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Last active November 1, 2023 18:38
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// MIT LICENSE Copyright (c) 2020 Jeffrey Vella
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using UnityEngine;
public unsafe struct NativeLogger
public UnsafeList* Threads;
public LoggerConfig Config;
public LoggerEntry* GetEntryPtr(int threadIndex, int entryIndex)
=> (LoggerEntry*)((byte*)Threads[threadIndex].Ptr + sizeof(LoggerEntry) * entryIndex);
public struct LoggerConfig
public int ThreadCount;
public struct LoggerEntry
public FixedString512 Text;
public unsafe class BurstLogger
public static readonly SharedStatic<NativeLogger> Logger = SharedStatic<NativeLogger>.GetOrCreate<Key>();
public static void Debug(FixedString512 template, FixedString512 arg0, int threadIndex = -1)
=> Debug(FixedString.Format(template, arg0), threadIndex);
public static void Debug(FixedString512 template, FixedString512 arg0, FixedString512 arg1, int threadIndex = -1)
=> Debug(FixedString.Format(template, arg0, arg1), threadIndex);
public static void Debug(FixedString512 template, FixedString512 arg0, int arg1, int threadIndex = -1)
=> Debug(FixedString.Format(template, arg0, arg1), threadIndex);
public static void Debug(FixedString512 message, int threadIndex = -1)
int i = threadIndex == -1 ? Logger.Data.Config.ThreadCount - 1 : threadIndex;
public class Key { }
public unsafe class DebugLogSystem : SystemBase
protected override void OnCreate()
ref var logger = ref BurstLogger.Logger.Data;
logger.Config = new NativeLogger.LoggerConfig
ThreadCount = JobsUtility.MaxJobThreadCount + 1
int containerSize = UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<UnsafeList>();
int elementSize = UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<NativeLogger.LoggerEntry>();
int startingElementCount = 10;
logger.Threads = (UnsafeList*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(containerSize * logger.Config.ThreadCount, 4, Allocator.Persistent);
for (int i = 0; i < logger.Config.ThreadCount; i++)
logger.Threads[i] = new UnsafeList(elementSize, 4, startingElementCount, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
protected override void OnUpdate()
ref var logger = ref BurstLogger.Logger.Data;
for (int i = 0; i < logger.Config.ThreadCount; i++)
ref var thread = ref logger.Threads[i];
if (thread.Length > 0)
for (int j = thread.Length - 1; j != -1; j--)
Debug.Log(logger.GetEntryPtr(i, j)->Text);
Debug.Log($"Clearing threadIndex {i}");
public class LogTester1 : SystemBase
protected override void OnUpdate()
Job.WithCode(() =>
BurstLogger.Debug("Wow! hello cruel world?");
public class LogTester2 : SystemBase
protected override void OnUpdate()
FixedString512 message = "Shocking! a scheduled hello!";
Job.WithCode(() =>
public class LogTester3 : SystemBase
private NativeArray<Entity> _entities;
private EntityArchetype _archetype;
protected override void OnCreate()
_entities = new NativeArray<Entity>(10, Allocator.Persistent);
_archetype = EntityManager.CreateArchetype(ComponentType.ReadWrite<TestLogMessage>());
EntityManager.CreateEntity(_archetype, _entities);
for (int i = 0; i < _entities.Length; i++)
EntityManager.SetComponentData(_entities[i], new TestLogMessage
Id = $"Message_#{i}"
protected override void OnUpdate()
Entities.ForEach((int nativeThreadIndex, in TestLogMessage message) =>
BurstLogger.Debug("Amazing! a ScheduleParallel hello world? Id={0} ThreadIndex={1}", message.Id, nativeThreadIndex, nativeThreadIndex);
public struct TestLogMessage : IComponentData
public FixedString64 Id;
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psuong commented Aug 20, 2020

So with Collections 0.11.0 onwards FixedString.Format uses FixedString128.

You can change all FixedString512 instances to FixedString128, but the easiest way is to just change all the Debug functions to append the args to the template.

// In the BurstLogger class
public static void Debug(FixedString512 template, FixedString512 arg0, int threadIndex = -1) {
    Debug(template, threadIndex);

public static void Debug(FixedString512 template, FixedString512 arg0, FixedString512 arg1, int threadIndex = -1) {
    Debug(template, threadIndex);

public static void Debug(FixedString512 template, FixedString512 arg0, int arg1, int threadIndex = -1) {

    Debug(template, threadIndex);

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