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Created September 22, 2020 17:53
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(define-parenscript matching-visible-text-url (rel-target link-strings)
(defun find-rel-url (tag-name)
(loop for e in (ps:chain document (get-elements-by-tag-name tag-name))
when (and
(ps:chain e (has-attribute "rel"))
(equal (ps:lisp rel-target) (ps:@ e rel)))
return (ps:@ e href)))
(defun element-drawable-p (element)
(if (or (ps:chain element offset-width)
(ps:chain element offset-height)
(ps:chain element (get-client-rects) length))
t nil))
(defun element-visible-p (element)
(let ((computed-style (ps:chain window (get-computed-style element nil))))
(if (or (equal (ps:chain computed-style (get-property-value "visibility"))
(not (equal (ps:chain computed-style (get-property-value "display"))
t nil)))
(defun element-text-matches-p (element)
(let ((link-text (ps:chain element inner-text (to-lower-case)))
(link-value (and (ps:chain element value)
(ps:chain element value includes))))
(loop for s in (ps:lisp link-strings)
when (or (not (= (ps:chain link-text (index-of s)) -1))
(and link-value
(ps:chain link-value (includes s))))
return t)))
(or (find-rel-url "link")
(find-rel-url "a")
(find-rel-url "area")
(loop for e in (ps:chain document (get-elements-by-tag-name "a"))
when (and (element-drawable-p e)
(element-visible-p e)
(element-text-matches-p e))
return (ps:@ e href))))
(define-command go-next ()
(with-result (x (matching-visible-text-url "next" ''("next" "more" "newer" ">" "›" "→" "»" "≫" ">>")))
(when (and x (not (equal "undefined" x)))
(buffer-load x :buffer (current-buffer)))))
(define-command go-prev ()
(with-result (x (matching-visible-text-url "prev" ''("prev" "previous" "back" "older" "<" "‹" "←" "«" "≪" "<<")))
(when (and x (not (equal "undefined" x)))
(buffer-load x :buffer (current-buffer)))))
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