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Last active February 20, 2024 05:09
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export function atomFamilyStrict<
Args extends unknown[],
AtomType extends {
onMount?: (set: (...args: Args) => void) => void | (() => void);
>(initializeAtom: (param: Key) => AtomType) {
const atoms = new Map<string, AtomType>();
const family = (key: Key) => {
const index = stringify(key);
const atom = atoms.get(index);
if (atom) {
return atom;
const newAtom = initializeAtom(key);
if ("onMount" in newAtom) {
overrideOnMount(newAtom, index);
atoms.set(index, newAtom);
return newAtom;
family.atoms = atoms;
return family;
function overrideOnMount(atom: AtomType, key: string) {
const originalOnMount = atom.onMount;
atom.onMount = (set: (...args: Args) => void) => {
atoms.set(key, atom);
const originalOnUnmount = originalOnMount?.(set);
return () => {
return originalOnUnmount?.();
const ids = new WeakMap<object, number>();
const salt = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);
let idCount = 0;
export function stringify(key: unknown): string {
return JSON.stringify(key, (_, val) => {
if (isPlainObject(val)) {
return Object.keys(val)
.reduce((result, key) => (result[key] = val[key], result), {} as Record<string, unknown>);
return isStringifiable(val)
? val
: `[${salt}:${(ids.get(val) ?? ids.set(val, ++idCount).get(val))}]`;
// Copied from:
// deno-lint-ignore ban-types
function isPlainObject(o: unknown): o is Object {
if (!hasObjectPrototype(o)) {
return false;
// If has modified constructor
const ctor = o.constructor;
if (typeof ctor === "undefined") {
return true;
// If has modified prototype
const proto = ctor.prototype;
if (!hasObjectPrototype(proto)) {
return false;
// If constructor does not have an Object-specific method
if (!, "isPrototypeOf")) {
return false;
// Most likely a plain Object
return true;
// deno-lint-ignore ban-types
function hasObjectPrototype(o: unknown): o is Object {
return === "[object Object]";
function isStringifiable(o: unknown): boolean {
const type = typeof o;
if (type === "object" || type === "function" || type === "symbol") {
return false;
return true;
import { atom, type Getter, type Setter } from 'jotai'
type SetAtom<Args extends unknown[], Result> = <A extends Args>(...args: A) => Result
type Read<Value, SetSelf = never> = (
get: Getter,
options: {
readonly signal: AbortSignal
readonly setSelf: SetSelf
) => Value
type Write<Args extends unknown[], Result> = (get: Getter, set: Setter, ...args: Args) => Result
export function atomWithInit<Value, Args extends unknown[], Result>(
get: Read<Value, SetAtom<Args, Result>>,
set: Write<Args, Result>,
onMount: Write<[], void>
) {
const initAtom = atom(null, (get, set) => {
onMount(get, set)
initAtom.onMount = (set) => set()
return atom((getter, options) => {
get(getter, options)
}, set)
import { atom, WritableAtom } from "jotai";
export function setterAtom<Value, Args extends unknown[], Result>(
writable: WritableAtom<Value, Args, Result>,
) {
let resolver: (resolve: (...args: Args) => Result) => void;
const promise = new Promise<(...args: Args) => Result>((resolve) => resolver = resolve);
const promiseAtom = atom(promise);
const writeAtom = atom(
(get) => get(promiseAtom),
(_get, set) => resolver((...args: Args) => set(writable, ...args)),
writeAtom.onMount = (set) => set();
return writeAtom;
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