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Last active September 1, 2018 10:35
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A utility for importing separate xaml files while previewing it in xaml editor
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Markup;
/// <summary>
/// A utility for importing separate xaml files while previewing it in xaml editor.
/// </summary>
// <example>
// <Window.Resources>
// <ResourceDictionary>
// <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries>
// <local:FlatDictionary Key = "Import" DesignSource="pack://application,,,/res/Import.xaml"/>
// </ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries>
// </ResourceDictionary>
// </Window.Resources>
public class FlatDictionary : ResourceDictionary, ISupportInitialize {
// TODO: It seems to be able to support autocomplete by EndInit() and
// LoadComponent(object, Uri), but have limitation from
// Application.LoadComponent that cannot reference other assembly.
private class Proxy { }
private string _Key;
public string Key {
get { return _Key; }
set {
_Key = value;
if (DesignSource != null) {
private Uri _DesignSource;
public Uri DesignSource {
get { return _DesignSource; }
set {
_DesignSource = value;
if (Key != null) {
private void Register() {
this[Key] = new Proxy();
protected override void OnGettingValue(object key, ref object value, out bool canCache) {
if (value is Proxy) {
value = LoadComponent(DesignSource);
canCache = false;
else {
base.OnGettingValue(key, ref value, out canCache);
private object LoadComponent(Uri uri) {
if (uri == null) {
return null;
if (uri.OriginalString.Length >= 2 && uri.OriginalString[1] == ':') {
using (var f = new FileStream(uri.OriginalString, FileMode.Open)) {
return XamlReader.Load(f);
Uri relUri;
if (uri.OriginalString.StartsWith("pack:")) {
relUri = new Uri($";component{uri.AbsolutePath}", UriKind.Relative);
else {
relUri = uri;
return Application.LoadComponent(relUri);
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