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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save jeka-kiselyov/9234510 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Back up folders and mysql databases on pbworks workspace
//// Usage: php backup_to_pbworks.php network workspace apikey
//// Archives uploads folder and mysql database and saves it in pbworks workspace
require "includes/cron_init.php"; //// You can change this to any init you want.
/// Basically we need only __db_database__, __db_host__ etc params from settings/db.php
/// But you can easily use your own values few lines below and remove this require
$backup_name = __db_database__."_backup";
$backups = array();
$backups[] = array('type'=>'mysql', 'host'=>__db_host__, 'user'=>__db_username__, 'password'=>__db_password__, 'database'=>__db_database__);
$backups[] = array('type'=>'folder', 'folder'=>realpath(dirname(__FILE__)."/../../")."/app/public/uploads");
$tmp_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__))."/tmp/"; //// should be writable
$network = false;
$workspace = false;
$apikey = false;
if (isset($argv[1])) $network = trim($argv[1]);
if (isset($argv[2])) $workspace = trim($argv[2]);
if (isset($argv[3])) $apikey = trim($argv[3]);
if (!$network || !$workspace || !$apikey)
die("ERROR: Please run script as 'php backup_to_pbworks.php network workspace apikey'\n");
$pbworks = new pbworks($network, $workspace, $apikey);
$free_space = $pbworks->get_free_space();
echo "Free space on pbworks workspace: ".$free_space." bytes\n\n";
if (!$free_space)
die("ERROR: Can't get free space on workspace. Be sure to run script as 'php backup_to_pbworks.php network workspace apikey'\n");
$time_string = date("Ymd-Hi"); /// time part of filenames
$filter = $backup_name; /// We'll use it to filter remote backups;
$archive_file_name = $filter."-".$time_string.".tgz";
$keep_rules = array(); //// Keep archives for this times
$keep_rules[] = array('from' => false, 'to'=>time()-24*60*60); // 1 day.
$keep_rules[] = array('from' => time()-24*60*60, 'to'=>time()-2*24*60*60); // 2 days
$keep_rules[] = array('from' => time()-2*24*60*60, 'to'=>time()-3*24*60*60); // 3 days
$keep_rules[] = array('from' => time()-3*24*60*60, 'to'=>time()-7*24*60*60); // 1 week
$keep_rules[] = array('from' => time()-7*24*60*60, 'to'=>time()-30*24*60*60); // 1 month
$keep_rules[] = array('from' => time()-30*24*60*60, 'to'=>time()-365*24*60*60); // 1 year
/// Remove old files from pbworks
echo "Removing remote backups...\n";
$i = 0;
$files = $pbworks->get_files($filter);
echo "There're ".count($files)." files on pbworks workspace\n";
foreach ($keep_rules as $rule)
$rule['most_recent_file'] = false;
$rule['oldest_file'] = false;
$count_files = 0;
foreach ($files as $key=>$file)
if ( ($rule['from'] !== false && $file['mtime'] >= $rule['to'] && $file['mtime'] <= $rule['from']) || ($rule['from'] === false && $file['mtime'] >= $rule['to']) )
if ($rule['most_recent_file'] === false)
$rule['most_recent_file'] = $key;
if ($file['mtime'] > $files[$rule['most_recent_file']]['mtime'])
$rule['most_recent_file'] = $key;
if ($rule['oldest_file'] === false)
$rule['oldest_file'] = $key;
if ($file['mtime'] < $files[$rule['oldest_file']]['mtime'])
$rule['oldest_file'] = $key;
if ($rule['most_recent_file'] !== false)
$files[$rule['most_recent_file']]['keep'] = true;
if ($rule['oldest_file'] !== false)
$files[$rule['oldest_file']]['keep'] = true;
echo "Keep rule #".$i++.": ".$count_files." files\n";
/// Send queries to pbworks to remove
foreach ($files as $file)
if (!isset($file['keep']) || !$file['keep'])
echo "Removing remote backup ".$file['name']."\n";
} else
echo "Keeping remote backup ".$file['name']."\n";
echo "Done.\n\n";
$ready_filenames = array();
foreach ($backups as $backup)
echo "Making backup #".$i."...\n";
if ($backup['type'] == 'mysql')
$filename = $i."_".$backup['database']."_".$time_string.".sql";
elseif ($backup['type'] == 'folder')
$filename = $i."_backup_".$time_string.".tar";
echo "Filename: ".$filename."\n";
if ($backup['type'] == 'mysql')
$cmd = "mysqldump --host=".$backup['host']." --password=".$backup['password']." --user=".$backup['user']." -C ".$backup['database']." >> ".$tmp_path.$filename;
$cmd = "tar -cvPf ".$tmp_path.$filename." ".$backup['folder'];
echo "Executing...\n";
$s = exec($cmd, $o);
if (is_file($tmp_path.$filename))
$ready_filenames[] = $tmp_path.$filename;
echo "File is ready.\n";
} else {
echo "ERROR: File is not ready. Please check configuration.\n";
//// Merging.
echo "Making merge archive...\n";
$merge_cmd = "tar -zPcvf ".$tmp_path.$archive_file_name." ".implode(" ", $ready_filenames);
echo "Executing...\n";
$s = exec($merge_cmd, $o);
if (is_file($tmp_path.$archive_file_name))
echo "Backup file created: ".$archive_file_name."\n";
echo "Uploading...\n";
///// Uploading
$success = $pbworks->submit_file($tmp_path.$archive_file_name);
if ($success)
echo "SUCCESS: Backup file is on pbworks now\n";
} else {
echo "ERROR: Can not upload file to pbworks\n";
} else {
echo "ERROR: No backup. Something is wrong\n";
///// Clean up
echo "Cleaning up...\n";
foreach ($ready_filenames as $filename)
echo "Done.\n";
class pbworks {
private $regular_query_timeout = 30;
private $upload_query_timeout = 300;
public $network;
public $workspace;
private $user_key;
public function pbworks($network, $workspace, $user_key)
$this->network = $network;
$this->workspace = $workspace;
$this->user_key = $user_key;
public function get_host()
return $this->network."-".$this->workspace."";
public function get_free_space()
$stats = $this->query("op/GetStorageInfo");
if (isset($stats->available))
return $stats->available;
return 0;
public function remove_file($filename)
$data = $this->query("op/DeleteFile/file/".$filename);
if (isset($data->success) && $data->success)
return true;
return false;
public function get_files($filter = false)
if ($filter)
$data = $this->query("op/GetFiles/filter/".$filter);
$data = $this->query("op/GetFiles");
$files = array();
if (!isset($data->files) || !$data->files)
return array();
foreach ($data->files as $f)
$files[] = array('name'=>$f->name, "mtime"=>$f->mtime);
return $files;
public function submit_file($filename)
$fname = explode("/", $filename);
if ($fname)
$fname = $fname[count($fname)-1];
$fname = $filename;
$boundary = md5(rand(0, time())).md5(time());
$precontent = "--".$boundary."\r\n";
$precontent.= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"var_file\"; filename=\"".urlencode($fname)."\"\r\n";
$precontent.= "Content-Type: application/x-gzip\r\n\r\n";
$content_length = strlen($precontent)+strlen($postcontent)+filesize($filename);
$fp = fsockopen("ssl://".$this->get_host(), 443, $errno, $errstr, $this->upload_query_timeout);
if (!$fp)
return false;
$out = "POST /api_v2/op/PutFile/user_key/".$this->user_key."/filename/".urlencode($fname)."/raw/false HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$out .= "Host: ".$this->get_host()."\r\n";
$out .= "Content-Type: multipart/form-data, boundary=".$boundary."\r\n";
$out .= "Content-Length: ".$content_length."\r\n\r\n";
fwrite($fp, $out);
fwrite($fp, $precontent);
$toout = fopen($filename, "rb");
while (!feof($toout))
fwrite($fp, fread($toout, 100*1024));
fwrite($fp, $postcontent);
$headers = "";
$results = "";
$current = 'headers';
while (!feof($fp)) {
if ($current == 'results')
$results.= fgets($fp, 128);
$headers.= fgets($fp, 128);
if ($current == 'headers' && strpos($headers, "\r\n\r\n") !== false)
$headers = explode("\r\n\r\n", $headers);
$results = $headers[1];
$headers = $headers[0];
$current = 'results';
$results = substr($results, strpos($results, "/*-secure-")+11); /// remove secure wrapper from json
$results = substr($results, 0, strrpos($results, "*/"));
$results = @json_decode($results);
if (!isset($results->success) || !$results->success)
return false;
return true;
public function query($params)
$fp = fsockopen("ssl://".$this->get_host(), 443, $errno, $errstr, $this->regular_query_timeout);
if (!$fp)
throw new Exception("Can not connect to ".$this->get_host()." via ssl", 1);
$out = "GET /api_v2/".$params."/user_key/".$this->user_key." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$out .= "Host: ".$this->get_host()."\r\n";
$out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
fwrite($fp, $out);
$headers = "";
$results = "";
$current = 'headers';
while (!feof($fp))
if ($current == 'results')
$results.= fgets($fp, 128);
$headers.= fgets($fp, 128);
if ($current == 'headers' && strpos($headers, "\r\n\r\n") !== false)
$headers = explode("\r\n\r\n", $headers);
$results = $headers[1];
$headers = $headers[0];
$current = 'results';
$results = substr($results, strpos($results, "/*-secure-")+11); /// remove s$
$results = substr($results, 0, strrpos($results, "*/"));
$results = @json_decode($results);
if (!$results)
return false;
return $results;
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