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Last active August 28, 2019 21:29
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Fixing your User table

If you had previously generated your User model with the rails generate draft:devise command here are some steps you should take to resolve

Step 1

navigate to /git and make a commit.

Step 2

In the db/migrate/ folder, look for the file with "create_devise_users" in the name and open it.


Replace the change method with the following:

def change
  create_table :users do |t|
  t.string :username
  t.string :password_digest
  # ...
  # add any addiional columns for your table here
  # the syntax is t.column_type :column_name

You can add any other columns you had in your table with between the create_table and the first end keyword.

Step 3

Next, replace the entire content of your user.rb model file with this

class User < ApplicationRecord



Step 4

Now open a new terminal and type

rails db:drop

then hit the enter key to remove all the tables in your database.

Step 5

In the menu dropdown select

rails db:migrate

to recreate your tables, including the update User table.


Step 6+

We can follow the same steps we took in photogram-signin from here or copy from the photogram-bootstrap assignment.

  • Add the has_secure_password line to the User model. has-secure-password

  • Create the users_controller.rb and add actions to add the id of the User to the session hash when they log in.

  • Modify the application_controller.rb to force a user to sign in to use your app with a before_action.

  • If you force a User to sign_in with a before_action make sure you exclude the actions you wrote to display the sign in form, the sign up form, the add User id to session action, and the action where you create a User.

    • something like: skip_before_action :authenticate_user!, :only => [:session_form, :add_cookie, :registration_form, :create]
  • Create a current_user helper method in the application_controller.rb.

Last step

Make a git commit so you never lose any of these changes.

If you need a reminder on any step there is the photogram-signin walkthrough video as a reference and we can also be available to walk you through the changes.

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Yeah this looks great

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