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if [event][module] == "apache" {
if [fileset][name] == "access" {
grok {
match => { "message" => [
"%{IPORHOST:[source][address]} - %{DATA:[user][name]} \[%{HTTPDATE:[apache][access][time]}\] \"(?:%{WORD:[http][request][method]} %{DATA:[url][original]} HTTP/%{NUMBER:[http][version]:float}|-)?\" %{NUMBER:[http][response][status_code]:int} (?:%{NUMBER:[http][response][body][bytes]:int}|-)( \"%{DATA:[http][request][referrer]}\")?( \"%{DATA:[user_agent][original]}\")?",
"%{IPORHOST:[source][address]} - %{DATA:[user][name]} \[%{HTTPDATE:[apache][access][time]}\] \"-\" %{NUMBER:[http][response][status_code]:int} -",
"\[%{HTTPDATE:[apache][access][time]}\] %{IPORHOST:[source][address]} %{DATA:[apache][access][ssl][protocol]} %{DATA:[apache][access][ssl][cipher]} \"%{WORD:[http][request][method]} %{DATA:[url][original]} HTTP/%{NUMBER:[http][version]:float}\" %{NUMBER:[http][response][body][bytes]:int}"]
remove_field => [ "message" ]
add_field => { "[event][created]" => "%{@timestamp}" }
"_meta": {
"beat": "metricbeat",
"version": "7.3.1"
"dynamic_templates": [
"labels": {
"path_match": "labels.*",
"mapping": {
8.2.2. TCP log format
The TCP format is used when "option tcplog" is specified in the frontend, and
is the recommended format for pure TCP proxies. It provides a lot of precious
information for troubleshooting. Since this format includes timers and byte
counts, the log is normally emitted at the end of the session. It can be
emitted earlier if "option logasap" is specified, which makes sense in most
environments with long sessions such as remote terminals. Sessions which match
the "monitor" rules are never logged. It is also possible not to emit logs for
jehuty0shift / mongo-profiling.log
Last active September 9, 2016 16:04
Mongo DB Graylog Profiling #1
"op" : "query",
"ns" : "graylog2.streamrules",
"query" : {
"find" : "streamrules",
"filter" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("57a0b43a58c60d0001945495")
"limit" : 1,
"singleBatch" : true,