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Created June 22, 2014 22:47
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ggplot for glmnet
plotCoefs = function(model, nonzero = T, subset.condition, ...) {
coefs = coef(model)[,1]
coef.labels = attr(coefs, "names")
isLogistic = model$name == "Binomial Deviance"
if (isLogistic) coefs = exp(coefs)
coefs.df = data.frame(label = coef.labels, value = coefs)
coefs.df = coefs.df[order(coefs.df$value),]
coefs.df$label = factor(coefs.df$label, levels = coefs.df$label)
coefs.df = subset(coefs.df, label != "(Intercept)")
if (nonzero) coefs.df = droplevels(subset(coefs.df, value != ifelse(isLogistic, 1, 0)))
if (!missing(subset.condition)) coefs.df = droplevels(subset(coefs.df, eval(subset.condition, coefs.df)))
if (isLogistic) {
coefs.df$sign = ">1"
coefs.df$sign[which(coefs.df$value == 1)] = "=1"
coefs.df$sign[which(coefs.df$value < 1)] = "<1"
coefs.df$sign = factor(coefs.df$sign, levels = c("<1", "=1", ">1"))
} else {
coefs.df$sign = ">0"
coefs.df$sign[which(coefs.df$value == 0)] = "=0"
coefs.df$sign[which(coefs.df$value < 0)] = "<0"
coefs.df$sign = factor(coefs.df$sign, levels = c("<0", "=0", ">0"))
p = ggplot(coefs.df,aes(x = label, y = value, fill = sign))
p +
geom_bar(stat='identity') +
coord_flip() +
theme_grey(base_size = 25) +
xlab("Variable") + ylab(ifelse(isLogistic, "Odds Ratio Multiplier", "Value"))
plotFactorCoefs = function(model, variable, ...) {
stopifnot(require(ggplot2)) = deparse(substitute(variable))
coefs = coef(model)[,1]
coef.labels = attr(coefs, "names")
variable.levels = levels(eval(substitute(variable), model$data))
#variable.indices = grep(paste("^",, ".*", sep=""), coef.labels)
variable.indices = which(coef.labels %in% paste(, variable.levels, sep=""))
base = paste(, variable.levels[1], sep="")
labels = c(coef.labels[variable.indices], base)
values = c(coefs[variable.indices], 0)
isLogistic = model$name == "Binomial Deviance"
if (isLogistic) values = exp(values)
coefs.df = data.frame(label = labels, value = values)
n = nrow(coefs.df)
coefs.df[1:(n-1),] = coefs.df[1:(n-1),][order(coefs.df$value[1:(n-1)], coefs.df$label[1:(n-1)]),]
coefs.df$label = factor(coefs.df$label, levels = coefs.df$label)
if (isLogistic) {
coefs.df$sign = ">1"
coefs.df$sign[which(coefs.df$value == 1)] = "=1"
coefs.df$sign[which(coefs.df$value < 1)] = "<1"
coefs.df$sign = factor(coefs.df$sign, levels = c("<1", "=1", ">1"))
} else {
coefs.df$sign = ">0"
coefs.df$sign[which(coefs.df$value == 0)] = "=0"
coefs.df$sign[which(coefs.df$value < 0)] = "<0"
coefs.df$sign = factor(coefs.df$sign, levels = c("<0", "=0", ">0"))
p = ggplot(coefs.df,aes(x = label, y = value, fill = sign))
p +
geom_bar(stat='identity') +
coord_flip() +
theme_grey(base_size = 25) +
xlab( + ylab(ifelse(isLogistic, "Odds Ratio Multiplier", "Value")) + labs(title =
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