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Created October 10, 2012 16:31
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Save jeisenma/3866725 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Processing.js Demo - just demonstrating that you can show processing.js sketches using bl.ocks and gist
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>BallsWithClass : Built with Processing and Processing.js</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="application/javascript">
* This code searches for all the <script type="application/processing" target="canvasid">
* in your page and loads each script in the target canvas with the proper id.
* It is useful to smooth the process of adding Processing code in your page and starting
* the Processing.js engine.
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
var canvasArray ="canvas"));
var canvas;
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
if (scripts[i].type == "application/processing") {
var src = scripts[i].getAttribute("target");
if (src && src.indexOf("#") > -1) {
canvas = document.getElementById(src.substr(src.indexOf("#") + 1));
if (canvas) {
new Processing(canvas, scripts[i].text);
for (var k = 0; k< canvasArray.length; k++)
if (canvasArray[k] === canvas) {
// remove the canvas from the array so we dont override it in the else
} else {
if (canvasArray.length >= j) {
new Processing(canvasArray[j], scripts[i].text);
}, false);
<script type="application/processing" target="processing-canvas">
// list to hold all the balls
ArrayList balls;
// a variable for remembering where the mouse was initially pressed
PVector mouseDown;
// set up the world
void setup()
balls = new ArrayList(); // make some space for the "balls" list
// update each ball's state and draw it every frame
void draw()
// draw the scene
background(150); // refresh the background
// if dragging, show slingshot line
{ line(mouseDown.x, mouseDown.y, mouseX, mouseY); }
// update and draw all the balls
for(int i=0; i<balls.size(); i++)
Ball b = (Ball)balls.get(i);
void mousePressed()
// memorize where the mouse was clicked
mouseDown = new PVector(mouseX, mouseY);
void mouseReleased()
// random radius for each ball
int radius = round(map(random(1),0,1,10,30));
// the location of the new ball
PVector position = new PVector(mouseX,mouseY);
// use the mouse pressed position that we memorized earlier to generate an initial velocity
PVector velocity = new PVector(mouseDown.x-mouseX, mouseDown.y-mouseY);
// scale the velocity down so it isn't too fast
// make a new ball
balls.add( new Ball( radius, position, velocity ) );
class Ball
// properties (variables)
float rad, d;
PVector pos, vel, g;
color col;
float springyness = 0.25;
// actions (functions)
Ball(int r, PVector p, PVector v) // the constructor -- responsible for creating new balls
rad = r; // radius of the ball
pos = p.get(); // initial position of the ball (make a copy of the parameter "p")
vel = v.get(); // initial velocity of the ball (make a copy of the parameter "v")
g = new PVector( 0, 0.9 ); // gravitational force on the ball (make all the balls the same) -- remember positive Y is down
d = 0.97; // damping: how much bounce? (make all the balls the same)
col = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
void collide(ArrayList allBalls) // bounce off the other balls (don't worry about the math here...)
for(int i=0; i<allBalls.size(); i++)
Ball other = (Ball)allBalls.get(i);
float distance = dist(pos.x, pos.y, other.pos.x, other.pos.y);
float mindist = rad + other.rad;
if(distance < mindist)
float angle = atan2(other.pos.y - pos.y, other.pos.x - pos.x);
PVector target = new PVector( pos.x + cos(angle)*mindist, pos.y + sin(angle)*mindist);
PVector acc = PVector.sub( target, other.pos );
float selfMass = sq(rad);
float otherMass = sq(other.rad);
PVector selfForce = PVector.mult(acc, otherMass/(selfMass+otherMass));
PVector otherForce = PVector.mult(acc, selfMass/(selfMass+otherMass));
void update(ArrayList allBalls) // updates the "physics" of the ball
// springy collisions with other balls
// update the velocity with the force
// update the position with the velocity
// deal with wall collisions
if(pos.y > height-rad) // floor collision
pos.y = height-rad;
vel.y = -vel.y;
if(pos.x < rad) // left wall collision
pos.x = rad;
vel.x = -vel.x;
if(pos.x > width-rad) // right wall collision
pos.x = width-rad;
vel.x = -vel.x;
void display() // draws the ball
ellipse( pos.x, pos.y, rad*2, rad*2); // draw the ball
<script type="text/javascript">
// convenience function to fetch ID of sketch html element
function getProcessingSketchID () { return 'BallsWithClass'; }
<canvas id="processing-canvas"> </canvas>
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