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Created September 15, 2016 21:27
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Feel free to link to your project, useful resources, or blog posts you've written about doing these

###OSS projects Recursers have contributed to:

  • Mocha – JavaScript test framework running on node and the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun.
  • Jade - Jade is a high performance template engine heavily influenced by Haml and implemented with JavaScript for node.
  • Angular.js - AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.
  • BPython - bpython is a fancy interface to the Python interpreter for Linux, BSD, OS X and Windows
  • Brubeck - Brubeck is a coroutine oriented web framework featuring: Mongrel2, Gevent (or Eventlet), ZeroMQ and DictShield
  • Lantern - Lantern is a free program that gives people access in places where access is denied.
  • Requests - Requests is an Apache2 Licensed HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings.
  • Pry - Pry is a powerful alternative to the standard IRB shell for Ruby.
  • Python 3
  • Scala (standard libs)
  • Go (standard libs)
  • Julia (standard libs) -
  • Rust (standard libs) - The Rust standand library provides a number of useful features that are not required in or otherwise suitable for the core library.
  • gevent - gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library that uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the libevent event loop.
  • ClojureScript - ClojureScript is a new compiler for Clojure that targets JavaScript. It is designed to emit JavaScript code which is compatible with the advanced compilation mode of the Google Closure optimizing compiler.
  • clojure-py - A implementation of Clojure in pure (dynamic) Python.
  • Pandas - Python data analysis library
  • Openhatch - An organization that helps match contributors with projects that need contributions. Also has "training missions" to help beginners get familiar with common opensource technologies and skills
  • Ogre Clojure library for querying graphs.
  • ownCloud Open platform for file-syncing and sharing.
  • Titanium Clojure library for interacting with Titan graphs.
  • Archimedes Clojure library for interacting with blueprints graphs.
  • The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler - The de facto Haskell compiler. A good place to start is the GHC Newcomers wiki page.
  • - github - Questhub is a public task tracker with social features and game points.
  • Twisted -Twisted is an event-driven, networking library in Python.
  • Akka - Akka brings the actor model to the JVM
  • GNOME - A desktop environment for Gnu/Linux
  • Hacker School iOS App - A native app for Hacker School
  • Flask - a micro web framework in Python

###Networking and Network protocols

###Tooling/general programming

  • Rewrite command line tools (grep -r, find, ls) in any language (tree traversal, etc. being the point)
  • Could port similar ideas to different languages/editors
  • Command line tools to do things useful to you (HN reader, Stack Overflow reader)

###Compilers, parsers, and emulators

  • Compiler for an obscure language like DCPU
  • Calculator
  • Emulator for a classic computer or video game system (Apple II, GameBoy, Commodore, NES, Atari, etc.) Something that leverages your nostalgia ideally.
  • An emulator is a software implementation of a piece of hardware.
  • Fun Project:
  • Zarch:
  • Transpiler (Scheme to JavaScript, for example)Compilers: Play with Python source, example
  • Scheme interpreter, example
  • Regular expression engine (program that takes regular expressions and searches strings for matches)

###Games and graphics

  • Ray tracer (requires some math)
  • toy example:
  • Image / video processing without a framework
  • Write a library that does 2D vector drawings using a bitmap (array of pixels).
  • Write a library to draw a 3D scene using only 2D graphics primitaves
  • Tictactoe
  • Pong
  • Mandelbrot set generator
  • Maze game (with AI)
  • Tetris (with AI, networking, various frontend)
  • Hangman (networked, multiplayer)
  • Implement a computerized version of _why the lucky stiff's Kaxxt card game.

###Natural Language Processing

  • Markov chain stuff
  • Generate (or identify) poetry patterns



  • Static Site Generator
  • Scrabble solver web service
  • Combine something cute and something you want to learn about (I did dynamically generated manual-formatted pages (readable in 'man'!) that were retrieved from stack overflow in Ruby because I was trying to learn it.
  • One off game that allows you to use an algorithm or two that seem interesting
  • Board game
  • Patch webkit so that the computed styles view in the inspector updates every time the browser redraws
  • write C extensions to Ruby or Python
  • Build a database
  • Inspirations from Martyr2's Mega Project List
  • Implement a Linux filesystem using FUSE
  • Projects from this blog post by RC resident Matt Might.
    • I particularly enjoy "Directly route your microphone input over the network to another computer's speaker"

###Fun small problems

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