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Created January 6, 2017 05:04
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Crm.ArtistSearchVariableMixin = Em.Mixin.create
perPage: null
sortPage: null
# selected questions
selectedQuestions: {}
selectedQuestionIds: []
selectedQuestionAnswers: []
selectedEthnicities: (->
ethnicities = @get('qethnicity')
collection = Crm.Collections.Statistics.Ethnicity.content
selected = []
if ethnicities
ethnicities.forEach (ethnicity) =>
ethnicity = collection.findBy('value', ethnicity)
selected.addObject ethnicity
# Mixins for the search variables
queryParams: [
'per_page', 'page', 'sort',
'qfirst_name', 'qlast_name', 'qguardian_first_name',
'qguardian_last_name', 'qguardian_email', 'qguardian_phone',
'qcountry', 'qstate', 'qgender', 'qstatus', 'qpriority',
'qenrollment_from', 'qenrollment_to', 'qpostcode'
'qrating', 'qcampaign', 'qage_from', 'qage_to',
'qevent_date', 'qevent_type', 'qevent_status',
'qethnicity', 'qheight', 'qweight', 'qchest', 'qwaist_size', 'qhair_color'
'qcomplexion', 'qeye_color', 'qhair_length', 'qdress_size',
'qbra_size', 'qbust_size', 'qhip_size', 'qsuit_size', 'qinside_leg_size',
'qoutside_leg_size', 'qshoe_size', 'qkids_clothing_size',
'qquestion_ids', 'qquestion_answers'
# Page instance writer
per_page: null
page: null
sort: null
# Instance writer for each properties on search variables
# Basic Search
qfirst_name: null
qlast_name: null
qguardian_first_name: null
qguardian_last_name: null
qguardian_email: null
qguardian_phone: null
qcountry: null
qstate: null
qpostcode: null
qgender: null
qstatus: null
qpriority: null
qenrollment_from: null
qenrollment_to: null
# Advanced Search
qrating: null
qcampaign: null
qage_from: null
qage_to: null
# Advanced Schedule Search
qevent_date: null
qevent_type: null
qevent_status: null
# Advanced Statistics Search
qethnicity: []
qheight: null
qweight: null
qchest: null
qwaist_size: null
qcomplexion: null
qeye_color: null
qhair_color: null
qhair_length: null
qdress_size: null
qbra_size: null
qbust_size: null
qhip_size: null
qsuit_size: null
qinside_leg_size: null
qoutside_leg_size: null
qshoe_size: null
qkids_clothing_size: null
# Advanced Question Search
qquestion_ids: []
qquestion_answers: []
# Search Form Field
# Basic Search Field
qfirstNameField: null
qlastNameField: null
qcountryField: null
qstateField: null
qpostcodeField: null
qgenderField: null
qstatusField: null
qpriorityField: null
qenrollmentFromField: null
qenrollmentToField: null
# Advanced Search Field
qratingField: null
qcampaignField: null
qageFromField: null
qageToField: null
# Advanced Schedule Field
qeventDateField: null
qeventTypeField: null
qeventStatusField: null
# Advanced Statistics Field
qheightField: null
qweightField: null
qchestField: null
qwaistSizeField: null
qcomplexionField: null
qeyeColorField: null
qhairColorField: null
qhairLengthField: null
qdressSizeField: null
qbraSizeField: null
qbustSizeField: null
qhipSizeField: null
qsuitSizeField: null
qinsideLegSizeField: null
qoutsideLegSizeField: null
qshoeSizeField: null
qkidsClothingSize: null
Crm.ArtistSearchMixin = Em.Mixin.create
ageRange: (->
ranges = [
{ label: "1 month", value: "1.month" }
{ label: "2 months", value: "2.month" }
{ label: "3 months", value: "3.month" }
{ label: "4 months", value: "4.month" }
{ label: "5 months", value: "5.month" }
{ label: "6 months", value: "6.month" }
{ label: "7 months", value: "7.month" }
{ label: "8 months", value: "8.month" }
{ label: "9 months", value: "9.month" }
{ label: "10 months", value: "10.month" }
{ label: "11 months", value: "11.month" }
year = 1
while year < 100
yearName = if (year > 1) then "years" else "year"
label = "%@ %@".fmt(year, yearName)
ranges.push label: label, value: "%@.year" .fmt(year)
).property() #I purposely did not bind this to any property
Crm.ArtistsSearchBulkActions = Em.Mixin.create
selectedArtists: []
artistStatusBulkChanged: (->
status = @get 'artistStatusBulk'
artists = @get 'selectedArtists'
if status
artists.forEach (artist) ->
artist.set('status', status) ((response) ->
Crm.Humane.success "#{artist.get('fullName')} status has been changed to #{artist.get('status')}"
), (response) ->
Crm.Humane.error "Error: Failed to update status of #{artist.get('fullName')}"
toggleArtist: (artist) ->
artists = @get('selectedArtists')
if artists.indexOf(artist) == -1
openDeleteModal: ->
@set 'deleteModalIsOpen', true
closeDeleteModal: ->
@set 'deleteModalIsOpen', false
deleteArtists: ->
artists = @get 'selectedArtists'
content = @get 'content'
artists.forEach (artist) ->
artist.destroyRecord().then ((response) ->
Crm.Humane.success "#{artist.get('fullName')} has been successfully deleted."
artists.removeObject artist
content.removeObject artist
), (response) ->
Crm.Humane.error "Error: Failed to delete artist #{artist.get('fullName')}"
@send 'closeDeleteModal'
@send 'clearArtists'
clearArtists: ->
@set 'selectedArtists', []
@set 'artistStatusBulk', ''
Crm.ArtistsSearchController = Em.ArrayController.extend Crm.ArtistPaginateMixin,
Crm.ArtistSearchMixin, Crm.ArtistSearchVariableMixin, Crm.ArtistsSearchBulkActions,
ratings: []
campaigns: []
questions: []
isSpinning: true
isSearching: false
deleteModalIsOpen: false
advancedFilterClass: 'artistAdvancedFilter hide'
isAdvancedFilterOpen: false
isAdvanceOptionApplied: false
isCallback: ( ->
status = @get('qstatusField')
status is 'Callback'
perPageChanged: (->
perPage = @get('perPage')
@set 'per_page', perPage
sortPageChanged: (->
@set 'sort', @get('sortPage')
resetFilter: ->
query = {}
@get('queryParams').forEach (param) =>
query[param] = null
@set 'isAdvanceOptionApplied', false
@setProperties query
#advance filter
openAdvanceOption: ->
@set 'advancedFilterClass', 'artistAdvancedFilter'
@set 'isAdvancedFilterOpen', true
hideAdvanceOption: ->
@set 'advancedFilterClass', 'artistAdvancedFilter hide'
@set 'isAdvancedFilterOpen', false
#end of advance filter
applyAdvanceOption: ->
@set 'isAdvanceOptionApplied', true
@send 'hideAdvanceOption'
@send 'searchArtists'
searchArtists: ->
query = {}
@get('queryParams').forEach (param) =>
query[param] = @get("#{param.camelize()}Field") || null
ethnicities = @get('selectedEthnicities').mapBy('value')
query['qethnicity'] = ethnicities || null
questionIds = @get('selectedQuestionIds')
query['qquestion_ids'] = questionIds || null
questionAnswers = @get('selectedQuestionAnswers')
query['qquestion_answers'] = questionAnswers || null
@setProperties query
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