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Last active June 27, 2022 08:47
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import math
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd # type: ignore
import seaborn as sns # type: ignore
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # type: ignore
from scipy.special import lambertw # type: ignore
from torch import nn
T = torch.Tensor
def weight_2_norm(w: T, keepdim: bool = False) -> T:
return (w ** 2).sum(dim=(-1, -2), keepdim=keepdim) # type: ignore
def phi_inv(N: int) -> float:
# phi_inv(N - 1) = lambertW(N / e) according to text below theorem 3.2
return np.real(lambertw(N / math.e)) # type: ignore
def weight_inf_norm(w: T, keepdim: bool = False) -> T:
in the case of 'inf' norm, the dimension which is summed is the head output dimension
which is the second dimension in (H, D/H, in_D) which is how the matrices are split
return w.abs().sum(dim=-1, keepdim=keepdim).amax(dim=-1, keepdim=keepdim)
def head_split(t: T, split_size: int, split_dim: int = 0) -> T:
return torch.stack(t.split(split_size, split_dim))
def lip_2_upper_bound_F(N: int, qk_weight: T, v_weight: T, o_weight: T, split_size: int) -> T:
qkv_norm_prod = (
weight_2_norm(head_split(qk_weight, split_size=split_size, split_dim=1))
* weight_2_norm(head_split(v_weight, split_size=split_size, split_dim=1))
qkv_norm_prod = qkv_norm_prod.sum().sqrt()
o_norm = weight_2_norm(o_weight).sqrt()
return ( # type: ignore
(np.sqrt(N) / np.sqrt(split_size))
* (4 * phi_inv(N) + 1)
* qkv_norm_prod
* o_norm
def lip_2_upper_bound_f(N: int, qk_weight: T, split_size: int) -> T:
qk_norm = weight_2_norm(head_split(qk_weight, split_size=split_size, split_dim=1))
head_norm = (np.sqrt(N) / np.sqrt(split_size)) * qk_norm * (4 * phi_inv(N) + 1)
# print(f"{qk_norm=} {(np.sqrt(N) / np.sqrt(split_size))=} {(4 * phi_inv(N) + 1)=}")
return (head_norm ** 2).sum().sqrt() # type: ignore
def lip_inf_upper_bound_f(N: int, qk_weight: T, split_size: int) -> T:
qk_norm = (
weight_inf_norm(head_split(qk_weight, split_size=split_size, split_dim=1))
* weight_inf_norm(head_split(qk_weight, split_size=split_size, split_dim=1).mT)
return (4 * phi_inv(N) + (1 / np.sqrt(split_size))) * qk_norm # type: ignore
def lip_inf_upper_bound_F(N: int, qk_weight: T, v_weight: T, o_weight: T, split_size: int) -> T:
o_norm = weight_inf_norm(o_weight)
v_norm = weight_inf_norm(head_split(v_weight, split_size=split_size, split_dim=1)).amax(dim=0)
qk_norm = (
weight_inf_norm(head_split(qk_weight, split_size=split_size, split_dim=1).mT)
* weight_inf_norm(head_split(qk_weight, split_size=split_size, split_dim=1))
return ( # type: ignore
(4 * phi_inv(N) + (1 / np.sqrt(split_size)))
* o_norm
* qk_norm
* v_norm
class LipschitzSelfAttn(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, dim: int, num_heads: int, ln: bool = True, p_norm: str = "2", c: float = 1.0, p: float = 0.0):
self.dim = dim
self.num_heads = num_heads
self.ln = ln
self.c = c
self.split_size = dim // num_heads
self.fc_qk = nn.Linear(dim, dim, bias=False)
self.fc_v = nn.Linear(dim, dim, bias=False)
self.fc_o = nn.Linear(dim, dim, bias=False)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=p)
if ln:
self.ln_layer = nn.LayerNorm(dim)
if p_norm not in ["2", "inf"]:
raise ValueError(f"{p_norm=} must be one of [2, inf]")
if self.dim % self.num_heads != 0:
raise ValueError(f"{dim=} must be evenly divisible by {num_heads}")
self.p_norm = p_norm
self.upper_bound_F_func: Any = {"2": lip_2_upper_bound_F, "inf": lip_inf_upper_bound_F}[p_norm]
self.upper_bound_f_func: Any = {"2": lip_2_upper_bound_f, "inf": lip_inf_upper_bound_f}[p_norm]
def weight_norm(self, weight: T) -> T:
if self.p_norm == "2":
return weight_2_norm(weight, keepdim=True).sqrt()
return weight_inf_norm(weight, keepdim=True)
def norm_weights(self) -> None:
with torch.no_grad():
qk_weight = head_split(, split_size=self.split_size, split_dim=-1) # (H, D, D/H) = / self.weight_norm(qk_weight)).split(1, 0), -1).squeeze(0).T # (D, D)
v_weight = head_split(, split_size=self.split_size, split_dim=-1) # (H, D, D/H) = / self.weight_norm(v_weight)).split(1, 0), -1).squeeze(0).T = ( / self.weight_norm(
def upper_bound_F(self, N: int) -> float:
with torch.no_grad():
return float(
def upper_bound_f(self, N: int) -> float:
return float(self.upper_bound_f_func(N, qk_weight=self.fc_qk.weight.T, split_size=self.split_size))
def f(self, X: T, final: bool = False) -> T:
# QK represents the queries and keys which are the same input and the same linear projection
Q_ = K_ = head_split(self.fc_qk(X), split_size=self.split_size, split_dim=-1) # (H, B, N, D/H)
A = head_split(self.fc_qk.weight.T, split_size=self.split_size, split_dim=1) # (H, D, D/H)
A = (A @ A.mT) / np.sqrt(self.split_size) # (H, D, D)
# using || a - b ||^2_2 = ||a||^2_2 - 2 a^T b + ||b||^2_2
# in equation 14 the b term is equivalent to transposing ||a||^2_2
a = (Q_ ** 2).sum(-1, keepdim=True).repeat(1, 1, 1, Q_.size(-2)) # || XW ||^2_row 1^T from eq. 14 # (H, B, N, N)
atb = torch.einsum("...ij,...kj->...ik", Q_, K_) # XW(XW)^T from eq. 14 --> (H, B, N, N)
P_ = torch.softmax((-(a - (2 * atb) + a.mT)) / np.sqrt(self.split_size), -1) # (H, B, N, N)
# any transpose is irrelevant because A is symmetric
XA = torch.einsum("bij,hjk->hbik", X, A) # (B, N, D) @ (H, B, D, D) -> (H, B, N, D)
PXA = torch.einsum("hbij,hbjk->hbik", P_, XA) # (H, B, N, N) @ XA where XA is (H, B, N, D) --> (H, B, N, D)
if final:
return, 0), -1).squeeze(0) # (B, N, D)
return PXA # type: ignore
def F(self, X: T) -> T:
f = self.f(X)
WV_ = head_split(self.fc_v.weight.T, split_size=self.split_size, split_dim=1) # (H, D/H, D)
F = torch.einsum("hbij,hjk->hbik", f, WV_) # (H, B, N, D) @ (H, in_D, D/H).mT --> (H, B, N, D/H)
F =, 0), -1).squeeze(0) # (B, N, D)
F = self.fc_o(F)
return F # type: ignore
def forward(self, X: T, normalize: bool = False) -> T:
F = self.F(X)
if normalize:
F = F / self.upper_bound_F(X.size(1))
F = X + self.dropout(F)
F = F if getattr(self, 'ln_layer', None) is None else self.ln_layer(F)
return F
if __name__ == "__main__":
def simplified_upper(p: str, N: int) -> float:
if p == "2":
return np.sqrt(N) * np.log(N) # type: ignore
return np.log(N) - np.log(np.log(N)) # type: ignore
def matrix_2(jac: T, x: T) -> T:
return (jac ** 2).sum(dim=(-1, -2)).sqrt() # type: ignore
def matrix_inf(jac: T, x: T) -> T:
return jac.abs().sum(dim=-1).amax()
def op_2(jac: T, x: T) -> T:
# Lemma F.5, second equation in the paper. for the single dimension case, this is the x^t J x
return (((jac @ x) ** 2).sum() / (x ** 2).sum()).sqrt() # type: ignore
# second to last part of Lemms F.5, this only holds for the single dimension case. It would have to be more
# complicated in higher dimensions
# return ((jac * x / x) ** 2).sum().sqrt()
def op_inf(jac: T, x: T) -> T:
return ((jac @ x) / (x ** 2).sum().sqrt()).abs().amax() # type: ignore
getter = {"matrix-2": matrix_2, "matrix-inf": matrix_inf, "op-2": op_2, "op-inf": op_inf}
gpu = torch.device("cuda:0")
# for norm_type in ["matrix", "op"]:
for norm_type in ["matrix"]:
for p in ["2", "inf"]:
data: Any = {"N": [], "bound": [], "type": []}
# 2 == 1.88, 10 == 5.20, 100 == 12, 300 == ?
for N, lr in zip((2, 10, 100, 300), (1e-2, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1e-1)):
print(f"running {norm_type=} {p=} {N=}")
jac_norm_func, dim, heads = getter[f"{norm_type}-{p}"], 1, 1
model = LipschitzSelfAttn(dim=dim, num_heads=heads, ln=False, p_norm=p).to(gpu)
# model.norm_weights()
for lyr in [model.fc_qk, model.fc_v, model.fc_o]:
def func(X: T) -> T:
return model.F(X.unsqueeze(0)).squeeze(0)
ub_F, ub_f = model.upper_bound_F(N), model.upper_bound_f(N)
max_jacnorm = 0.0
for _ in range(50):
# set x according to appendix H in the paper
c = torch.rand(N, dim) * 10
x = torch.rand(N, dim) * 2 * c - c
x_param = nn.Parameter(
opt = torch.optim.Adam([x_param], lr=lr)
for i in range(500):
jac = torch.autograd.functional.jacobian(func, x_param.squeeze(0), create_graph=True).view(N * dim, N * dim)
x_ = x_param.view(-1, 1).squeeze(0)
jacnorm = jac_norm_func(jac, x_)
if i % 50 == 0:
print(f"iteration: {i} {ub_F=} {ub_f=} simplified upper: {simplified_upper(p, N):.3f}")
print(f"jacobian max: {jacnorm}")
if jacnorm.cpu().item() > max_jacnorm:
max_jacnorm = jacnorm.cpu().item()
for n, v in zip(["ub-f", "ub-F", "jacnorm"], [ub_f, ub_F, max_jacnorm]):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
sns.lineplot(data=df, ax=ax, x="N", y="bound", hue="type")
fname = f"{norm_type}-{p}-{N}"
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The above code gives values in line with figure 2 of the original paper for the infinity norm adversarially optimized to find the least upper bound of the norm of the Jacobian.

For the 2 norm (pictured in figure 8 of the paper), I had trouble getting the values to match what is depicted. If the y axis is the square root of the bound, then it starts to look correct....


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