
void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime ) | |
{ | |
// Limit the time we plan to spend in tickless idle. LPTIM has only so much range. | |
// | |
if (xExpectedIdleTime > xMaximumSuppressedTicks) | |
{ | |
xExpectedIdleTime = xMaximumSuppressedTicks; | |
} | |
// Determine the number of "extra" timer counts to add to the compare register, which is currently set | |
// for the next tick. Because the next tick is less than one tick away, we know we won't set the compare | |
// register more than xMaximumSuppressedTicks (in timer counts) from the *current* CNT value. | |
// | |
#if ( configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION != 0 ) | |
uint32_t ulExtraCounts = (xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL) * LPTIM_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ; | |
int32_t lExtraError = (xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL) * LPTIM_CLOCK_HZ % configTICK_RATE_HZ; | |
#else | |
uint32_t ulExtraCounts = (xExpectedIdleTime - 1UL) * ulTimerCountsForOneTick; | |
#endif // configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION | |
// Enter a critical section so we can safely check the sleep-mode status. But don't use | |
// taskENTER_CRITICAL() because on many platforms that function masks interrupts that we need to exit sleep | |
// mode. We must stay in the critical section until we go to sleep so that any interrupt starting now | |
// wakes us up from sleep. | |
// | |
__disable_irq(); | |
// __ISB() is not needed here. The CPSID instruction used by __disable_irq() is self synchronizing. | |
// If a context switch is pending or a task is waiting for the scheduler to be unsuspended, then | |
// abandon the low power entry and the critical section. This status cannot change while interrupts are | |
// masked. | |
// | |
if (eTaskConfirmSleepModeStatus() == eAbortSleep) | |
{ | |
__enable_irq(); | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
#if ( configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION != 0 ) | |
{ | |
// Adjust ulExtraCounts if needed to maintain proper alignment. We left lExtraError positive | |
// above instead of minimizing its absolute value, so we don't need to check the final value of | |
// lRunningSubcountError for being too negative. | |
// | |
lRunningSubcountError += lExtraError; | |
if (lRunningSubcountError > (int)(configTICK_RATE_HZ/2)) | |
{ | |
ulExtraCounts++; | |
lRunningSubcountError -= configTICK_RATE_HZ; | |
} | |
} | |
#endif // configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION | |
// Before we suppress the tick by modifying usIdealCmp (and eventually CMP), make a note that the | |
// tick is now suppressed. The order isn't actually important because we're in a critical section. The | |
// tick ISR uses this field to help it determine whether usIdealCmp is in the past or in the future. | |
// | |
// Our design relies on the tick interrupt having high enough priority that other ISRs can't delay | |
// the tick ISR too much while isTickNowSuppressed is true. Too much delay would cause the ISR to | |
// reject the tick at the end of the delay because the tick would appear to be still in the future, but | |
// we need that tick, either to get us out of the loop below or to help us decide if we reached the tick | |
// after the loop. | |
// | |
isTickNowSuppressed = pdTRUE; | |
// Add the extra counts to the upcoming timer interrupt. If we can't write to the CMP register | |
// right now, the ISR for CMPOK will do it for us. If the timer happens to match on the old value | |
// before the new value takes effect (any time after we mask interrupts above), the tick ISR rejects it | |
// as a tick when we unmask interrupts below. | |
// | |
usIdealCmp += ulExtraCounts; // (usIdealCmp is a uint16_t) | |
if (!isCmpWriteInProgress) | |
{ | |
isCmpWriteInProgress = pdTRUE; | |
LPTIM->CMP = usIdealCmp == 0xFFFF ? 0 : usIdealCmp; // never write 0xFFFF to CMP (HW rule) | |
} | |
uint32_t ulExpectedEndCmp = usIdealCmp; | |
// Because our implementation uses an interrupt handler to process a successful write to CMP, we | |
// use a loop here so we won't return to our caller merely for that interrupt. Nor will we return for a | |
// tick ISR that rejects the tick as described above, nor for any other ISR that doesn't make a task | |
// ready to execute. And don't worry about ISRs changing how long the OS expects to be idle; FreeRTOS | |
// doesn't let ISRs do that -- not even the xTimerXyzFromISR() functions. Those functions merely queue | |
// jobs for the timer task, which from our perspective is a task now ready to execute. | |
// | |
// Stay in the loop until an ISR makes a task ready to execute or until the timer reaches the end | |
// of the sleep period. We identify the end of the sleep period by recognizing that the tick ISR has | |
// modified usIdealCmp for the next tick after the sleep period ends. | |
// | |
do | |
{ | |
// Give the application a chance to arrange for the deepest sleep it can tolerate right now. | |
// Also give it an opportunity to provide its own WFI or WFE instruction. (In that case, it sets | |
// xModifiableIdleTime = 0.) After the sleep, give the application a chance to restore clocks or | |
// take other recovery measures related to deep sleep. | |
// | |
// Note that we don't recalculate xModifiableIdleTime in the case of multiple passes through | |
// this loop, even though the amount of expected idle time does shrink with each pass. We don't want | |
// to burden this loop with those calculations because the typical ISR requests a context switch, | |
// inducing an exit from this loop, not another pass. The CMPOK interrupt is the exception, and is | |
// the primary reason for this loop, but it comes within one tick anyway, so there is no need to | |
// recalculate xModifiableIdleTime for that case. | |
// | |
TickType_t xModifiableIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime; | |
configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING( xModifiableIdleTime ); | |
if (xModifiableIdleTime > 0) | |
{ | |
// Wait for an interrupt. | |
// | |
__DSB(); | |
__WFI(); | |
__ISB(); // seems to be required only when debugging low-power modes (ie, DBGMCU->CR != 0) | |
} | |
configPOST_SLEEP_PROCESSING( (const TickType_t)xExpectedIdleTime ); | |
// Re-enable interrupts, and then execute the ISR tied to the interrupt that brought the MCU out | |
// of sleep mode. | |
// | |
__enable_irq(); | |
__ISB(); // ISB is recommended by ARM; not strictly needed in Cortex-M when __disable_irq() is next. | |
// Disable interrupts for our call to eTaskConfirmSleepModeStatus() and in case we iterate again | |
// in the loop. | |
// | |
__disable_irq(); | |
// __ISB() is not needed here. The CPSID instruction used by __disable_irq() is self synchronizing. | |
} while (usIdealCmp == ulExpectedEndCmp && eTaskConfirmSleepModeStatus() != eAbortSleep); | |
// Re-enable interrupts. We try our best to support short ISR latency, especially for interrupt | |
// priorities higher than configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY. | |
// | |
__enable_irq(); | |
// Determine how many tick periods elapsed during our sleep. And if something other than the tick | |
// timer woke us up, reschedule the tick that would normally come after the ones we've just skipped (if | |
// any). | |
// | |
// Begin by assuming we managed to stay asleep the entire time. In that case, the tick ISR already | |
// added one tick (well, actually the ISR "pended" the increment because the scheduler is currently | |
// suspended, but it's all the same to us), so we use "- 1" here. | |
// | |
TickType_t xCompleteTickPeriods = xExpectedIdleTime - (TickType_t)1; | |
// We identify that we reached the end of the expected idle time by noting that the tick ISR has | |
// modified usIdealCmp. So if it hasn't, then we probably have to reschedule the next tick as described | |
// above. We temporarily mask the tick interrupt while we make the assessment and manipulate usIdealCmp | |
// (and CMP) if necessary. We also mask any interrupts at or below its interrupt priority since those | |
// interrupts are allowed to use consecutive execution time enough to cause us to miss ticks. | |
// | |
if (usIdealCmp == ulExpectedEndCmp) | |
{ | |
// Something else woke us up. See how many timer counts we still had left, and then use that | |
// number to determine how many OS ticks actually elapsed. Then reschedule the next tick exactly | |
// where it would have been. | |
// Get a coherent copy of the current count value in the timer. The CNT register is clocked | |
// asynchronously, so we keep reading it until we get the same value during a verification read. | |
// | |
uint32_t ulCurrCount; | |
do ulCurrCount = LPTIM->CNT; while (ulCurrCount != LPTIM->CNT); | |
// See how many timer counts we still had left, but don't include the timer count currently | |
// underway. If a tick happens to align with the beginning of the timer count currently underway, we | |
// consider it already suppressed. Or, in the case we didn't suppress any ticks, if the timer count | |
// currently underway is the first one of a tick period, then that tick must have happened before the | |
// idle task disabled the scheduler and called this function. We don't want to reschedule *that* | |
// interrupt. | |
// | |
// Several conditions can cause ulFullCountsLeft to be "negative" here, meaning that we actually | |
// have reached the end of the expected idle time and now merely need to allow the ISR to execute. | |
// First, CNT may have incremented after we masked interrupts but before we captured ulCurrCount. | |
// Second, LPTIM generates the CMPM IRQ one count *after* the match event. Third, when usIdealCmp is | |
// 0xFFFF, we set CMP to 0x0000, which when combined with the first two cases, could easily leave | |
// countsLeft set to -3 (65533). And finally, interrupts with priority above | |
// configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY can delay our capture of ulCurrCount. That delay is limited | |
// to less than one tick duration by stated requirement. No need to do anything if ulFullCountsLeft | |
// is "negative". In fact there's no need to do anything if ulFullCountsLeft is less than a whole | |
// tick, but xFullTicksLeft (below) determines that. | |
// | |
uint32_t ulFullCountsLeft = (uint16_t)(usIdealCmp - ulCurrCount - 1UL); | |
#if ( configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION == 0 ) | |
if (ulFullCountsLeft < xMaximumSuppressedTicks * ulTimerCountsForOneTick) | |
#else | |
if (ulFullCountsLeft <= xMaximumSuppressedTicks * LPTIM_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ) // See below | |
#endif // configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION | |
{ | |
// Now calculate how many "full" or whole ticks we had left in our expected idle time. If | |
// there are zero full ticks left, then the next scheduled tick interrupt is the one we want | |
// anyway. But if the time left amounts to at least one full tick, then reschedule the first tick | |
// interrupt that we haven't yet skipped. And update xCompleteTickPeriods not to count the ones | |
// we haven't skipped. | |
// | |
TickType_t xFullTicksLeft; | |
#if ( configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION != 0 ) | |
{ | |
xFullTicksLeft = ulFullCountsLeft * configTICK_RATE_HZ / LPTIM_CLOCK_HZ; | |
if (xFullTicksLeft == xExpectedIdleTime) | |
{ | |
// For efficiency, the rescheduling code below might count a tick that occurs at the | |
// very next timer count, even before that count occurs, instead scheduling the subsequent | |
// tick. With a slow timer, the timer might *still* not have made that count as we arrive | |
// here again. Correct xFullTicksLeft for that case here. This same case can cause | |
// ulFullCountsLeft to be equal to the max above (and not necessarily less) -- see above. | |
// | |
xFullTicksLeft = xExpectedIdleTime - (TickType_t)1; | |
} | |
} | |
#else | |
{ | |
xFullTicksLeft = ulFullCountsLeft / ulTimerCountsForOneTick; | |
} | |
#endif // configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION | |
configASSERT( xFullTicksLeft < xExpectedIdleTime ); | |
if (xFullTicksLeft != 0) | |
{ | |
xCompleteTickPeriods -= xFullTicksLeft; | |
// Reschedule the next timer interrupt; it's one we had expected to suppress. Also, | |
// correct lRunningSubcountError because it still reflects the error we'll have at the end of | |
// the expected idle time. Modify it to reflect the error at the time of the tick interrupt | |
// we're rescheduling now. | |
// | |
uint32_t ulFullTicksLeftAsCounts; | |
#if ( configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION != 0 ) | |
{ | |
ulFullTicksLeftAsCounts = xFullTicksLeft * LPTIM_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ; | |
lExtraError = xFullTicksLeft * LPTIM_CLOCK_HZ % configTICK_RATE_HZ; | |
lRunningSubcountError -= lExtraError; | |
if (lRunningSubcountError < -(int)(configTICK_RATE_HZ/2)) | |
{ | |
ulFullTicksLeftAsCounts++; | |
lRunningSubcountError += configTICK_RATE_HZ; | |
} | |
} | |
#else | |
{ | |
ulFullTicksLeftAsCounts = xFullTicksLeft * ulTimerCountsForOneTick; | |
} | |
#endif // configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION | |
usIdealCmp -= ulFullTicksLeftAsCounts; // usIdealCmp is a uint16_t | |
if (!isCmpWriteInProgress) | |
{ | |
isCmpWriteInProgress = pdTRUE; | |
LPTIM->CMP = usIdealCmp == 0xFFFF ? 0 : usIdealCmp; // never write 0xFFFF to CMP (HW rule) | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Set isTickNowSuppressed back to false before we unmask the tick interrupt so the ISR has a | |
// chance to identify any ticks missed while we had the tick interrupt masked. Any missed ticks here | |
// indicate a configuration error. No combination of ISRs above the tick priority may execute for | |
// longer than a tick. See configTICK_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY. | |
// | |
isTickNowSuppressed = pdFALSE; | |
// Increment the tick count by the number of (full) "extra" ticks we waited. Function | |
// vTaskStepTick() asserts that this function didn't oversleep. Note that we don't have to worry about | |
// modifying xTickCount count here while the tick count ISR is enabled because the scheduler is | |
// currently suspended. That causes the tick ISR to accumulate ticks into a pended-ticks field. | |
// | |
vTaskStepTick( xCompleteTickPeriods ); | |
} | |
} | |
//============================================================================================================ | |
// LPTIM_IRQHandler() | |
// | |
void LPTIM_IRQHandler( void ) | |
{ | |
// Whether we are running this ISR for a CMPOK interrupt or a CMPM interrupt (or both), we need to see | |
// if it's time for a tick. Think of it as interrupt-induced polling. The synchronization mechanism that | |
// controls writes to CMP can cause us to miss CMPM events or to delay them while we wait to write the new | |
// CMP value while a previous write is still ongoing. | |
// | |
// There are two ways we can lose a CMPM interrupt. First, with very high CMP values (near 0xFFFF), | |
// if the counter reaches 0xFFFF before the sync mechanism finishes, the timer won't identify the match. | |
// And second, with *any* CMP value that becomes available to the timer a little too late, the timer won't | |
// identify a *new* match if the previous CMP value already matched and was lower than the new CMP value. | |
// Either one of these conditions might occur in a single execution of vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep(). When | |
// that function stops a sleep operation early due to an application interrupt, it tries to revert to | |
// wherever the next scheduled tick should be. In so doing, it may write a CMP value that is imminent. | |
// That CMP value may be "very high", or it may be numerically larger than the previous compare value, as | |
// it would be for a reversion that "unwraps" from a CMP value in the next counter epoch back through | |
// 0xFFFF to a CMP value in the current epoch. | |
// | |
// So we proceed now to identify a tick, whether we have a CMPM interrupt or not. | |
// Acknowledge and clear the CMPM event. Based on the errata, we dare not clear this flag unless it | |
// is already set. Call it an over-abundance of caution. | |
// | |
{ | |
} | |
// Get a coherent copy of the current count value in the timer. The CNT register is clocked | |
// asynchronously, so we keep reading it until we get the same value during a verification read. Then | |
// determine how "late" we are in responding to the timer interrupt request. Normally, we're one count | |
// late because LPTIM raises the CMPM interrupt one count *after* the match event. Use usIdealCmp in this | |
// determination because it reliably reflects the match time we want right now, regardless of the sync | |
// mechanism for CMP. | |
// | |
uint32_t ulCountValue; | |
do ulCountValue = LPTIM->CNT; while (ulCountValue != LPTIM->CNT); | |
uint32_t ulCountsLate = (uint16_t)(ulCountValue - usIdealCmp); | |
// If we're more than one full tick late, then the application masked interrupts for too long. That | |
// condition is typically an indication of a design flaw, so we don't take heroic measures here to avoid | |
// dropping the tick(s) we missed or to keep upcoming ticks in proper phase. Instead, we just resume the | |
// tick starting right away. Without this correction, a "missed" tick could drop all ticks for a long time | |
// -- until the timer came back around to the CMP value again. | |
// | |
// Be sure not to misinterpret other conditions though. When the tick is suppressed and scheduled for | |
// more than one tick from now, it looks like we're late. And when the tick is not suppressed, and we're | |
// still waiting for an upcoming tick, it looks like we're very, very late. In those cases, we're not | |
// actually late, and there is no tick right now. | |
// | |
if (ulCountsLate >= ulTimerCountsForOneTick && | |
ulCountsLate < 65536UL - 1 - ulTimerCountsForOneTick && | |
!isTickNowSuppressed) | |
{ | |
// Optionally report the number of ticks dropped. (No need for precision here.) Then arrange to | |
// count the tick (below) and to schedule the next tick based on the current timer value. | |
// | |
traceTICKS_DROPPED( ulCountsLate / ulTimerCountsForOneTick ); | |
usIdealCmp = ulCountValue; | |
ulCountsLate = 0; | |
} | |
// If the ideal CMP value is in the recent past -- within one OS tick time -- then count the tick. | |
// | |
// The condition of this one "if" statement handles several important cases. First, it temporarily | |
// ignores the unwanted match condition that occurs when vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep() wraps CMP into the | |
// next timer epoch. Second, it helps us ignore an imminent tick that vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep() is | |
// trying to suppress but may occur anyway due to the CMP sync mechanism. Third, it helps us honor an | |
// interrupt that vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep() has restored even if it happens a little bit late due to the | |
// sync mechanism, and even if that interrupt occurs before its corresponding CMPOK event occurs (happens | |
// occasionally). And finally, it helps us honor a tick that vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep() has restored, | |
// but when the timer appears to have missed the match completely as explained above. | |
// | |
if (ulCountsLate < ulTimerCountsForOneTick) | |
{ | |
// We officially have an OS tick. Count it, and set up the next one. | |
uint32_t ulNumCounts = ulTimerCountsForOneTick; | |
#if ( configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION != 0 ) | |
{ | |
lRunningSubcountError += lSubcountErrorPerTick; | |
{ | |
if (lRunningSubcountError >= (int)(configTICK_RATE_HZ/2)) | |
{ | |
ulNumCounts++; | |
lRunningSubcountError -= configTICK_RATE_HZ; | |
} | |
} | |
#else | |
{ | |
if (lRunningSubcountError <= -(int)(configTICK_RATE_HZ/2)) | |
{ | |
ulNumCounts--; | |
lRunningSubcountError += configTICK_RATE_HZ; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
#endif // configLPTIM_ENABLE_PRECISION | |
// Set up the next tick interrupt. We must check isCmpWriteInProgress here as usual, in case CMPM | |
// can come before CMPOK. | |
// | |
usIdealCmp += ulNumCounts; // usIdealCmp is a uint16_t | |
if (!isCmpWriteInProgress) | |
{ | |
LPTIM->CMP = usIdealCmp == 0xFFFF ? 0 : usIdealCmp; // never write 0xFFFF to CMP (HW rule) | |
isCmpWriteInProgress = pdTRUE; | |
} | |
// Tell the OS about the tick. We don't need to bother saving and restoring the current BASEPRI | |
// setting because (1) we cannot possibly already be in a critical section and (2) the NVIC won't take | |
// interrupts of lower priority than LPTIM even when we set BASEPRI to zero until our ISR ends. | |
// | |
BaseType_t xWasHigherPriorityTaskWoken = xTaskIncrementTick(); | |
portYIELD_FROM_ISR(xWasHigherPriorityTaskWoken); | |
} | |
// Now that we've given as much time as possible for any CMP write to be finished, see if it has | |
// finished. We may have a new value to write after handling CMPM above. Handling CMPOK last in this ISR | |
// isn't very important, but it is a slight optimization over other ordering. | |
// | |
{ | |
// Acknowledge and clear the CMPOK event. | |
// | |
// If there is a "pending" write operation to CMP, do it now. Otherwise, make note that the write | |
// is now complete. Remember to watch for CMP set to 0 when usIdealCmp is 0xFFFF. There's no pending | |
// write in that case. | |
// | |
if ((uint16_t)(LPTIM->CMP - usIdealCmp) > 1UL) | |
{ | |
LPTIM->CMP = usIdealCmp == 0xFFFF ? 0 : usIdealCmp; // never write 0xFFFF to CMP (HW rule) | |
// isCmpWriteInProgress = pdTRUE; // already true here in the handler for write completed | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
isCmpWriteInProgress = pdFALSE; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
#endif // configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 2 |
STM32U5 Support
Please see LPTIM-Tick-U5 for STM32U5 support. The version of lptimTick.c in that repo is adapted to the upgraded LPTIM found in the U5 family.
The STM32U5 seems not to have the silicon bug that occasionally causes the CPU to be stuck in the LPTIM interrupt handler for a full count of the LPTIM. As a result, the STM32U5 version of lptimTick.c supports the prescaler again.
Thank you for your program, but it seems not well if I use LPTIM instead of the SYSTICK.
Here is some of program. I copy the lptimTick with out any change.
#if (configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 2) // Integrate lptimTick.c -- Start of Block
* @brief Preprocessor code in lptimTick.c requires that configTICK_RATE_HZ be
* a preprocessor-friendly numeric literal.
* As a result, the application *ignores* the CubeMX configuration of the FreeRTOS tick rate.
#undef configTICK_RATE_HZ
#define configTICK_RATE_HZ (1000UL) // 之所以不能用之前定义的主要因为#if语法中不支持((TickType_t)1000)
extern void freeRTOSPreStopProcessing (uint32_t ulExpectedIdleTime);
extern void freeRTOSPostStopProcessing(uint32_t ulExpectedIdleTime);
#define configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING(x) freeRTOSPreStopProcessing(x)
#define configPOST_SLEEP_PROCESSING(x) freeRTOSPostStopProcessing(x)
#endif // configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 2
Pre and Post code:
#if (configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE == 2)
static uint32_t rccCFGRSave;
static uint32_t rccCRSave;
void freeRTOSPreStopProcessing(uint32_t ulExpectedIdleTime)
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
rccCRSave = RCC->CR;
rccCFGRSave = RCC->CFGR;
void freeRTOSPostStopProcessing(uint32_t ulExpectedIdleTime)
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
RCC->CR = rccCRSave;
RCC->CFGR = rccCFGRSave;
For the low power, I will suspend some threads after power-on about 2 minutes.
void displaySleepTimerCB(const void *parameter)
if (xGlobalWorkMode == WM_LOWPOWER)
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(sButton.getPinNumber()), buttonClickTriggerIRQ, FALLING);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(cButton.getPinNumber()), buttonClickTriggerIRQ, FALLING);
Then I use EXTI interrupt, if it catched the button pressed, it will resume key detect thread.
void buttonClickTriggerIRQ(void)
osTimerStart(displaySleepTimerID, DISPLAY_HOLD_TIME);
Then the periphThread will check the button and response to the user Shell during the next 3 minutes depend on the
osTimerStart(displaySleepTimerID, DISPLAY_HOLD_TIME); -> DISPLAY_HOLD_TIME
Here is the periphThread
void periphRunThread(void const *argument)
logDebug("periphRunTask...[%d]", uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL));
for (;;)
xShellRunTask(); // xShell Loop
Then if button pressed, it will resume the display thread, and after the timer is over time, it will suspend again/
But usually, it can not work well after I press the button, sometimes it will be normal, I can certain that if I use the SYSTICK it will be OK.
Could you give me some tips, thank you!
Thanks! That sounds like very good news. You can double-check your findings with this code placed at the beginning of the ISR:
Let the system run for a few minutes and then check the value of
. Just prior to LPTIM rollover, there is a high probability of the anomaly occurring, so that's why you might want to let it run for several 16-second periods.