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Created March 15, 2011 15:01
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An HA Proxy configuration for putting various APIs behind a single whitelistable IP address.
description prod
maxconn 7777 # About 54k per connection; 400MB free on this machine.
stats socket /var/run/haproxy.stat mode 600 level admin
user haproxy
group haproxy
mode http
maxconn 7700 # Should be slightly smaller than global.maxconn.
timeout client 60s # Client and server timeout must match the longest
timeout server 60s # time we may wait for a response from the server.
timeout queue 10s # Don't queue requests too long if saturated.
timeout connect 4s # There's no reason to change this one.
timeout http-request 5s # A complete request may never take that long.
option httpclose
option abortonclose
option httplog
option dontlognull
option dontlog-normal
log global
log /dev/log local0
balance leastconn
frontend http-in *:80
# Remove :80 or similar from Host: header
reqirep Host:\ (.*)(:\d+) Host:\ \1
# Support a few Twitter ecosystem apps explicitly.
acl twitpic hdr_beg(Host)
reqirep Host:.* Host:\ if twitpic
acl yfrog hdr_beg(Host)
reqirep Host:.* Host:\ if yfrog
acl plixi hdr_beg(Host) if plixi
reqirep Host:.* Host:\ if plixi
# Requests made (via DNS wildcard) for
# are rewritten as
reqirep Host:\ (.*)\.proxy- Host:\ \
use_backend stats if { path_beg /meta }
use_backend twitpic if twitpic
use_backend yfrog if yfrog
use_backend plixi if plixi
default_backend s3
monitor-uri /meta/check
# These could potentially fail if haproxy resolves the server name to an IP
# which subsequently changes. If that happens, a restart of haproxy should fix
# it. For this reason, a cron job reloads this config daily.
# Caveat/TODO: if any of these backends use DNS RR load balancing, we will send
# all traffic to whatever host we randomly choose at startup time. This
# configuration file should instead be templated, and these backends should all
# be IPs.
backend s3
server s3 check
backend twitpic
option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0
server twitpic check
backend yfrog
server yfrog check
backend plixi
server plixi check
option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0
backend stats
stats refresh 10s
stats uri /meta/stats
stats auth admin:admin
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