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Created August 31, 2015 09:33
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Objects, classes, traits and case classes

Basics on classes

Use the keyword class

class Foo

val foo = new Foo

Add a default constructor

class Foo {
  val i = 1

  def incr(i: Int) = this.i + i

val foo = new Foo

Reduce visibility of values with private or protected

private val i = 1
private[this] val i = 1
private[mynamespace] val i = 1
protected val = i
protected[this] val = i
protected[mynamespace] val = i

Add constructor arguments

class Foo(currentValue: Int) {
  def this() = this(0)

  def incr(i: Int) = currentValue + i

Accessors and mutators

Easy way

class Foo(var currentValue: Int)

val foo = new Foo(1)
foo.currentValue = 2

Accessor requires prefix _

class Foo(var _currentValue: Int) {
  def currentValue = _currentValue

val foo = new Foo(1)

Scala way of mutator

class Foo(var _currentValue: Int) {
  def currentValue = _currentValue
  def currentValue_=(currentValue: Int) = _currentValue = currentValue

val foo = new Foo(1)
foo.currentValue = 2 ⇔ foo.currentValue_=(2)

Finally make the variable private.

Traits and objects

Define trait like Java interface

trait Incrementable {
  def currentValue: Int
  def currentValue_=(i: Int): Unit

  def incr(i: Int): Int = {
    currentValue = currentValue + i

trait Modifiable

Traits can be extended

class Foo(private var _currentValue: Int) extends Incrementable with Modifiable {
  override def currentValue = _currentValue
  override def currentValue_=(currentValue: Int) = _currentValue = currentValue

Objects are singletons. Scala has no static, thus objects are used.

object Bar {
  val foo = 0

Special case companion object

object Foo {
  val defaultValue = 0 // can be accessed in class
  def apply(currentValue: Int) = new Foo(currentValue)

val foo = Foo(1) ⇔ Foo.apply(1)

Case classes

Now we have classes, with accessors and companion objects

class Bar(val _i: Int, val _j: Int) {
  def i = _i
  def j = _j

object Bar {
  def apply(i: Int, j: Int) = new Bar(i, j)

val bar = Bar(0, 1)

We have seen pattern matching with Option, thus write an unapply method

object Bar {
  def apply(i: Int, j: Int) = new Bar(i, j)
  def unapply(bar: Bar): Option[(Int, Int)] = Some((bar.i, bar.j))

val bar = Bar(0, 1)
bar match {
  case Bar(0, 1) => "bar"
  case _ => "foo"

We can do simpler in Scala with case classes

case class Baz(i: Int, j: Int)

val baz = Baz(0, 1)
baz match {
  case Baz(0, 1) => "baz"
  case _ => "foo"

But there is more with case classes

val bazz = baz.copy()
baz == bazz
baz eq bazz

val bazzz = baz.copy(2)

Seq(baz, bazz, bazzz) filter {
  case Baz(0, _) => true
  case _ => false
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