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Last active May 6, 2022 18:03
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AD1 Day 6

Refactoring MSM Queries

  • create the assignment
    • the starting point here is the ending point for msm-queries
    • take a few minutes to explore the solution
      • ask questions if anything is unclear or you struggled with a particular part of the assignment
      • maybe you did something different than what I did in the solutions, and I love to hear your approach to.
  • Adding data
    • now that our projects have databases, you may have noticed that is really hard to test our app when we don’t have any data
    • we could add data:
      • through /rails/db demo
      • through rails console demo
      • but both of those are kind of time consuming
    • Raghu, Pat, and I made a small ruby program you can run to reset your database with sample data
      • This is good practice for any development team to do, write a file that adds sample data to the development db
      • rails sample_data
      • visit actors#show
  • Actor details
    • go over RCAV steps
    • show action
      • fetch from params
      • Actor.where, (Look in actors table,
      • { :id => the_id }, (Look in the id column
      • for a value of the_id
      • this filters down the list of each row/record in the Actors table
      • where returns a list ALWAYS
      • we (as devs) know that id values are unique, and there is at most one result (there could be zero)
        • so we can use .at(0) to retrieve the first record from the filtered list
      • render the template
    • View
      • using ERB tags to display the different attributes of the actor where it makes sense
        • for the img, we can inject an attribute of the record into an HTML attribute
          • attributes aren’t always the content of HTML elements, sometimes they are HTML attributes
    • During this arc of the course, the most common issue students face is thinking that .where will return one record— it doesn’t
      • that’s why I try to keep one method call per line and name my variables descriptively, so I don’t get confused on what values are stored in the variables and what the method returns.
    • Actor Filmography
      • probably the hardest part of this project
      • if you struggled thinking through this part, remember that navigating through a db is the same as what we did in week 1 and 2, when we had paper tables
      • always come up with a plan of attack before you write code,
        • it’s a lot harder to try and just visualize in your mind, what your code needs to do
        • use /rails/db, use comments in models
      • Character, is the join table where each row connects one movie to one actor
        • if we start from an actor, we can filter the Character table for just the records that have the id of the actor, stored in their actor_id column.
        • Then from that list of characters, we can loop over them,
          • take the value from its movie_id column
          • go to movies table, look in the id column for a match
          • take the first match and display the movie
        • demo in /rails/db
    • Refactoring
      • important term in software development
        • you don’t add or remove features
        • you re-write existing code to make it more maintainable
          • sometimes that’s performance
          • making code more readable
            • like in refactoring fortune teller
      • devs are hesitant to refactor code, b/c they don’t want to accidentally break something or introduce bugs.
        • how do we prevent ourselves from breaking our existing functionality?
        • solution: automated tests
      • rails grade is just running a set of tests that we wrote
        • running a command bundle exec rspec
      • each of these tests scrape your own application and check for particular content or html elements
      • so in the future if you or your team of devs is interested in building long term support for your app, there should be a set of tests created for each feature that exists in your app.
        • so new features don’t end up breaking any existing functionality
        • I want to emphasize this b/c
          • I never learned about this when I first started coding
          • I ran into this exact issue where new features kept breaking old features
        • tests often take longer to write then the actual new feature,
          • not always important if it’s a throwaway proof of concept
          • but a big red flag if you are working on / managing a team of devs for a long term project and they AREN’T writing tests
      • So onto this assignment!
        • How will we refactor this code?
        • Reminder about instance methods
          • did them in ruby chapters
          • I showed you in the API demo the Geocoder.street_to_coords instance method
            • this made it easy for anyone else to use
            • they didn’t need to know how it works
        • this is how we’ll refactor this app— with instance methods
      • actors#show
        • let’s say I actually want to display the movie title with the year it was released.
          • i want to do that basically everywhere in the app
          • it’d be a real pain to copy paste this code everywhere… it’d be nice if I had a method that did this work, called title_with_year
          • If I try to call this now I get an error
        • so I can go define it
          • hardcode to return example movie,year
          • error goes away, but now we need to actually made it work— how?
          • can I just do:
          • m.title + "(" + m.year.to_s + ")"
          • in rails c, if I run this method with
          • m = Movie.all.sample
          • m.title_with_year
          • do you think this will work?
            • if not, what do you think the error message will say?
            • so what is m in the method?
            • I could name my variable that stores a movie anything, not just m.
          • does anyone remember how to resolve this?
            • self, is a placeholder for the object that the method was called on
            • any questions?
      • Now to actually refactor
        • I want to improve these queries that we wrote.
          • from a movie, we want to display the name of the director
      • Movie#my_director
        • now i can replace this in all the view templates that I have a movie and want to display the director
        • imagine if we had these methods at the beginning and didn’t even need to struggle writing queries in the controller and view templates
          • speeds us up so much
          • it’s the first thing I do, when I’m starting a new project
            • make tables, models
            • add association methods
            • then I can build the views
      • Director#filmography
        • other side of the one to many between movie and director
      • Stretch goal -> Movie#cast
        • side of a many to many

AD1 Day 6

  • Open Assignment
  • Actor details page
  • What is Refactoring
    • automated tests
  • How will we refactor this app?
    • Movie#title_with_year
    • self?
  • Movie#my_director
  • Director#filmography (other side of 1-N)
  • Lab to catch up with me, and do others
  • Stretch goal
    • Movie#cast -> a many-to-many
    • define characters first
    • use exisitng methods, to build up bigger and more complicated methods
    • if the long way made sense to you— keep doing it that way
    • this is a powerful technique we'll see more of moving forwards
  • Homework:
    • Adding GUI's to our db, forms
    • Next week, we'll do sign in/sign out

1:30 - 4:30 3pm break

add js to poll to see if fork created successfully

  • just makes get to repo url, if status is 404 then fork is not ready
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